5.Don't Talk, Just Kiss.

Mimi had been awake for two weeks now, and Damon looked at her questioningly. They had gotten the infection well under control and Mimi's immune system was well underway. She had been eating, and she was not yet even 30 kilos, but she was active. Even so, Mimi could be found passed out in the middle of the floor, freezing cold.

Damon didn't understand what the fuck was wrong with this at first. Mimi had just woken up after such an episode and was now inside the thermal blanket warming up. Her body temperature had been 35 degrees Celsius, and her blood sugar was so low that it could not be measured. Her belly had been full of food so she had been eating, but her blood sugars had been crashed fully.

Fucking medicine. While those got the fucking infection out and my immune system to take care of the rest, doesn't the fucking drug always fuck me up so Damon finds me? I'd just woken up from another bout of getting cold and sugarless in a sugar drip. Damon was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at me questioningly. I was also in magnetic restraints, so no escape.

He said, " Now, missy, start talking. What the fuck is wrong with you that you can't maintain your blood sugar or your body temperature? You know some of this stuff. Start talking."

By this time, I had been either asleep or exhausted, so there was no questioning. But now, I don't think this one would give up. He somehow sensed that there was something else behind this. 

I sighed and answered to him. I said, "Damien shot me with new implants. They are basically dreams without anesthesia or sedation. He said the effect could last two or three months."

Damon sighed and said, " You didn't bother to tell me before. Let's taste your blood and see what my teeth say."

Damon took a tube of my blood and sniffed, and then went to Mariella. They were furrowing their brows over the matter. I saw Mariella's eyes go white.

I also knew that the drug didn't smell in my blood, as Damien had boasted about it being very hard to catch in my blood. I would be fine, eventually. I had been five weeks here already, so it might not take so long anymore. Damien had spoken with than AI that I should almost have Damon's teeth in my neck. He thought it was a fitting joke and a proper 1-0 for Damon when he knew exactly that I wasn't a priority enough for Damon to bother putting teeth in my neck.

Damon came up to me and said, " Fine, we'll start looking to see if we can find some help for it. In the meantime, Missy, try to stay in bed. I know you don't want to just lie in bed and be independent, but it's not time yet. We are trying to look ahead to when the next episode will hit you, so if we can get that medicine out, then. Don't worry, Mimi. We'll get through this. "

He checked my temperature and made my sugar drip a little faster. He opened the restraints. So I was not feeling too trapped. I saw Mariella tasting my blood. I was fine again after an hour, and I thought, oh, it's going to be a fucking mess for the next couple of months if those two don't get this medicine off.

But then Mariella started coughing, and Damon came over to her. " What's with coughing, darling?"

Mariella said, "I just don't know. There's something wrong with my lungs. I can't breathe somehow."

Damon tasted Mariella's blood, and his teeth gave the substance, but it would have to be administered to the lungs with a CPAP mask, and now Damon couldn't have predicted how awful it would be for Mariella.

I did not know what was wrong with Mariella and I got fed up with staying in bed. My belly was empty, and I was going to the kitchen to have a meal. I was just walking in the kitchen when a familiar weakness and chill felt and I cursed out loud. I had no time to react when my vision went black as fainted.

Damon had been going to see Mimi, and he caught up with her thought to go eat, he was in his way as Mimi's cursing alerted him and he teleported just in time when she was passing out, her eyes rolling back to her head. Damon caught her in his arms, slammed his fangs into her neck, and tasted.

 Same stuff as Mariella. Interesting. Well, either Sark or Damien had done this thing so that Mimi would be affected differently than Mariella.

Since he was her other half, he was immune. But the drug was in Mimi's lungs, and she should be given CPAP as a treatment, too. Now, the problem was that Mimi would have to be awake and breathing during the treatment. If he put Mimi to sleep, she would not breathe, even with the stimulant. He knew that Damien and AI had used a CPAP mask during that session and this would not be anywhere near easy for Mimi.

He developed a device that would not have a mask but a mouthpiece. So it would not be so suffocating. First, we have to try Mariella and see how she reacts. He directed Mariella to sit on a bench with the device. He had made flanks for Mariella too, strong enough too.

"Darling, I'll sit right behind you and give you a flank if needed. But for now, I'm going to put a pinch on your nose and this tube you take in your mouth like this. I will put a cover like this on it, which will ensure it lasts in your mouth. It has a valve on it so you can breathe out. Soon, I'll turn the device on, and it'll start blowing air into you. Just breathe, and you'll be fine." Mariella was silent, but she was not opposing at all. 

Damon put the device in place. It was almost identical to the one he'd used on Mimi back at the hospital. Fine, Mimi wasn't going to be easy; he would have to keep Mimi almost unconscious, and even then, it could be quite a fight.

He'd have to work with Mariella, too. He knew that Mariella could have gone back to the jewelry, but he wasn't sure that the original wouldn't then get symptoms. He didn't know what the spell had been at all.

Mariella was almost drugged to sleep in his arms as he gently urged her to breathe all the time, no matter how awful it was. After an hour, the treatment was done for the day. Next up was Mimi.

When I heard what the treatment was, I decided that fuck it; I suffered for a couple of months, but I'm not capable of that treatment. I had been here for over five weeks, so it might not take another five weeks or so. Maybe in the past, I could have tolerated it, but not now. I remembered how Damon had given a breathing treatment for one infection back in the day, but not now, not after all the shed sessions. I couldn't even imagine.

