Ace stepped back forcefully, and pushed Makayla off him. "Second time in five minutes I've had to warn you to keep your hands to yourself! What's your problem? You're getting married in a month for fuck sake!" he bellowed furiously.

She blinked repeatedly, shocked that he was raising his voice at her. She had known Ace for a very long time- he hardly ever raised his voice.

"No Ace, what is your problem? You didn't have a problem with kissing me before. We were lovers!"

"Eight years ago. I moved on. You were supposed to move on. Why are you doing this?" He sighed in exasperation.

"Because you've never had a problem with me kissing you every time we unite. You yourself said your relationship with Reign wasn't that serious. Please don't tell me you're acting this way because of her!" Her nose flared as she eyed him from head to toe in disbelief.