The cars rode into the Luxe mansion one after the other, and stopped in their respective parking spots.

Fay shook her daughter gently, and the little girl opened her eyes to see they had arrived.

"Are we home now, mummy?" She asked, wiping off the sleep in her eyes with the back of her little hand.

"Yes we are, my love. Do you need a second before we go in?" She asked, stroking her hair that bore a striking resemblance to hers.

"No! I want to see grandpa!" She replied toothily.

She laughed. "I already told you he's my grandpa, and your great grandfather, but alright." She pinched her cute nose.

The backdoor was opened for them, and Dream was carefully lowered to the ground by one of the bodyguards.

Fay was next to step out of the car. As she did, an umbrella covered her again.

She looked around, and discovered that the entire staff were out to welcome her.