Fay ran into the restroom, and sighed in relief when she discovered she was the only one there.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, and was mortified by what she saw..

Her lipstick was slightly smudged down to the corner of her lips.

"You should have never let him kiss you! You should have fought him off some more!" She chided herself, as she frantically went in search of some wipes..

She found a box of tissue instead, and dragged it along with her.

Fay spent the next ten minutes trying to fix the mess Ace had caused.

"I hate him so much!" She almost screamed, right after putting her hair in place.

She stepped back to stare at her reflection. Everything was back in place. Her lipstick though greatly reduced, laid perfect across her lips. Her hair was flawless too.

She was the heiress of Luxe once more. "And don't you ever forget that." She pointed at the woman staring back at her in the mirror.