39. Back For Good.

The Damons, their eyes fixed on Mimi, watched over her for the entire week that Adam and Charles were away in Pennsylvania. When the two men returned, a heavy silence hung in the air as they quietly approached Mimi's bedside, their footsteps barely audible. The room was filled with the faint scent of antiseptic, mingling with the subtle aroma of fresh flowers.

Mimi, weak and fragile, remained peacefully asleep, her soft breathing the only sound in the room. Both men carried a burden of guilt, blaming themselves for leaving her side to pursue Damien. But Damien, with his perfect facade, had only fueled their anger, causing it to erupt like a volcano. They kept their rage hidden from Mariella, not wanting to burden her with their turmoil.

It was painfully evident that Mariella's attention was solely focused on the Salvatores. Charles, uncertain about their impending wedding, and Adam, feeling like mere playthings in Mariella's possession, both questioned her love for them. To Mariella, they were nothing more than objects of desire, fueling her insatiable lust. Mimi, however, was different. They swore to protect her, to make her feel secure, and to bring a smile to her face. Their own desires burned within them, but they knew they were capable of so much more than just physical pleasure.

Mariella, observing number two's tenderness towards Mimi, felt a pang of jealousy. She longed for his adoration and sought to seduce him further. Her childish nature prevented her from understanding that one cannot always have everything they desire. She had been spoiled, shielded from the harsh realities of life, never having to learn the lessons of longing and loss. Damon, deeply in love with her, wanted to provide her with everything her heart desired, but it was never enough. This sparked a growing jealousy within Mariella's soul. She saw the devotion Adam and Charles had for Mimi, and she craved that devotion for herself, wanting them to prioritize her over Mimi.

This feeling slowly but surely grew inside her, like a creeping vine entangling her thoughts and emotions. It would grow over the years and she was not aware of it yet, nor was Damon, or if he was, he was just happy that Mariella wanted to him. Mimi had never been jealous of him. She had just walked away and mariella was possessive nature well; it felt like love for him. At least for a start.

Charles or Adam was by Mimi's side the whole time, their presence a comforting embrace. As they cradled her fragile body, the scent of their pheromones enveloped her, their steady heartbeats providing a soothing rhythm.

Despite the potent medicine flowing through her veins, she clung to them, grabbing them with her might, displaying remarkable resilience. Mimi was their top priority, their sole focus, with no thoughts of lust or desire clouding their minds. They had witnessed her endure immense suffering, and their helplessness had left them feeling vulnerable. They refrained from interfering with the wolves, who sought solace in the embrace of the Salvatores, using physical intimacy as a means of release.

Just like Mariella, Shadow, too, was emotionally raw and found solace in sexual outlets. Mimosa had her own demons, her own past to unload, and she had rage too. Wolves were very eager for bedtime activity. For them, sex was a way of life, a conduit for emotions, a source of solace.

After two weeks of tenderly nursing Mimi, Charles shared his intuition with Adam, noting her weight had reached 35 kilos.

"I sense she may awaken soon. She doesn't have to remain confined here for a month. We'll take care of her," Charles affirmed.

Adam concurred, promptly discontinuing the sedatives, and remained steadfastly by Mimi's side. Their aim was to provide care, to love her, and to facilitate her recovery. The memory of discovering her lifeless body had left Charles traumatized, feeling her weakened soul within his thoughts. He had helplessly watched as Damon worked tirelessly to give his love to her soul, grappling with his own feelings of inadequacy.

Now it was their turn to step up and care for her. Charles chose not to disclose the true extent of his anguish, keeping it locked away, just as he did with his desire to seek solace with Mariella. He feared succumbing to her advances, using him as a mere object of pleasure, knowing that soon she would be with Damon. Charles had no choice but to redirect his unfulfilled desires towards the wolves. But for now, his focus was solely on being present for Mimi. 

I woke up to the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains, realizing I was nestled securely in Adam's embrace. I let out a contented sigh, savoring the feeling that had been absent for so long. The sensation that had been stolen away by my European job, but these two understood its significance.

As I shifted slightly, Adam's arms tightened around me, pulling me closer. His gentle murmurs filled my ears, soothing me like a melody. I could feel the vibrations of his purr resonating through his chest, enveloping me in a sense of safety and love.

At this moment, I couldn't help but compare the males in my life. The Salvatores, driven by their selfish desires, always prioritize their own needs and retreat to bed at the slightest hint of a problem. But Adam and Charles, they were different. They were beings of energy, powerful wizards, yet they could set aside their own lusts for weeks on end. It was an understanding I accepted, having witnessed it firsthand.

And then there was the matter of the wedding. Whether or not it would ever happen remained uncertain, as these two seemed disinterested in the topic. But for now, all that mattered was the warmth and security I felt in Adam's arms. I had finally regained enough consciousness to speak, my throat feeling dry from sleep.

With effort, I managed to voice my thoughts to Adam. "It's truly wonderful to feel completely safe, to have someone protect and care for me. It's perfect."

The room was still bathed in a soft, dim light, allowing me to see the affectionate gaze in Adam's eyes as he looked at my sleepy face.

He smiled warmly and replied, his words a tender murmur in my ear, "Good morning to you, too. It's perfect to hold you in my arms, to keep you safe. Are you ready to start the day, perhaps go out for a meal?" His voice was like a soothing balm, comforting me to my core.

I curled up closer against Adam, feeling the warmth of his body enveloping me.

