13.Can't Take My Eyes Off Of you

Mariella had now given Damon a week to decompress, and she was confused again. She couldn't understand what the fuck had come over these two. So bad that Damon doesn't want to see Mimi for almost a year and is driving the rest of the pack around Europe, and Mimi is pretty much a curse word.

And then, when Mimi came back, Damon clearly would have wanted to fix something, and Mimi didn't. Then, during the whole fucking breeding season, Mimi didn't even want to have puppies with Damon, which is really important to Damon.

Then there was the infection and wizards tests and all the fact that Damien grabbed Damon and Mimi without hesitation and sacrificed herself for a really brutal session. Could it also be that even though Damon made himself a double, he felt guilty for not taking care of Mimi, and his double essentially fucked Mariella so that Mimi had to cope on her own once again?

And then the entire wing dismantling project. But the whole thing came from somewhere, and Mimi refuses to fix it now. And they had to get Mimi mad, and Damon couldn't. Well, she had an idea, and when she looked into the future, she was shocked. Little bitch, if she does that, then she doesn't know how Damon will react. It seemed that their alpha female had a mind of her own and even Mariella understood why Mimi was doing what she had planned it would not be tolerated by Damon as he was not a normal alpha male, meaning his word was absolute law and this little show of Mimi's powers as alpha female would not be a good thing at all. 

She needs to tell her husband about this. Then, the husband can decide what to do about it, but a rage vent could accompany that. Mariella had a wonderful idea. But first, the young lady's hideout has to come out in a way that Damon or both of them will notice. It would be the first step. But there would be a reaction to that and it might not be a pleasant one. 

But you have to be clever about this. If she goes and outright says that Mimi has the hideout, they will pull out the rage, and it will be the same shouting match as before, but if they went out and went around the house, then maybe then. She needed to make Damon notice that part of the house was kind of hidden. Corridors were hidden behind plain-looking doors or somewhere else and it would be time to let the pack see the complete house, including the part where one alpha female was nesting in her peace, making her not-so-good plan.

Mariella knew Damon has a fucking great mind, which perceives just such floor plans and such with great agility. It would not take too much for him to see the discrepancy between inside and outside too. To see that this house was bigger than it looked from the inside and part of it was hidden. 

She looked at them both just as innocently and spoke like she would have this idea suddenly and she wanted to stretch her legs, not just fuck all the time. "Let's go out for a walk. I want to walk around the house, look at the plants and everything. I wonder what Mimi's been doing in the yard. If there are berries or fruits to be harvested or something. And in what shape this house is from the outside? Will there be a need for renovation or something? "

Damon 1 looked at her intently, like he would have suspected a little bit of this sudden need to go outside, and said, " Fine, darling, let's go out for a walk. It's a lovely autumn day out there now, so we might as well enjoy ourselves. There might be something to harvest and it is good to see that those are safe to consume, too."

Mariella dressed first and then supposedly wandered downstairs for a while so that the men also took notice of the supposed size of the house. She touched everything and men looked a little bit everywhere, too. There was not a single door that indicated where there was access rest of the house and Mariella suspected it was one of the cupboard doors or doors that gave the impression of being just cupboards.

Then they went out for a walk. It was a bright autumn day, leaves scrounging beneath their feet, all the scents of the autumn in the air as they strolled around the house.

It wasn't long before number one said, " Interesting house. I didn't see any corridors inside, and that's the room we were just in. I recognized these curtains, and this house goes on in that direction for miles. It seems that there are hidden rooms and spaces in this house, or not revealed yet."

They were now walking through the hidden parts of the house, and Mariella happened to see the girls' pleasure room where Mimi was getting everything ready. The room was big; it was quite dimly lit and there were shelves lined walls with floggers, whips, jar rows after other of different stimulants, and everything else that one might need to have a good time alone. 

