I woke up, lay on the bed for a while, and remembered what happened. I had gotten some medicine from somewhere. I was naked. Or wearing a patient gown. I tried to walk, and my vision was still swimming pretty badly. But I went to the toilet. There was talking and rattling and banging on all sides. I was still on drugs as hell.
What on earth is going on here? I left the toilet and put on some scrubs. I had those gotten here, best of them not those normal flimsy ones. But these were luxurious materials, good to wear and use too. My walking was very unsure, and I was dizzy as hell, but my feline side did not feel safe here, not with this racket. I walked out of the medbays patient part, trying to get my vision working and my walking, too.
Everywhere was a mess. The medicines were gone, and in their place was some damn locker system in the wall. The complete wall looked like some sort of postal locker system, with multiple little doors but no locks or handles, meaning they would be opened somewhere else.
And things had been moved. My machines had been moved, and medbay was quite empty. I took a few steps and saw that my AI analyzer was going too. I swore to myself. That had been a very important piece of machinery that could provide me with a lot of independence. I hated to be dependent on Damon and his knowledge of what works for me and what does not.
As I exited to medbay to the hall. I noticed that carpets were ripped out of the floors. New some sort of laminate had been laid there. The pack was on my wing. Adam and Charles were breaking down the walls. The wolves were running around whenever they could get their teeth into something.
I took a few quite unsure steps, leaning against the wall as I made my way forward. I saw one door opening, the mating couple stepping out, and Damon putting the zip close. Fine. Let them fuck in here too. I need to get to my peace, to be safe, and get this damn drug out of me.
Damon and Mariella came up to me. Damon grabbed me. Supporting me and looking into my eyes.
" Oh, Sleeping Beauty is awake, you are quite doped up. That was Mirella's little gift in that fish roast. It was originally meant to kill you. Rip out your straps but freezing had broken down that drug enough, so you got only a long nap." Damon snarled, ironically.
Mariella went to show Charles where to rip up the carpet. One more room to be destroyed.
I got my voice working, even though I was quite slow. "What the fuck is going on here?" I asked Damon.
He came closer. " What's it look like, baby? We're decorating the house. Did you think you were gonna keep the wing to yourself, you little bitch? These machines went to normal medbay. That medbay will be like spare, just like the little medbay we had in Chicago, but our main medbay got all of those machines and that AI analyzer of yours. Well, you have no longer access to it, only me and Mariella have. " Damon's voice was dangerously soft. He kept me upright until I could stand without falling over,
I managed to keep quiet. I watched for some time and went down the stairs to the second floor. No one had been here yet. I walked quietly down the hall and into my favorite bedroom. The Nest. I had my library here and also my laptop, where I had had my test results. I remembered those.
I took out my laptop, opened it, and waited for it to start. I was just curious to see where I was so I would know what to eat. I had not been cannulated. I guess my system had been so low that I could be without support, or then Salvatore had been just pissed off enough to me not really caring about me.
As my laptop had been started, I opened the software, put in my security measures, and started to look up my results. Quite many of them were yellow or red, meaning not ideal. Even my hormones.
I took out my reference guide because some of these were weird and I was not familiar with all of these readings. Colin had written me my reference guide for very many tests and rare ones, too. In that guide, there were also a lot of other tests that I had never taken me, so Colin had not understood about references on those. I took also my feeding guide, there was a minor part in the lab results too.
Fine, this would need little planning and studying, but I would start to see what I needed to eat and how much. I was trying to be as independent as possible. This would work. I took a notebook, and pen and started to put up first all the test results that were in red. Now I had seen my blood analyzer still in medbay, meaning they had not gotten it to work or they had better. Fine by me. I would take retests a few days later and see what that sedation had done to me.
After about 14 hours, when I had made my plan of feeding myself. I got into action. I went to the kitchen. They had not yet moved there much, but linked to my fridge and emptied my freezer. I made my meal as well as possible. Stocked up my thermoses full of coffee because lack of caffeine had been one quite big thing in my results. I read, I ate. Well, it was just time for me to adjust.
I knew what was going to happen. First, the entire wing is going to be smashed, opened, and once everything that brings comfort to me, or is done by my preferences is dismantled, the mating couple is done bullying me and go and fucks in the common area after the wing is destroyed.
My place is destroyed first. The entire pack was in such a hurry to smash the whole wing that they paid no attention to me. I had now been awake for a week. I had not taken yet extra tests as they had moved to work more on medbay too. They were busy in this wing.
