4. White Flag.

The Damons and Mariella left the library after number three had made Mariella explode six times. This specimen was pretty wild. Damon remembered their bedroom with Mimi and didn't even go that way. He knew there were good big rooms downstairs where they could hang out.

It seemed that there had been quite many sex books in this library and Charles had shown where the book had been, between two Kamasutra, so number three's passion for sex was nothing so out of the ordinary. Meaning if you spent your life inside of a book for decades, between sex books and you have some sort of ability to suck information out of the other books, well, those that are near you, would be first in line.

So this version was more or less a fucking machine, even maybe more than number one was and number two, well he was less of fucking machine. Mariella had seen him glancing at Mimi, and she had made sure that number two was on this fucking as well as possible. She felt a bang of jealousy again; she was not willing to give her Damons; she had now three of them, to Mimi, not right now at least.

The wolves had already taken the men while number three was taking care of Mariela. Their passionate fucking had caught on. He knew he wanted to be with Mariella now. They all did. Mimi didn't occur to one or three. Now it was their time, and he accepted it. He didn't want to fight against nature, and he focused on doing what made his soul sing.

Number two had been ready to take Mimi, but Mariella had gotten jealous and made sure that he was on this lust-induced passion too, so Mimi was left out of it. He knew just how long ago it had been since someone had had sex with Mimi and she would be so juicy to cork. But if he were to say this out loud, it might mean that number one would take care of corking her at some point. For now, number two focused on Mariella like two other salvatores. He could feel being part of something. Number one was the leader, and their minds were linked. They were like a hive. 

Fine. I went out to eat, and the fridge was already linked, so I had a suitable meal for myself. I had my time, and I went through quite many emotions, each one bittersweet, and strong as I reminisced our life back then and went through more or less the entire house, except the rooms where there was fuckfest going on. I felt lonely, despite the pack being in the same house, but once again, I did not belong and sometimes it just got to me.

I was tired of being strong, alone, and cold, but I did what they were expected of me. Time went by. I did not sleep, not at all. Too many memories, not good ones, were rolling in my mind, but I kept my possible distress out of our bond with Charles. I had been going through the entire house for a week now and thought it might be a good time to clean out that alpha power.

I had teleported to another house to get some supplies. So, I would have to press my alpha points, a bit similar to the heat points, but these were all unique. It required little self-pleasure to get my alpha points out, as I was not an energy creature. So had to touch myself, stroke, and with sensations, I found my points.

The ritual was seemingly simple. You're supposed to press those alpha points, hard. It will be very painful and then you're supposed to slice your way pleasurably through the dots, connecting the dots in different patterns from time to time. At the same time, put a good crawler in the cunt so that the alpha power starts to clear. It gets black goo on your skin and you can shower several times. Pleasure is part of the cleaning, but in order to get the goo out, there was the pain part of this thing. 

The book doubted I could get my power clean all at once, but when I do it every week, it gets cleaner and cleaner. It would lot of time and effort to get my power crystal clean and as I had told stories of my life to this book, I was pretty sure that I would have to clean my power very often, even when I had gotten it fully clean too.

It could be used when dirty, but when it is clean, it is so much stronger, so it was a good thing to try to clean it as much as possible. Sensation, pain, and pleasure were paramount in this, and more pain, more gunk, but pleasure would get cleaning going deeper and it would clear more. It would be just a pretty hard thing to do. The alpha males also have a power you can cleanse, but they have their dots to use. 

I went into one bedroom upstairs, which we had devoted quite a bit of our time to because there was a good shower. I emptied my bedclothes off the bed, not putting them in the laundry, but I packed them away too, to be used in my houses, like Moldova, and kept my hair short because the mess would come up to my scalp. My hair was blonde and cropped really short. I put lots of towels under me and started to work.

First, a crawler loaded with arousing agents. Long sharp knife too. Pleasure needed to be strong, as the pain would be brutal. Then I marked my points with a marker so I could always find them. I'd get to know where to press pretty quickly. They were very sensitive points where to press and I started to work. Pressing, slashing, sometimes coming so fucking hard with the crawler, and then I kept going. The pain was pretty bad, so the pleasure was needed or else I would not do this long. 

I could feel the charge building up at every point and getting bigger and the pressure inside me was getting harder and getting the charge bigger and always having to get a charge going properly, slashing helped the charge to move, and I could feel the gunk starting to push through my skin. Now I had one problem, my vortex liked this too, and I needed to cut not too deep, not in a certain way or else. I did not want to think what would happen if I unleashed my power and there was no one to take it. This was quite a balancing act.

I showered several times and kept going as long as I could and then had a final shower and grew new and blonde hair, cut the gunk off. I was exhausted or even something more and I knew now I would need sleep despite my nightmares, but this would be just sleeping off this overwhelming exhaustion, not normal sleep where you dream. 

