38. Sleeping Child.

I had enjoyed my week at the PR gig and not push my luck more. No need to get Damon coming at me while working. So I then spent a week in cat form and went to say hello to three pregnant cats, who were still a bit fucked up. But they couldn't help it, as they were firmly inseminated. I complimented them and assured them they would make good mothers.

I had a good stash where I hunted my prey: rabbits, deer, and birds. It was the cool dark cave and my stash would stay there just fine. I was just dragging quite a big deer buck in my stash as I saw Damon and Mariella walking out of the house, fine; I teleported my carcass into my cave and thought that soon I could little maybe have a feast here. 

Mariella had gotten little premonition about the certain young lady and she loved to reveal her little shenanigans to Damon, so she innocently asked Damon to go out to walk a bit, maybe see girls, and once they got out, Mimi saw them and teleported away, but he could sense it and he was curious. Mariella was happy, just as it should be. It was time for Mimi to be a little better under control, as she had no respect for Damon yet. 

I was in my cave when the silky soft voice of Salvatore said from the mouth of the cave."Baby, that is not wagyu, is it not best for you, so don't even plan to gobble yourself into stunners with that deer? Adam and Charles will be here shortly to empty this cave and get all of this meat into the freezer and fridge for the pack. It is good that you have hunted so well that my offspring has plenty of meat once they grow up." 

Fine, I changed my form and teleported back to the house. I had fun there too. It was time again to get to do some crafts.

I'd got a lovely craft room, which was now linked, so the same room was in many houses, and I was admiring the fabrics and yarns I'd ordered online. This was my paradise, my sanctuary. But I didn't get to do everything here. Even before Damien was taken off, I had made a craft room in an Italian castle and got huge looms there intending to weave my rugs, but that was Mr. Cornick's favorite thing to do, and I didn't bother to tune up the warp and weft so that he could go and make a rug.

Another thing I wanted to try was spinning yarn, and it was the same thing. Cornick could do that, too, and enjoyed doing it. Charles could be really annoying at times, too, but I had now moved the looms and the spinning wheel here, and I thought now was my chance to do both jobs.

I got a lot of lovely carpet spools and wool of different colors and then some undyed wool. I had a pretty good pile of Mimosa's bottom wool that I thought I would put in then.

It would be perfect to knit my own spun yarn and of course, it would be a skill to be learned but I had time and will to learn also I thought I had my peace but it is not in this pack nowadays when the mating couple is not in on bedroom mating.

First, we'll get the looms in place and do the whole freaking warp installation again, and then we'll get on with the fun. Next, we put the wool in the processor so it's ready for spinning. I went to eat something and was already enjoying myself in advance when Damon and Mariella came into the kitchen.

I had planned a few different kinds of rugs in my castles as they tend to have cold stone floors in some rooms, so a big hefty soft rug would be just right in those areas. I had even a notebook where I had listed all the sizes that I needed and what went where. I had my order, so to speak, what I was eager to do. Oh, this would be so great as wolves demanded men, so Charles would not come now to harass me.

I was just finishing my meal when Damon came in and wrapped his arms around me. I was standing, ready to take my dishes out, so I kind of froze in my place. 

He said, " There's room for more food in here, you know that, but you can go as long as you eat what I'm about to give you. Now, baby, I can tell you it won't be long before you'll be as full in your ribs as Mimosa and Shadow. When you're firmly pregnant, our puppies will be full to the brim. You will feel them moving in here and we get to have a family. Oh, baby, it's gonna be great."

I was silent and went to sit in my seat to wait for more food. I was not commenting on anything at all. Just kept my mouth shut and focused on eating.

I ate everything I could get in front of me, and Damon and Mariella were done by then. I walked happily to my craft room, thinking I'd first make some carpet, then spin, and then carpet again. I was already thinking about what wool I would always use to make yarn. I arrived at my craft room and checked that the wool was ready for spinning. I had books to study how to do the spinning. I had some wool from my llamas and alpacas that I had in Australian Ranch, my ranch. 

Mariella said to Damon as Mimi had eaten and went somewhere, "Darling, how about we do a little spying and see what Mimi is up to? "

Damon grunted. He was in the mood to make Mimi's life a little more interesting. It was good to talk about Mimi's breeding and see how she barely controlled herself. So they went to see where Mimi had gone.