The kitchen had been emptied too, shrunken down and, I guess, my materials were used in a public kitchen. In their kitchen. It is funny that they won't buy their own, but rob me. The peace of my nest was beginning to be threatened because Mariella had seen me go in. I had studied my results, and I was a little worried.
My hormones showed, well, if I was a normal shifter that I would be pregnant. But then again, I kind of was. Damon had bred me, I had conceived, and I had no idea did that factor in these readings. I would have wanted to take another set of tests because if I were pregnant, those values would go up.
I kept my worries to myself and did not even think about that. I mean, my body is strange, it can make quite weird things, and I just hoped that my body would not make a big 1-0 to Damon, who thought those embryos would shrink. I pressed myself. I did not feel any fuller. Though I could not feel my uterine horns, they usually shrink quite small after the heat. I had read quite many books in my library, alpha females, breeding too, instincts, and what I had read, well, it would be quite a ride if I ended up knocked up.
"Honey, I think Mimi has a nest. She has probably somewhere in that machine where those results are and I guess she has some sort of library here too. We have found no books here, but you have noticed her reading, right?"
Damon looked at Mariella for a moment and said, "Oh, really? Which way? Let's go see it. It is time to see the lady's little stash. "
Mariella led Damon to the second floor. They had been working on one of Mimosa's floors and Mimosa and Shadow had been just happy that Pack made this their home, too. Many things here had impressed Mariella, and she did not do this out of malice, neither did Damon. They just wanted those linked rooms, what would be in every house, to be perfect as ever. And they wanted to have access to everywhere. She pointed to the room at the end of the hall. Mimi decorated the floor.
Damon recognized it easily. The carpets were pastel and long tufted, the lighting soft, warm, and unobtrusive. The curtains were also of high quality in pastel shades of different materials. There was a subtle sense of luxury everywhere, as if Mimi wanted to wrap herself in something soft and warm, to counterbalance all the horror she had ever experienced.
Despite luxury and softness, there was so distinctive feeling of loneliness and that was one that Mariella and Damon tried to get rid of. Now was the time to be in the pack, not alone. They both know that Mimi had trouble with belonging as she was unique, but that did not stop them from trying, even if it meant going to her territory and overtaking it. Brutal, but Damon was the pack leader. He had his rights.
They went down the corridor. Mariella said, "A lot of carpets out here too, to be reused elsewhere. This is quality stuff, easy to use again." Her voice was quiet as she mused to herself what to do.
Damon did not say anything. The carpet made their steps soundless. This was less like a hotel but more intimate, like someone's home.
Mariella said, "This door."
It was one corner room. They had worked on those upper floors and these were big usually. Mimi's greenhouse and plants had been linked too, as well aquariums had been taken care of and their fish hatchery was on the way.
Damon tried the handle. Locked. What a surprise. He knocked on the door.
"Open the door, Mimi," Damon said softly.
He did not raise his voice at all. He controlled himself beautifully again.
Fine, I got out of bed after putting my book away. I had thought a lot about those results. I had looked them through repeatedly. I palpated myself every other day, and I did not find anything. So maybe it is a false alarm, but it is now time to let the mating couple to my nest.
I padded to the door in my lovely velour lounge suit and opened the door. Damon looked at my outfit for a moment and then pushed past me into the room. I had expected them to visit, so I had taken some little precautions. Like hiding my laptop, and my library, too. I had just one book that I read.
He opened cupboards and drawers, looking everywhere, and then opened the bathroom door and investigated that, too. I let Mariella in and went back to my bed to read my anatomy book. Even though I was already a trauma surgeon, it was always good to have an update. Besides, this is a book on anatomy for shapeshifters.
Damon saw instantly that this room was not as big as others, meaning there was a minor part hidden, the library. He did not find any kind of laptop or tablet. Something where those results would have gone. It was time to ask a few questions first.
The room was once again filled with shades of pink but, to Damon's great surprise, also violet. The carpets were violet, the curtains almost white, so pale pink. The toilet was a calm pastel violet. The bed is again a tight pink or fuchsia. Damon looked at the clothes those monstrosities Mimi was wearing. There were several in the closet.
Mariella, in her mind to Damon, said, "Get rid of those, then get your wife under control. This is not big enough, meaning there is some sort of hidden compartment, library, or something."