"Honey, Damon, is this the girls' pleasure room? Look, Mimi's going to do a little bit, and she will not do a little bit. I wonder what for? I mean Adam and Charles might be free but she is tending to her needs alone, what is going on with that girl's mind, I mean, the pack is full of lustful males yet she is using mechanical aids and not even trying to seduce men. "

Mariella saw Damon's eyes flash as he realized what Mimi was up to. He had used his telepathy and got her intention loud and clear, too. Good thing Damon was in the right mood—alpha enough to show Mimi his place, but still in the lead. Not too angry, so this would not be just a show of strength, but he needed to take this situation under control and properly, too.

I was getting everything ready. The girls' pleasure room was really nice, with a water gel bed, motorized for maximum enjoyment, then all the top gear and a couple of really nice new crawlers. These were quite huge ones and this would grant me maximum pleasure and I might enjoy myself before starting to twist my heat on first. Oh, that would be perfect. Then as risque a sex book as you could ever think of and some good arousal stuff.

I'd reserved one substance for my pussy, and then I'd inject myself with another. I could do with my teeth pretty strong stuff. And then, after a while, I'd get busy. Once I got myself in heat, then I would have to go to the general area so that everyone would be in heat, and since it would be me putting it on, I would decide how to multiply.

How many cubs to have? Perfect. I would dictate it to everyone. Because I'm an alpha female, I have a responsibility to my pack. I'm not just a title, no. I'll do my job, even if it's against Damon's wishes, but while Damon is going heart-eyed into a puppy frenzy, I'll keep my wits about me and make sure no one spends themselves too much during puppy season. and who knows, maybe Damon would see things from my perspective too and he would make sure that litter sizes would be reasonable in the future. This was just me showing an example. It very well might be that one reason why Mariella was prone to infections was the litter size and number of cubs that she had to make and it weakened her.

The Damons and Mariella went inside, and Number One started looking around. He soon found the first door so that Adam, Charles, and the wolves noticed. It was one of the small doors, looking like a cleaning closet in the back of the one very plain bedroom. Damon noticed that this space had been made to look like the bedroom to hide this door, but it had been a kind of lobby at first.

He opened the door. There was a spacious and very well-decorated hallway behind it. The very first thing that made Damon even more tense and excited was the distinct smell of strawberries that wafted out as the door to the hallway opened. It was quite a clear sign, and this was Mimi's domain more or less, but it was ending now. Pack had the right to be here too.

The fine lady has her hiding area. Not for long. They made their way down the hallway, Damon 1st to open each door and Adam and Charles trailing behind, wondering in hushed tones. The rooms were spacious, with large, luxurious beds, and the carpets were soft, long, and beautiful. There were cool colors and warm colors all blended seamlessly together, creating a harmony that soothe the soul. But it was so clearly made for her, that it made them feel like this was not their home but Mimi's.

Here again, there was the same feeling of luxury and comfort as in the wing, but here, the influence of Mirella or Mimosa was completely absent. This wasn't a wing per se because there were no carpets, but this was Mimi's territory. She had done this in over the years or whenever she had had time and they wanted to change things around here, so this part of the house would be Pack's home as well. Not destroy everything. They had learned that lesson, but making this a family home, not just Mimi's hiding place.

Mariella hadn't done much decorating yet, only what with the Irish castle demand when they'd been fixing up and so on. She was getting ideas all the time. Decorating could be fun at some point, she mused. They approached the girls' pleasure room.

Damon had stopped at a couple of bedrooms and looked for a long time, clearly remembering something. His expression was unreadable, yet Mariella could feel that they had held some significance for him.

Mariella went to wrap her arms around him and said, "What's the love in those bedrooms?"

Damon sighed. He had now passed through five rooms that were almost replicas of the bedrooms they shared, and yet, there had only been Mimi in the room, and the room had been designed so that no one would come into it but Mimi and maybe Charles. It had been a blast from the past and one more thing that showed him that there was no them anymore. There was no room in those beds for him, no his side, no his bedding. And it just somehow broke his soul even more. 

He focused on himself. Now it was not time for regrets, now it was time for action. But now he had to be in control and put one little alpha bitch in check, take the rage out of her, and combine their wills. It would require deep sedation and probably pharmaceutical drugs, but it was in the pack's best interests to do it. Then, when Mimi had recovered, she would be so well prepared for heat and breeding in the meantime that it would take only a little extra, and they would be off on a fucking holiday.

