Ace pushed him to the ground, and jumped on top of him.

He continued to punch him, shoving off everyone who tried to hold him back.

Landon dropped to the ground, and tried to hold him off.

"Let go, Lan!" He screamed angrily, and tried to push him off.

"And me? Should I also let go?"

He lifted his head, and saw Fay had also dropped to her knees in front of him.

"This is what you do with your spare time? Punch your relatives? What a loser!" She hissed, and rose to her feet.

She had made it to the door, when he hopped off Collins body, and dashed for her.

"Do you even know what he did?!" He grabbed her hand roughly, and turned her to face him.

She gave him a once-over, her gaze stopping at the spot which his arms encircled.

"What is this? Pouring out your anger on me too? Be very careful, Ace," she warned.

He sighed wearily, and let her go. As he turned, he saw his family had helped Colin up his feet.