Damon looked at his wife hotly. "Oh, you, huh?"
Mariella spoke as she was looking at Mimi's enormous wardrobe full of designer dresses. Beautiful and unused. She saw from their energies that most of these were given to Mimi by designers and grateful humans. "No, Mimi."
Her voice was tight, too. These dresses would fit on her too.
Damon thought for a moment, he came by, looked up those dressed, most of them still bags, unused really, and asked, " What do you want me to do with Mimi?"
Mariella thought for a moment, " First, take off all those clothes, including the ones on her, and then improvise what you're going to do to a nearly naked naughty alpha bitch that doesn't seem to have any fear or respect for you. Plus, look at that book the bitch is reading? Is it good for Mimi to read that shit? Where did she get them, and are there more? Where do those results go? Where is this library here? "
Damon smiled cruelly. He knew how to make Mimi afraid. He would get his answers and soon enough.
Damon walked over to the bedside and said. "Get those horrors off you. It is warm enough here without being dressed like a damn child again. Haven't I taught you how I like my woman to dress? I can teach you again, baby, if you need the lesson."
I thought, fine. Luckily, I was prepared. I got out of bed and pulled my shirt off first. Underneath was an undershirt. Long-sleeved silk shirt, loose but comfy, and then pants, also leggings.
Now, I was wearing something I could tolerate. Damon had a dangerous look on his face. Now I knew not to be smug at all. Damon took the book in his hand.
"Where did you get this?" His voice was full of menace and threat and he was losing it.
I replied calmly, "I bought it."
He said, "Well, you see, this room is a corner room, and we have modified a few of these. This is too small, meaning there is something hidden here. You have a few minutes to think. Would you like to open that part of this room up? And that blood analyzer, where those results went. We had not yet found any laptop or tablet. I am your doctor. I should see those results. "
Damon glanced around. What he was about to do was not necessarily something Mariella was happy to see. Mariella was unpacking Mimi's closet and going through everything. He went over to Mariella and gave her the book.
"There is this book. " His voice was dark and quiet, and it made Mariella look at him a little sharper. She was not gonna say anything because Damon had the edge.
Mariella flipped through the book quickly, reading its energies and past.
"'Flea women. There are more of these. This was part of a packet about 60 books on shifters." She said with certainty.
Damon sighed. "Well, who else but Mimi's private army?"
Mariella glanced at Mimi and said, " Clever girl, I see she anticipated this."
Damon said quietly, " Maybe it's not always so healthy for Mimi to be so fucking smart. But fine. I'll handle this. Mimi's little attitude will be fixed soon enough."
I lay in bed while the power twosome destroyed my clothes. I watched lazily and decided just to let the storm pass. Mariella teleported my dresses somewhere. She can have them. I have plenty of them. Let them do what they want.
I can take this. Just go with the flow. Damon came into bed next to me, almost clinging to me, and turned on his side. He put his hand on my stomach and let it move.
His fingers dug under my undershirt and found my bra. Like I said, I wasn't going to be easy. Next, they went under the waistband of my leggings. Proper sturdy granny panties, high-waisted right. Damon didn't flinch, his fingers exploring my sides and stomach.
In a very soft voice, he whispered, " Do you remember Mimi ... what it felt like..."
His hand was on my neck, and he touched my earlobe. "When I poured that molten vanadium in here? Remember how you begged me to stop? What it smelt like when your ear burned? When did it hit your brain?"
The hand moved back to my stomach.
"Or maybe you want another tranquilizer jelly dressing for this? I still have that roller."He whispered again.
Now I was quiet, trying not to show how fucking scared I suddenly was. Even though everyone had told me how difficult it had been for Damon to do that session, I wasn't quite convinced anymore.
Damon's voice was so pleasurable and dangerous when he revisited those memories. I knew he could do it again and with relative ease. There was this very dark part of him.
Damon whispered in my ear, "'Both can be done, baby, have no doubt. Remember what I asked for you?"
I didn't doubt it, not for a second. I stood up. Went to one wall. Pressed my finger onto the windowsill, the scanner had been embedded in there, revealing my library. I reached onto one shelf, took my laptop, and gave it to Damon. Mariella had moved into my library and was teleporting everything out of there. Damon teleported the laptop away, too. I went to sit on the bed, and Damon sat next to me.
I got myself together. "What do you want me to do?"