Then I went into our bedroom, under the covers where I could still smell Damon, and fell asleep, safe even though he wasn't physically there. The feeling that was left in this bed was safety. And it was good to sleep in. Some of our feelings, almost our memories, were put into bed and even though we had done so much more in that than just sleep, the feeling of safety and more so, the smell of my damon still clung to these bedsheets.

I realized why I loved to use them was that reason, the last little remnant of that guy, that smell, my ultimate safety. It was one reason why I had removed them, and packed them to safety, to preserve that scent and not let Mariella ruin it for me. She would with Damon have put all of them in the laundry, to get rid of the smell, not even thinking it, but that would have been the result.

Mariella was exhausted. Taking care of three hurricanes, when you have a week it's exhausting, three was fucking great in bed, a fucking machine, and taught the other two quite a lot of new things during that week. Mariella wanted to go and explore the house more. She knew or guessed that Mimi and Damon had shared a bedroom here too and she was just now realizing how strong a role they had played. That's why Mimi had moved out of them, made them neutral, often turned the bed the other way round or changed the curtains, and redecorated the complete bathroom.

She also understood that if Mimi hadn't done this, Damon might not have wanted to live in the pack at the beginning. It was good that they now had their places to stay, but it was also sad that Mimi and Damon no longer had their places. And then she was glad that Mimi hadn't made her places with Adam and Charles either.

But Mimi had made dens or pleasant bedrooms where she had taken only Charles and Adam. Mariella wanted to see what kind of bedroom those two had had. She wanted to see the past and read those energies. She knew that love between Mimi and Damon had once been a powerful force and she wanted to feel it, or what was left of it. She wanted to understand how she could get something back for them.

Somehow, she wanted to get Mimi to spend time with Damon. She wanted them to get back together, but it seemed so impossible from time to time even though there were three damons they all wanted to be with her. They did not think about Mimi at all and it was very sad somehow for Mariella, besides; she thought to herself that Mimi might be in trouble if number three, the sex machine would sometimes take her and show her how salvatore does it.

Mariella's jealousy over number two had now stopped as she had gotten him to be with her and only with her, too. She somehow sensed it, and it brought a sense of calmness to her mind. She had her men and even she knew Mimi had none and it was very sad; she did not want to give Damon fully to Mimi. She was greedy; she wanted again burst of that power into her energy grid, make those two boost her grid so she could do so much more with it, too.

They went to dinner. Mariella noticed she had three men feeding her, watching over her, and even though it was sweet, it was also overwhelming almost. But she was a good girl as Damon showed flank syringes when she questioned the amount of her food. So she ate the enormous meal and tried to make sure that these three ate as they should. She was not in the mood to operate on their intestines.

Over the food, Mariella said, "I want to see that Damon, yours and Mimi's bedroom. I don't even know where the whole lady is. What she has been doing and if she's already unpacked it."

Damon sighed and wished Mimi hadn't unpacked it yet. He had good memories in there too and some part of him wanted to have a room with Mimi, a few parts of him actually. His alpha side would very much like to have a den in every house for him and his female. But damon wished to himself that they would have a room of their own.

But then again, their relationship, if they had one, had taken so many hits that he was not sure if he had the right to even demand or hope to have a room with her. They started to go up the stairs and Mariella peeked into that room now and then. Damon told her from time to time, showing something that they bought together with Mimi. They had gone shopping together once or twice and it had been wonderful, but it was in the past and he needed to remember that you can't change the past. You can only live with your mistakes and his mistakes. They were huge.

Room after room, they walked and looked around. Damon was smiling lightly and when Mariella inquired, number three just smirked at her. So she pretty much got the gist that this house had been dedicated quite well. Mimi was still nowhere to be seen. One bedroom was empty. Sure, the bed had been completely emptied and the room itself was very deserted, but Damon could tell this had been one room they'd been devoting a lot of time to. Mariella didn't know what had been done in the room, except that it smelt of strawberries and champagne, so Mimi had been treating herself there.

The scent was fresh, so she had been having fun just herself here and there were also other smells. They were unfamiliar ones and Mariella was not sure what that smell was. One smell was like sweat and dust and some sort of gunk and the other smell was much more subtle, it was the smell of steel and a little bit burned candle. Some sort of vampire smell, and Mariella, once again, was confused. 

Damon frowned as well. He ventured into that room, into the bathroom, and noticed that the shower had been used. There was some residue near the shower. Damon crouched down, touched the black goo, and smelled it. It smelled partly emotions, partly some sort of gunk, like sweat or grease.

And there was a slight smell of overripe strawberries in there too, a smell that Damon knew meant one thing: Mimi was in pain. And in severe pain. But why? And as they tried to see in the past, it was blocked so she had once again, some jewel or crystal to cover her tracks. Fine. Once they found her, it would be time for her to come clean.