24. Help me, Dr. Dick.

Mariella was frantic, and a shower was just what they both needed. Then they dried each other off, and Damon had brought Mariella some of Mimi's clothes so she could get clean clothes on. This had been a very exciting adventure for her, and she knew Damon would need to unload, too. 

Mariella said, " How is Mimi? She was wounded. Should we check on her?"

She wanted to make sure that Mimi would be fine and maybe she could pull those bullets out. She had seen black-haired and red-haired Sarks already earlier. They had cleared Mimi's desk as Damon had given them information about what to do. He had spied Mimi's thoughts during the drive. He told Mariella about Mimi's little shed, or hideaway with several high-value targets, and her penchant for torturing them. Sarks would have several excellent subjects to test different types of interrogation ways. as well as Magnum too. 

Damon was not sure what to do with Dark Mimi, as he called that side of her. He had pushed it down, but it had been a real surprise to learn that it had been St Charles who had dug it originally out, teaching Mimi to accept its side. Again, one thing that had suited better for him as he could have put straight away different limits to that side. But it had blown out fully. 

Damon grunted and said, " Fine, darling. Let's go and see how many bullets the lady has taken in herself. And how she thinks she's going to get them off. Let's hope that the multiplication enzyme has not activated, though she looks knackered, so rest would be good for her. That side is now down, but I need to come up with a plan with it too."

They kissed passionately and took another quick one when Mimi didn't show up for her shower. They did not know when she would come in the shower and then Damon would see the damage more easily.

Then they went to the common room, and one guy called Jack said, "The Boss is in her office showering. She'll be out in a minute. You can have lunch, it was just ordered, there is for the boss' lunch too, her special order."

Damon looked at Mariella and said, his voice was a little dangerous, "Or in her office shower. Come on, and we'll see how nice a shower the lady has herself. And let's see that lunch a little later on."

Mariella noticed the edge in Damon's voice and couldn't blame him. Yes, it pissed her off, too, knowing that Miss Manager had her little room with her little shower. And a special lunch ordered god knows where. Did she want to get poisoned, maybe? They made their way determinedly to the office.

Damon opened the door even though it was locked, and there was still the sound of water running. Mimi's office was not too big, it looked crowded as there was a huge desk, computer, and printer, laptop, walls were lined with maps and satellite photos, and there were stacked papers on the table, pens, and the whole desk were more or less little chaotic. Damon suppressed his need to go and put everything neatly. 

The study was not wonderful. Limited space up to the ceiling, gave the impression that there was some privacy, but not always so much. Damon walked to the bathroom door and opened it. The shower was nice, though not terribly spacious, and Mariella wondered if it could have been done there, but it would have been a challenge. Mimi was washing herself and the smell of washing liquid was not the same that she had in the house, so whatever she was washing herself with, was not approved by Damon. 

Mariella and Damon saw Mimi's unhealed bullet wounds while she was still washing herself. She had quite a collection of bruises on her body, too. Marks of internal bleeding caused by those bullets. 

I had just finished washing my hair, and when I turned around, I looked Damon straight in the eye. I was tired, yet my desk was full of paperwork and I needed to see if I had time to go through some of them. Not sure Sark understood what I had been doing as he was not a telepath, so there were still loose ends for me to deal with. They had some of my papers but traffic to my office was almost continued and Sarks were still occupied with other tasks so my people brought paperwork to my desk as usual. And there was plenty of it, as this was one of the biggest bases around this side of the States, meaning this had quite an extensive area where we were doing our things. 

Damon's expression was worried, a little irritated. He was looking over my body like a doctor, thankfully. I took the towel off the nail and just wrapped it around me. I got out of the shower.

I carefully observed the situation using my heightened senses, and it was glaringly obvious. The couple who had witnessed my private shower had mistakenly assumed I had a luxurious shower room. Little did they know, I kept my own shower separate for practical reasons. At gigs, there were usually more men than women showering, and I didn't want to give anyone the wrong impression. As the leader, I wanted to be respected, not objectified. Plus, there was no need for anyone to see the scars and wounds I usually concealed.

Entering my office, Damon boldly walked ahead of me and arrogantly took a seat in my chair. He nonchalantly propped his feet up on my desk and gave me a quizzical look, eyeing the stacks of papers scattered about. He didn't say a word, but his actions spoke volumes. I chose another chair and pulled my clothes closer to me, trying to regain a sense of control.

Mariella spoke up, her tone filled with concern, "You have an alarming number of bullets lodged in your body. I won't remove any of them unless the doctor gives the green light. I'm sure your husband wants you to go through the scanner first, and then we can assess the situation. Some of these fragments are quite small and we need to ensure the multiplication enzyme isn't activated."

I nodded in understanding, continuing to dress myself. I handed them the full-body x-ray I had taken earlier, revealing the extensive collection of bullets inside me. Some had even exploded, but fortunately, it seemed that not many organs were affected.

I replied, "Yes, there are quite a few, but thankfully, no extra organs. Here's my x-ray, and I can take care of myself. Besides, I have a ton of paperwork to attend to."

Damon stated, "You're not drying yourself off properly. You should learn to do that to avoid getting too cold. This picture is intriguing, but we'll need to use a scanner for a closer look. As for the paperwork, it can wait. We have people here to handle it."