He looked at me for a moment and got out of bed. Mariella was ready. She had already called Adam and Charles into the room, and they were pushing me out of bed. I stood up. Men were oblivious to this charge, or then they just didn't care.
Mariella said to them, "The bed is going into storage to be joined. The wall between this room and the previous one will be dismantled. This will make an excellent group session room. These corner rooms are good group session rooms. They have so good energy flow in them."
Charles said, "We're running out of supplies and should go to a local farm."
He and Adam teleported the bed away and went to see the wall where to take it off.
Damon thought for a moment and said, "We'll go today. It is a good time. "
I was moving toward the door. Thinking that I should find other clothes. Damon saw me moving, then he came up to me and said in a dangerous fucking voice, "I think we're in the middle of something, baby."
He held onto my arm. His grip was unyielding, there was a fire in his eyes.
Damon said to Mariella, "Go on, we'll be right behind you. This won't take too much. Ten, maybe twenty minutes."
Damon took me into the other room. It was a few rooms from this.
"Oh well, not here." I thought. This was more or less oh shit room.
He pushed me to sit on the bed and looked at the wardrobes. Here there were few more than in the other room. I cursed in my mind. If he finds them... Damon closed the door of the room and started to search. Soon, he was quiet again.
Charles and Damon are about the same size. Charles is a little taller and a little more muscular. I had secretly ordered Charles some clothes once, and I actually had the idea of giving them to him one day. I had had a little idea about giving them to Charles in the near days.
But, of course, Damon found these clothes. It wouldn't have mattered if they had been ordinary clothes, but they were luxury items from all the designer labels, some of them even almost made to measure. They were chosen to accord to Charles's preferences, thinking about, colors, and what would look good on him.
I had never really bought Damon any clothes, not even if I had the money. There was a good reason, but I wasn't sure was it was back then, Damien or Damon.
But for Charles, for him, I had reserved clothes that Charles would look fabulous in—the right colors, the right size, just right. I bought a lot of clothes for him and Adam over the years. Every garment was carefully thought out and designed. And then Salvatore comes across these clothes and knows exactly who they're for.
He turned around. "Something to tell me, Baby?" His voice was just a whisper.
I said. "They were bought a long time ago."
Damon came closer. "It doesn't matter when they were bought. You've never bought me clothes, never. And I've been allowed to buy you very rarely, and then you go and get Saint Charles a whole horseshit closet full of clothes."
Every word oozed menace. This one was furious. I said, "Well, I did not want another shed session because I would buy your wrong clothes. It was not so easy of living with Damien."
"Take off your clothes," he said curtly, then pointed to the bed.
He was in no mood to listen to any explanations.
I swallowed once and obeyed. I stripped naked.
"On your fours."His voice was commanding and furious, and I knew it would be very much worse if I did not obey.
I went to bed on all fours. He took off his belt and struck. Again. Ass, back, sides. He hit me hard on the side of the buckle. This was not pleasurable at all. This just hurt quite a lot, as he did not spare his strength. Not at all. I could feel a few of my ribs snapping, but I had my healing fine, so no problems. Then he came behind me and unzipped his pants. He started to sink into my ass.
He pressed his hand between my shoulder blades and lowered my upper torso.
"Surrender, submit, surrender!" His voice hissed in the air dominantly.
I fought back. The pressure on my ass was terrible. He stopped just at the sphincter and slowly increased his girth. I could feel my asshole bleeding when he ripped it open. He strangled my throat savagely, driving his sharp vampire claws deep into my neck so that I felt my blood drip.
Finally, I submitted and surrendered completely. He pushed himself into my gut. He was there for a while whipping something, and then he started fucking me. He fucked hard and big. He held my upper body down the whole time and then, when the pain was almost too much for me to bear, he started teasing my clit with one hand. Finally, I couldn't help it when I exploded, and Damon exploded, flooding my bowels. Then he fucked my pussy. I was stinking of sex a mile away.
It had taken 30 minutes. He cleansed himself with energy and put some clothes from that wardrobe on, teleporting the rest of them away. They look good on him, too.
I didn't get to shower; we were about to leave for a local farm. He gave me a blood-red leather dress with a wider hem to put on. The dress stretched a little more than halfway down my thigh. There were no panties. My hair was red, curly and long. Damon did it himself. Then he gave me bright blue heels. I had no choice but to put them on. He bit my makeup, too.