"Damon, what room is this? Is this the craft room now? What are all these machines doing here? Did you get these?"

Mariella asked as they arrived after Mimi in her paradise. The room was enormous. There were different cabinets than in some warehouses, and Mariella knew every cabinet was probably full. Mariella walked into the room. Damon stood near the door and just watched. 

There were large machines on one wall, and Mariella didn't know what they were. There were just computers and things connected to them. Then there were huge looms, and Mimi happily hovered around them. Mariella sensed Damon was losing his nerve and was confused.

She walked back to Damon, wrapped her arms around Damon, slipped her hands under his shirt, and said, "What's a sweetheart? What's pissing you off and bad?"

Damon sighed. Mariella didn't always see or know everything, for that matter.

Damon remembered it was his and Mimi's early days, and they had been somewhere. He couldn't remember where Mimi had started talking or dreaming about all the things she wanted to try, getting looms and weaving rugs, spinning wool.

Damon told Mariella how he vowed in his mind to get Mimi the biggest looms and teach her how to weave a rug and how to spin wool. Damon was a fucking old vampire and had a lot of skills he'd needed once upon a time. He knew how to weave a rug, make warps, everything, and it was fun and nostalgic, and he also knew how to spin yarn.

But he never got around to getting Mimi those looms or teaching her anything. Instead, Charles had woven, spun, and gotten those tools. And now Mimi really enjoyed those looms of Charles'. He had told this in his head to Mariella, and she kissed him very fiercely and for a long time. It was hard to see again one of his failures. As husband for Mimi. Charles had been better. 

Mariella said, " Go on, read Mimi's mind and see if it was as wonderful as you think?"

Charles had told Mariella how he enjoyed it when Mimi made him weave and spin. How the looms were always ready and waiting when he wandered into the craft room. Mariella had been a little dubious about that statement, and the smug grin on Damon's face said it more clearly than a thousand words.

Damon went over to Mimi and said, " Oh baby, good girl, go and knit, and don't touch the wool. We'll spool it up in a minute. Why don't you teach Mariella how to knit? We'll be good at it when we make babies. "

Oh, the look on Mimi's face was delicious. She turned around and went to sit on the unpromisingly good-looking sofa, took a knitting bag from somewhere, and started knitting.

After that baby announcement, I decided to hold my growls in my stomach and acknowledge the fact that I was not supposed to be weaving a rug or spinning yarn. Fine, I went to knit and let Salvatore weave, and Mariella watch the job. I finished the patch and started piecing them again. Soon, I would have another quilt for myself, then somewhere I would need it. Maybe New Hampshire or Montréal.

No, I knew Halifax. I'd spend Christmas by myself, even if it was there. I'd bake, make Christmas food, invite Charles, and then we'd go to the outdoor sauna and fuck wildly in the snow. I would have a perfect Christmas with him, and maybe Adam too, unless wolves would be too demanding. 

I knitted for a few hours while Damon took his time. Then he evicted me from the room and put some kind of a magic clamp on it. Fine. I retreated to one of the pleasant bedrooms and started watching all the Marvel movies again, picking up baked goods, donuts, buns, and berry pies from the kitchen. I had good supplies there, and it did not take so much time to make myself some fresh treats, too. Of course, I remembered Coca-Cola, smoothies because I didn't want a bowel obstruction. Great meat pies with wagyu filling. I was not in the mood to check on the Flea business and I was taking it easy and enjoying my life, doing whatever I wanted,

Then I was surprised when Adam came to the door and said, "Mimosa had 12 lovely little ones, and Shadow had 15 a couple of days ago when Damon had dropped no one off with the wolves and was there himself with Mariella. "

Fine, give it a go. I congratulated them both in my head and got to hear a roughly very accurate description of how wonderful Damon is and the detailed descriptions of each pup. They were doing well on milk, so you wouldn't even need bottle feeding. It was good for them to be so happy and want to have more pups. I did not react when Mimosa wanted me to experience this, too. Something in me just did not want to breed. It was good that this pack had now bred, and the females didn't need to breed. I have read quite many books on this subject already. Let's see where this pack is going next.