Fay managed to wiggle her butt into a real chair before Landon and Makayla entered the room.

She listened in silence as they chatted about their trips together in France, as she ate her food.

It was really hard to multitask between eating such delicious food, and listening to their tales.

However, when she came to terms with the fact she couldn't relate to anything they were talking about, she decided to focus on the delicious food.

It was the same fate for Cam. He felt out of place sitting on the same table with his boss, and his friends. He could barely even eat the food presented to him, for fear of upsetting anyone.

Deep into the conversation, Ace noticed him picking his food.

"You don't like the food?" He waited for the conversation to slow down, then he asked.

Cam didn't instantly know he was the one being referred to, until Ace sent a pickle flying his way.

He lifted his head, startled for a few seconds.