Finishing dressing, I declared, "I'm going into the scanner now. The results will be on that tablet once it's done, and I'll remove the bullets myself. Quickly."

Earlier, I had prepared my kit, which included various instruments, bowls, a knife, and a metal detector. It was sitting on the table, and Damon had just opened it.

Damon looked at me for a moment and said, " Yeah, we're going to go in there, and then we're going to see what method we use to get the bullets out. Not that method, I can say that."

He had started to look through my papers, putting them in piles, frowning slightly. 

He finally stood up, and I started walking towards our first aid station. I could see Good Sark walking into my office. He probably went to this paperwork. We see what comes out of it. 

All Mariella could do was wonder all the time. New places were being found all the time at this base. The medical ward was like a medbay for the pack. There were patient beds, a scanner, and cabinets full of supplies. There were several patients in beds and men and a few women walked in scrubs, nodding to Mimi, but no one dared to approach her. Mimi habitually walked over to the scanner and turned it on.

Once it was on, she took a remote control from one of the drawers. Mariella noticed that despite there being many professionals, all of them were wary of Mimi, and not one came forward and tried to treat her. No wonder she had that kit in her office. Mimi was holding the remote, pressing a few buttons on it, and walking toward the slate where to lie down. 

But Damon acted, went over to Mimi, and took the remote out of her hand. He looked at Mimi for a moment, and Mariella realized Damon had just grabbed all the information that was here on medbay and how to use the scanner. Mimi was disturbed—her realm. She was not thrilled, as now there was someone who had the guts to treat her and make her behave. 

Mariella could see how damn tired Mimi was, though—that two weeks of hard gigs she'd been doing had definitely taken its toll on Mimi, both physically and mentally. She knew also that one job still required Damon to get unloaded because it was hard to see all those victims of Damien's, to find them with rib crushers, stabbers, and jelly.

Even though Damon liked to pretend that killing people is nothing weird, that kind of liberation gets to your soul. And Damon's job is always, always to fix what Damien breaks. But sometimes it breaks so badly that you can't fix it. Damon had killed a lot of humans in his time, but mercy killing, having witnessed the agony, was something else, and Mimi had done so many times.

Who then helps Mimi to unravel how she even processes that kind of stuff. Mariella didn't know. In a perfect world, it would be Damon, or if there really were a perfect world, then none of that would happen.

As the goddamn horseshit salvatore snatched my remote and info off the scanner, there was not much for me to do. I then went to the scanner and waited for the scan to finish. When it was over, I stood and sat down for a second before walking over to see the result. My head was spinning, and I felt faint again, needing some sugar. 

Damon said, " Fine. We'll do this in the castle. You get a minor surgery, so those better be removed that way. You're not healing nearly as well as you should, and that's why we're doing this at the castle." 

He looked at me like, oh baby, try to challenge. Now, I wasn't in the mood for a challenge. He stood up and went to talk to medics for a few minutes, taking his phone and texting to someone too.

Then he walked back, and looked at me, saying "Now, those people have the phone number of our hospital so any bigger injuries go straight in there to be treated and they don't have to be here for weeks but they get treatment that they need. You, my lady, you are going to take it easy as I don't really want you to move too much with those bits all over your guts, no need to get an infection."

I said, " Fine, are we going to go then or what?"

I was trying to reach the pocket of my jeans. I had some sugar pills there but a firm hand on my wrist stopped me. 

Damon said, "Fine, let's just teleport already to that newer castle in France. Then we can have our wedding." He grabbed me and Mariella and we teleported to the castle.

We teleported straight to the medbay, and Damon opened another patient bed put down on the side and looked at me questioningly. I then went to bed, and Damon went to the medbay after raising the boards up quite high. Mariella brought in the patient gown and undressed me with magic naked. I was just thinking about my everyday stuff, not really sure what was needed even if Sark would take over the fleas, and I felt so relieved. The world was once again my oyster, and I was not sure what to do. Of course, there was a wedding first. 

I got the gown in place and leaned back on the bed, having first lifted the headboard up properly. Damon was already there making a cocktail, and I saw three others walk into the medbay to kiss Mariella and fondle her. I did not look at them and soon the printer whirred and started to spew papers as number two had gone to the computer to print the referral.

I was not sure if I was in terrible shape. I mean, I had worked only two weeks, and before that, I had been stuffed diligently by Adam and Charles. Damon got his poison ready and grabbed a central line and a couple of wing needles. Oh, blood test time. Mariella had already disappeared into the world of her blood tubes and was there collecting a referral made by a two.

I watched as Damon finished up a few more bags. Fine, this wouldn't be a three-hour anesthetic then. Damon took one of the drip stands, put the bag on it, hooked a tube, and put it in to wait for access to my cannula. Then he took a few more bump bags.

As far as I could tell, I wasn't in that terrible shape. Like I mentioned earlier, I had been stuffed well.

He brought the rack to the side of my bed. I said, " Am I going to sleep longer then?"

Damon snickered and lowered the headboard so he could better cannulate my central line. He turned my head to the side, and he had work in order to find my vein.

He furrowed his brow as he finally slid the cannula into place. Then he lifted my skin, which didn't settle right away.

He said, " You're quite dehydrated again, tired as fuck. Rest will do you good. Believe me, you'll see."

He took a cocktail syringe from the table, put it in my cannula, and said, "Sleepy time, baby." I fell asleep right away.