But Damon was relentless.

He said, "Mimi, this is happening and helping. An hour every day, and you'll probably get that medicine for pretty quickly. And then, baby, once we get that medicine out, then we can do something about it. I know it's an impossible idea, but I'm going to keep you very confused, and at the same time, I'm going to make sure there are no nightmare tangles formed."

He gave me a flank, a fucking strong one that made me fall asleep in that spot. I had no time to react at all. 

When I woke up or came to at least a little consciousness, I realized I had a tube in my mouth and a pinch in my nose, and I was tied to this contraption. The panic hit full-on and then again faded when I got a flank. All the time someone told me to breathe and praised me, my lungs hurt. The pain was pretty damn nasty. I just couldn't, but I had to. I fought as much as I could. Then I woke up in bed again in chains.

The entire week, the same thing. Damon kept me drugged during intermission, that I didn't notice the time passing. Sometimes, I'd be in bed. Sometimes, I'd be in therapy again. And it was always just as much of a panic when I came to any more. I fought with everything I had, my rage, my willpower, my alpha power, not that I had much access to any of them.

Damon was pretty damn tired after a week. Mariella had required four days of treatment and Mimi a whole week. But now the drug was in Mimi's blood, and his teeth had made antibodies to it. Mimi would probably be fine in a couple of days.

He had kept Mimi sedated for the duration, almost asleep, when on the second day, he had had to spend quite a while looking for where she had run off to. She had teleported and traveled fast so she had kept drugged during other times when she was not in therapy and he kept her sedated for a few days when his binder worked, not risking her ripping cannulas off and escaping anywhere.

He had put her in feeding too, good strong visceral puree fortified with plenty of his blood as Miss liked to drink her own little blood stash, demons, and whatever when his blood would be best for her. But he did not give her a choice here but to feed her for five days it took his binder to eliminate all the drugs from her system if he had not done this, Mimi would suffered six months as drug concentration had been so high so Damien had lied to her when he had spoken about few months. 

Mariella was pretty fucking fucked up, having been through three fight clubs, solved various crises, and always Mimosa missed the fucking little man by millimeters. Now they were in Sweden at the King's castle, defusing a bomb. It was not fun defusing the bomb and looking into the future to see which part was next. They had been away for eight weeks already and she felt it. So damn clearly and her rage had gotten quite powerful, too.

She'd never been away from Damon for so long and missed him like crazy. She knew that after this, damn it, it was Azores' turn, and she was looking forward to it. And again, he ran away. And the next clue was Ireland. She and Damon had bought a castle there, and Mimi had bought her own in Moldova.

She and Damon had decorated it, and Mimi and Mimosa had put Moldova in. Adam and Charles had done the house for Malthus. This had been done way before the first litter and Mariella was looking forward to hanging out in their castle. Somehow, it was so her and Damon's place, and she didn't want Mimi there.

And to this day, she still doesn't want me there. Castle Ireland is a place where I have no business going, and then again, the whole pack never really comes to Moldova, and it is becoming my refuge. Even though Damon has known for decades that I was programmed to be alone, go to gigs, and fend for myself, he hasn't done anything about it because he doesn't want to.

And what may once have been programming is now a fact taught by experience, time and time again. I am not bitter per se. I have Adam, Charles, and boys: demon and Lepard. So lepard is not biologically my son. I carried him, gave birth, and nursed him for a couple of weeks. Since then, he's had a whole other family. Lepard and Demon and I have a completely unique relationship now. I'll be fine. I don't need Damon.

Mariella giggled with happiness when, after ten weeks, they finally got the damn ball brain shut. They were now in Turin, and there had been another bomb threat, and Mimosa had magnificently caught it, and she sucked the fucking dick bottle and put it back on.

A big white paw came out of the sky, and Mariella put the bottle in it, and she was rewarded with a tube of white power. Now they could go home. She knew they'd have a lot of unloading to do with Damon and stuff. But first, she wanted to shower and eat.

Damon was fucking happy to know they were going home. He missed Mariella more than he thought he would, and he knew he wasn't leaving her right away. They'd had a rough trip, each with their own missions, and his rage was on full display, but he knew everything would be okay once he got to Mariella. Now Mimi didn't even cross his mind. He just waited for Mariella to be okay and in his arms.

Then, when Damon and Mariella returned, they put their fucking twins in their jewelry and left the jewelry upstairs in storage. You would never know. They didn't even eat as they glued themselves together and went to the bedroom. And I didn't care when a Mr. Cornick came and took me to the bedroom, and we fucked while the rabbits were in there.

Apparently, it had been a rough trip, and it hadn't helped matters any with my condition when they had to leave. Charles was at the party this time and fell asleep on my lap, and I didn't mind. I fell asleep too because he was next to me. We had been fucking for a week and slept for a couple of days. I was putting myself in shape after the fucking breathing therapy was over.

The couple had gone off to happily fuck. I knew that at some point, I'd get to go on a road trip to Asia for real. I've got some pretty lovely houses there, with magic houses built in. Charles was lovely to be with, but the old habits and customs and that incredible feeling of freedom when you decide your own affairs and there's no one to tell you what you should or shouldn't do.