My voice trembled as I spoke, almost confessing, "Not yet. Let me savor this moment. Did you know that even rage cannot conquer fear demons? It merely fuels the desire to take action. You see, Damien had cunningly unleashed fear demons upon the fight club audience. He knew he couldn't attend, but Magnum was helpless against them, unable to detect their presence. Damien had bestowed upon them a spell to remain unseen by Magnum. Dresden tried to intervene, to break the spell, but he was blocked as well. Sark presented him with a better target - he had captured Nicodemus and somehow enhanced him. When Nicodemus emerged, Dresden pursued him relentlessly. It's utterly draining to live in perpetual fear, you know?"

I sighed, my weakened voice conveying the toll it had taken on me.

Adam held me tighter, his arms encircling me, and assured me, "Never again, do you hear me? I will find a way to ensure you never face such predicaments again."

His voice was gentle, like a soothing breeze, but his sincerity resonated deeply. He allowed his pheromones to permeate the air, their calming effect washing over me, providing a sense of protection. They were meant solely for me.

He caressed me, creating a sanctuary of safety within his embrace. We shared an unbreakable bond, impervious to any attempts to sever it. His arms, his embrace, were my haven, the first place where I truly felt secure. And so I drifted off to sleep, cocooned in his love and protection.

I awoke to darkness, realizing I had slept through the day. It didn't bother me; I was still cradled in Adam's arms. He slept peacefully, resembling a carefree young boy. His eyes fluttered beneath closed lids, a faint smile gracing his lips as he dreamed. I shifted slightly, extricating myself gently from his embrace, and made my way to the bathroom.

Still half-asleep, I moved with ease, feeling the remnants of exhaustion but also a newfound strength. It was time for me to regain my fitness. Though tired, I completed my tasks, frustrated by my current lack of physical prowess. I knew it would take time to regain my former shape.

Exiting the bathroom, I found Adam standing in the doorway, clad only in his boxers. Even with disheveled hair, he looked utterly adorable. His expression was resolute, saying nothing as he locked his gaze on me. He was watching over me and I could see that now it was time for me to be a good girl and obey. 

I smiled innocently as the warm water cascaded over my body in the spacious shower. He carefully checked the temperature, perched on the toilet seat, and kept a watchful eye on the time, ensuring I didn't linger too long. He also monitored me so I would not change that temperature cooler. 

When I finished, he handed me a plush robe and gently wrapped my hair in a soft towel. I could feel his gaze on me as I delicately dried myself. Just as I reached for the belt on my robe, he turned his attention towards me, giving me a few instructions before grunting softly and leaving the room.

He had the little same problem as Salvatore that when he saw me naked, his self-restraint flew out of the window, so to speak, so he instructed me to join him in the kitchen before I could take off my robe and dress.

With a smile, I obediently put on the clothes he had chosen for me. I left my blonde hair untouched, allowing it to fall naturally around my shoulders. It was a manageable length, requiring little effort to maintain. Feeling refreshed, I headed towards the kitchen, where Adam and Charles were already busy preparing a delicious meal.

I was wondering what it is on the menu so to say as both of these new how to feed me but they had their own style to do it. The tantalizing aroma filled the air, making my mouth water. I settled into a chair, eagerly awaiting their service. Feeling a bit lazy, I didn't bother making my coffee or fetching a drink. I had two handsome men at my disposal, willing to fulfill my every desire.

Charles approached, presenting me with a large bottle of Coca-Cola and a steaming pot of strong coffee.

"Breakfast is best enjoyed at 5 a.m. to start your day off right," he remarked. "What do you have planned for today?"

I began eating as the food was placed before me, taking a moment to ponder his question.

Lazily, I replied, "I might indulge in a bit of Sonic, perhaps playing through the various versions from 1 to 6. I have plenty of gaming consoles to keep my skills sharp."

Recovering from recent events, the Beverly Hills mansion provided the perfect sanctuary for me to relax and take it easy. I had just saved the world, so there was no rush to get back into peak condition. I could afford to enjoy myself and have some "me" time, or if I played my cards right, perhaps even invite some husbands of mine into my bed. 

Charles sat down across from me, slipping into Mariella's vacant seat. He fixed his gaze on me, his eyes piercing mine as he spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of darkness.

"Are you going to challenge me to play with you again? You know you're no match for me," he taunted.

A subtle smile played on his lips, knowing well the mischievous side of me. I couldn't help but return the smile, my voice laced with confidence.

"But I excel at deception, don't I?" I replied, my words carrying a touch of seduction.

Charles grunted, his allure becoming irresistible. It had been far too long since I had experienced any passion in bed, and I was eager for it. Despite my composed demeanor, I was still a fiery woman who had endured celibacy for nearly two years, aching to ignite a flame with Cornick.

The mere thought of being beneath him, my legs spread as he filled me with his sizable hard, hot, cock, aroused me to no end. Innocence lingered within me as Mariella's voice echoed from the hallway, her curiosity piqued by the early morning activity.

The Salvatores and Mariella entered the kitchen, and I had no doubt that this rendezvous had been meticulously planned. Having just finished my meal, I rose from the table. It seemed that someone with telepathic abilities had caught wind of my illicit thoughts, as it was all too apparent. Number one fervently fucked Mariella against the wall, a sight I desperately yearned for.

I cleared the dishes, stealthily approaching Charles from behind, wrapping my body around his. My hands glided sensually over his shirt, pressing my breasts firmly against his back, making sure he could feel the hardened peaks of my nipples. Exploring his magnificent physique, I prepared him for what was to come. This was my game - to tease, arouse, and ultimately disrupt his own strategies.

I leaned in, my lips brushing against Charles' ear, before pulling away. "Game on, Cornick. Game on," I whispered, igniting the flames of desire.