
Alpha was torn between happiness and anxiety. Happy because the burden seemed to have lifted, but anxious about the potential impact of the ring on Adam's mental health. Alpha had suspicions about the ring's previous owner, who seemed to have a split personality while wearing it. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Alpha once asked what the owner did when he was bad, but he couldn't remember. Alpha didn't want to jump to conclusions about the ring being the cause. The main concern was that Adam might turn evil and misuse the ring's power. Therefore, Alpha planned to keep a close watch on him, as it was his responsibility.

"Adam, are you going to wear the ring right away?" Alpha asked.

"I don't need this ring right now. So I'll make it a pendant." Adam said

"It's safer not to do that. It's very risky, and besides, the pendant is more likely to get lost. You should consider trying on the ring first."

"But it looks too big. My finger is smaller than the hole in this ring."

Adam put his finger into the ring, and suddenly the ring shrank so that it fit Adam's finger.

"Wow, this is cool. The ring automatically shrinks."

Adam experienced a surge of energy as soon as he put on the ring. He noticed that his body felt lighter than it had before. Excitedly, he attempted to jump, but unexpectedly, his head collided with the cave's roof.

"Ouch, that hurts." Adam moaned in pain.

"What are you doing? Are you nuts or something?"

"After wearing the ring, my body felt lighter, so I tried jumping, and you can see the result."

"Ah, of course, that's one of the special features of the ring. Additionally, it has the ability to absorb natural energy from its surroundings and pass it on to the wearer."

"Why aren't you telling me before? My head is already hurting so much." Adam said it angrily.

They left the cave and then flew to the hut. While on the way, Adam sensed a voice in his head. Initially, Adam didn't pay much attention, but the voice grew stronger. It felt like an urge to do bad things. Adam tried to push it away. When they reached the beach, they landed. Adam was curious about how high he had jumped.


Adam leaped with all his might. He soared two meters, then five, then ten, continuing until fifteen meters before gradually slowing down. At eighteen meters, he came to a halt. Upon his descent, Adam was terrified by his astonishing velocity. Thankfully, he was near the shore, hoping to land in the sea to avoid injury. However, just as his feet were about to touch the water, he abruptly stopped and floated like a gentle breeze.

"Wow, I can float just like Grandpa Tornado. It's amazing."


Adam's joy quickly turned to despair as he unexpectedly tumbled into the ocean.

"Alpha, why does it only float for a moment?"

"The ring's energy is running out. Take a look at the golden engraving. It becomes black, which means the energy is running out. When it is full, then the engraving color will be golden."

"So how do you recharge the energy?" Adam asked.

"Just leave it for a few moments, and you'll see the carvings start to change," Alpha replied casually.

Adam made his way to the shore by swimming. On the beach, Blacky and Molly, who were enjoying their playtime, noticed Adam swimming and hurriedly went to rescue him.

"Master, what are you doing over there? Aren't you supposed to be getting the wind control ring with them?" When Adam reached the beach, Blacky inquired about his arrival. However, Adam remained silent and instead displayed his ring with a proud smile on his face.

"Wow, that's a cool ring."

Molly smiled as she spoke. Blacky and Molly came closer and carefully inspected the ring. They appreciated the intricate carvings. At the same time, Freddy was spotted approaching them.

"Oh, look! It seems like all of you have gathered here. It's time to head back home now. The food is prepared and waiting for us. However, I apologize to Alpha, as there might not be enough for everyone." Freddy said it honestly.

"You don't have to worry. I can get food on my own later if I'm still hungry. Plus, I'm similar to a reptile. Usually, one meal can keep me full for days." Alpha said.

"It's amazing how fortunate you are! I have the privilege of eating at least once every day, but even then, I often experience intense hunger." Blacky replied.

"Okay, then let's eat."

As the sun began to set, the world around them grew quiet. It was a night with a full moon shining brightly. The gentle light contributed to the calm atmosphere. Only Adam and Blacky remained awake, while everyone else slept peacefully. Blacky took on the responsibility of guarding the hut, making sure everything was secure. Meanwhile, Adam ventured towards the beach, eager to uncover the true potential of the wind control ring. In order to avoid waking up his friends, he intentionally opted for a place at a distance from the hut.

Adam concentrated, sensing the energy surrounding him. He felt the energy coursing through his body. A faint voice guided his hand to move in sync with the energy. Adam followed the instructions from the whisper. As the energy continued to flow, it grew stronger. The wind followed the energy's path. Adam started to manipulate the energy flow to his liking. The air also obeyed Adam's commands. With a swirling motion, his handset was in motion. In no time, the wind accelerated, shaping a tiny tornado. The whisper instructed Adam to combine the fire and water elements with the wind energy. Soon, the tornado grew larger and more menacing. The ice element chilled the wind vortex. As fire clashed with ice, lightning emerged. A huge storm began to form on the shore. the engraving on the ring started to glow. The ring absorbs the natural energy around it more quickly.