They arrived at the door of the girls' pleasure room. the door was dark red, and it had golden decorations, actual gold actually that made Mariella frown as she saw this splurge but then again, Mimi had gold ingots and lot of them too

Mariella said, "Let me go first and see where we go, then you can come. I think, darling, that we ought to get floor plans for every house all the time and go over them so we can get the houses perfect. I am not sure about those gold decorations on this door. Surely we could use that gold in somewhere else." 

She envisioned to herself how she would decorate their bedroom door in Ireland with gold, Damon would, but Damon frowned at this idea. That gold was Mimi's, not Mariella's.

Charles and Adam were still looking at the rooms, and Charles said, " Here, we can knock down the walls, so these will show up better. We can open up this corridor and empty that bedroom, too. Then I can show you somewhere in between so you can see what's being taken out."

Damon nodded. He was ready. But he could wait until Mariella prepared the little bitch first. He looked at the walls as Adam and Charles showed to him, and he used his magic to mark them, too.

I lay on this lovely water jelly bed and thought, I've got to have more of these. I was now playing with the masseuse here, so this bed was shaking, throbbing, and moving, and I was trying to find an excellent program to help my pleasure. I was not yet using any crawlers, just relaxing and getting into a mood so to speak. Suddenly, the door opened, and Mariella came in.

She walked across the room as if she hadn't seen me and then came to sit on the bed and said, "Oh wow, a shaking bed. Fine, I can work with it, yes. This will be my room, the mistress room. You're about to get treatment, and I can tell Mimi that your little plan will not work. See, you have a pretty dominant alpha male, and he won't tolerate this sort of thing, but we're about to unleash some of your rage, and then we're going to combine the wills of the two of you, and then we can watch the heat."

I looked at Mariella for a moment and sat up. Oh, fuck, if I couldn't say it better. I was not going to explain my reasoning as it was once again time for our pack to assume things and my motives but to combine our wills, was not a good thing at least not for me as Damon was greedy and it would not be just this once when he would do it. 

The Damons, Adam, Charles, and the wolves entered and looked across the room. Men's expressions were a little disturbed, but then again, as they were lustful creatures, I could see that my room was very inspirational for them too.

Mariella looked at number one and said, " Don't worry honey, I already explained to Mimi what's going on. Perhaps you'd like to have a word with the lady?"

Damon sat down on the bed next to me and said, in a rather fucking dangerous voice, in which the rage was very clear. "Mimi, I will not tolerate this kind of behavior, not at all. Being defied by an alpha female is a big no-no for me. And I will put you under control. And your cats, who have some very interesting ideas, I have experience. I will deal with them too. And baby, I can guarantee you'll make kittens."

I nodded and was silent. One sentence or two sentences, and that one would lose his temper completely and disappear. Oh well, I wonder if I should do a little pronouncing? It might lead me to some troubles. But I controlled myself. Fine, I'll have to go somewhere again as soon as possible. There is room in this house for me to be myself too. 

Damon looked at me for a moment and whispered, " You know what, Mimi, you're not going anywhere now. You're not reacting. Not really. You walk away from the situation, and then you turn it over in your head, and that's how your rage grows. Then you take it out in the gym, and it doesn't go down that way. But now, a new era begins in your life, and you learn to react. Bran taught you and programmed you just to accept, to be content with your fate. We teach you to react. To get angry, to scream, to defend yourself. It would have been so much better for the entire pack if you had explained those caches of yours. If you are yelled at, yell back; that's how you keep your rage under control. Two noticed this: you don't argue. And you haven't been a supernatural for even a century; don't assume you can't learn new manners and behaviors. Just because Bran programs you don't define you. Change, break that programming."

Oh yeah, this kind of thing. Fine, let's try to explain something to these people. Again, with the assumptions, I see. I stood up, walked over to one chair, and sat down. I suppose it was time to teach these few things about me again. My mod was not lustful anymore. Not interested in getting in heat. 

