"Okay, you need to relax and tell me exactly what happened," Landon said as his eyes followed Ace who was pacing back and forth.

"I stumbled on a headline, man. A picture of her and Xylon Bass standing side by side. Her face didn't show, but even Grant confirmed it's her."

"Grant? What does—"

"Focus on what I just told you, and discard Grant. Do you not understand that Fay was standing besides Xylon Bass? It's Xylon freaking Bass?!"

"And you're Ace Atticus. I don't see why you're worried. Maybe it was a chance encounter. There could be various factors involved."

He paused, and narrowed his gaze at him. "Are you not the least bit curious why she was with him?"

"I am, but acting out wouldn't answer anyone's question. You have to be calm enough to talk to her, because that's exactly what you're going to do."