I scanned the room, meeting the gaze of each person present. Letting out a deep sigh, I spoke, the weariness evident in my voice. "Let's just start with the fact that I know my rage. I know what calms it and what fuels it. Sure, I can scream, get angry, and slam doors, but that only adds to my fury. I have to maintain control."

I let my words hang in the air, observing as the men settled into their beds, ready to listen. Mariella's brow furrowed, a hint of frustration apparent. It seemed they were once again assuming, theorizing about my ability to break free from Bran's influence. They had discussed it amongst themselves.

"You all assume that Bran somehow dictates my behavior, that I am incapable of defying his teachings. But the truth is, I wasn't taught that much by him. It may be true that I have been programmed and shaped over the years, but my experience plays a significant role. And the one thing you seem to forget, because none of you have ever experienced it, except maybe Adam and Charles, is the fleas. I am a flea, and that is the reason why I don't attack and scream at everyone. It has been the most influential factor that has shaped me, not Bran, not Damien, but my position as the leader and founder of this global organization. My victories and my losses have molded me. I must maintain control at all times, everywhere, or lives will be lost. Trust me."

My voice carried a weariness, a sense of exhaustion as I explained these obvious truths to them. "It's a lesson I've learned, and I have learned it well. That's why I don't react impulsively, because I am a flea. And that, once again, is a substantial part of who I am, a part that I can't fully put into words. None of you have lived the life I have, side by side with me, because I haven't allowed it. I haven't been able to let you in. And initially, I had a dream, Damon, that the fleas would be our joint project. But Damien put an end to that, and so I created my own organization. And that organization, in turn, shaped me. I can attempt to react, but it does nothing to quell my rage. You don't truly know me, and I haven't allowed you to fully know me. Charles knows me, knows me best, and even then, I haven't divulged everything to him either. That's what they say, isn't it? Life teaches, and I've already had my fair share of lessons."

Silence settled over the room as everyone absorbed my words, once again stunned by the revelations. As I said, assumption after assumption.

Damon stood up, his tall frame casting a shadow over me. As he approached, I could hear the soft sound of his footsteps on the wooden floor. He said, his voice gentle yet firm, "Start by letting us know you. Open up, and trust me, you'll see I'm not Damien. I can be with Mariella; she is my priority, but Mimi, show us who you are. Let us know you too."

I sighed, the weight of my weariness evident in the sound. "Damon, it's not that I don't want to let everyone know me, be in the pack, belong somewhere. But when I don't belong. I'm tired of feeling like an outsider, different."

I looked into his eyes, remembering the countless times he had proven his strength. "I can tell all the gig stories in between, but I don't think Mariella will listen when I tell her how I blew up such and such an institution. Yes, I know exactly, Damon, what you are capable of when the need arises; don't forget that. I have a wonderful memory, and I'm learning."

Damon walked over to Mariella, their embrace a bittersweet sight. Well, my remark might felt like a punch below the belt for him, a reminder of the struggles I constantly faced.

Whenever I dared to trust a little more, it seemed to be snatched away. The saying "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" echoed in my mind, but I wasn't sure if I believed it.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, I finally spoke up. "You see now, when I tell the truth, my opinion, share some of my thoughts. If it's not something Damon can handle at that moment, he will go to Mariella for safety or whatever. Damon, you're not quite ready for all of this, either. Eternity is a long time, and be with Mariella. Do what you want. Make your soul sing."

Damon looked at me, his gaze filled with understanding. "Mimi, I know what you've been through too, at least some of it. I was there, remember? Soon, we'll start unloading your rage so you can prepare. Mariella will help with that. You two get started, and we'll go and do a bit of renovation on this house, and then I'll come and see where we go. We're going to join wills, Mimi, and for that, you're going to have to be anesthetized with panic pharmaceuticals. I'm sorry, but it has to be done, and you're not getting out of it."

A bitter laugh escaped my lips as I processed his words. "Oh, fuck, that's funny, I'm gonna get a medicated panic one on top of that. That my life will be so fucking perfect."

Mariella kissed Damon greedily, their passion filling the room. She whispered, "Go on, make this part of the house one that everyone can enjoy."

Damon approached me, his presence enveloping my thoughts. He whispered, "You'll let me in one day, baby."