Damon went to set up the operating room while number two was drawing Mimi's blood. Damon also wanted to check the hormone levels first. Whatever his little alpha bitch had done to herself, there was a solution for everything, and Mimi was in breeding before she even realized it. Then they removed Mimi's intestine and, under the old one, they found a huge spleen with a slightly different color from Mimi's.
Mariella took a sample of it and said, "Miss has made that spleen for Charles. Then there is one smaller one for Adam and this micro spleen. This is Damon for you. Just so you don't get a whine that she doesn't make you one too."
Damon looked at the little spleen, which was an inch in diameter, for a moment and said, " Well, that might help. Put it away."
Mariella smiled and saved the spleen. Mimi grew a new intestine with no problems. Mimi's uterus and ovaries were microscopic and dry. So, she had been playing with her hormones. They took Mimi back to the medbay and looked at the results. Miss had pulled all her hormones, at least reproductive hormones, down as low as they could go.
Mariella asked, " What are you going to do, honey? Now I don't know if even a sex holiday is going to help get those up yet."
Damon was silent for a moment and looked at the sleeping Mimi. She was so innocent and fragile looking, but the fire that raged in that woman's soul was no small spark.
The Alpha female needed another little reminder of who was in charge of this pack.
Damon said, "What do you think? Would a hot organic bump from an alpha male for a week straight get to the bottom of something? I'd swear the lady has a libido good enough after that to enjoy a sex holiday and get things right."
Mariella laughed and said, " Do you want one more little thing, well I took Elena around my neck and she's a bit of a chatterbox, she told me that Mimi has a secret corridor here where there are Adam/Charles' rooms and the ladies' rooms. What do you say we go check out that hallway first and then the lady wakes up in one of the rooms and you're already inside? "
Damon grinned and said, " Oh, the look on my wife's face is always so worth it when she finds herself being fucked."
They set off down the corridor and Damon's expression sharpened when he saw all 12 rooms of which 6 were made directly for Adam/Charles's work and then there were 6 of the lady's rooms, yes she is a quick girl to decorate. Damon just picked the perfect nest.
One where it's nice not to be banned from reading. But not for long. He'd fuck Mimi here for a week, putting her hormones right where they belong. He tried to control his rage, and Mariella could see that these rooms were now pulling Damon over the edge as far as he could go, but that in itself was a good thing because then Mimi would see the consequences of her minor projects.
But if Damon were to go overboard in the wrong way again, this whole minor project could blow up in their faces. Mariella agonized over these thoughts and wondered if it would be wiser for them to just fuck in these rooms with the wolves and show Mimi that the entire pack can fuck wherever they want. But then again, Mimi's hormones.
Damon said, "I'm not taking Mimi now. Just invite the rest of the pack to fuck here and Mimi in one room. She's been on a hormone drip, but I'm too pissed off."
Mariella took Damon into one room, and Damon sealed it and unleashed his fury, and attacked Mariella, fucking her hard and violently as he had never done before.
Damon had no mercy and now he didn't want to just give pleasure as he unloaded in such a brutal and animalistic way that Mariella just took it all in and waited for the pleasure to come in its own time.
I woke up in one of the regular bedrooms and Charles was explaining the main points in my head. Fine, let him fuck all over the room for me, they're just rooms. I've learned to share. I took Elena around my neck, and she apologized when she accidentally revealed it. It was time to do their stuff.
I assured her I didn't mind at all put on my running clothes and went out for a run. I can share and if they thought that I somehow owned those rooms, and this would blow to me, no, they don't know me, not at all.
There was a damn good running trail, and I enjoyed being able to run and be in nature, by myself. Elena had heard what they had originally planned for me, and I was so fucking pleased that Damon was pissed about the rooms because even though I'd been given hormones, my mind wasn't in the mood for that now and I didn't know what would come of it anyway. How long would Damon have lasted if I'd just been there?
After the run, I ate, now as I should have, after every single treat had been carefully cleaned away. Then I went to do my hamster storage stuff.
When Mariella asked me what I was doing, I said, "Hamster storage, thank God I didn't end up under Damon, as I'm not in the mood at all, and it's not just hormones. I'm used to being on my own now and enjoying the rooms. They're just rooms I've decorated, but if my sources of inspiration give you guys the need to go haywire, then go for it. Next time, you could make me a guide to what or who I can think of when I decorate."
Then, I was silent. With the whole pack still assuming that I'm just going to take Adam or Charles into that room and never let anyone else in. I have never, as far as I know, told anyone not to go anywhere, unlike the Salvatore couple. Now they can stew in their shit for fucking six months.
After a few days of organizing my hamster storage, I stumbled upon some incredibly useful items from my past. I had just acquired a brand new virtual program that would assist me in my decorating plans, but in order for it to function properly, I needed pictures or video footage of each room. Knowing there was a lot of work to be done in this enormous house on this ranch, I was eager to familiarize myself with the program.
That's when I discovered my old spy glasses, equipped with a discreet yet powerful camera. With these glasses, I could simply roam around the house, peering into each room and capturing images to use with my program. Not only did these glasses have a hidden camera, but they also boasted an impressive microphone. This meant that I might pick up snippets of conversations I didn't necessarily intend to hear. However, eavesdropping on others, particularly Damon, might backfire because hearing some truths, well, not even my pretty tolerant soul could not take.
Elena was just as enthusiastic about the program and wanted to give it a try. It would save us the trouble of doing the physical work first, only to realize something wasn't quite right. So the next day, we embarked on our plan, meticulously exploring each floor of the castle and examining every unused room.
It would be so lovely to upload this footage on a computer, create a virtual version of this house, decorate it first on the computer, and then see if it would work.
But, as is often the case in my life, I was about to face an unexpected truth, meaning an enormous pile of shit, right in my face. We had reached the seventh floor, just as we had intended, and everything seemed to go according to plan. The program would soon enable us to download catalogs from various websites and virtually arrange the images in our dream house, allowing us to see what would work best.
Rob had been Mimi's soulmate, just as Jake had been, and what existed on Earth was mirrored in heaven. His connection with Mimi was profound, and he was determined to help her. Whenever Mimi experienced pain, Rob felt it too. He had his own way of trying to uncover the harsh reality so that Mimi wouldn't suffer even more in the future.
As Mimi strolled along the corridor, a door on the side creaked open. Rob, being attuned to Mimi's distress, opened the door, allowing her powerful microphone to capture the conversation unfolding within that bedroom.
Mariella was exhausted, her energy drained from the weight of imperfections in her life, particularly her wedding.
She let out a heavy sigh and confided in Damon, her voice tinged with frustration, "Damn Mimi, she single-handedly ruined what was my perfect wedding. Why did she not ask for help, or inform us that there are still those damn scientists after her? Over the years, she has amassed a multitude of enemies, and now they're tormenting us relentlessly. Magic House is in chaos and now everything needs to be considered and it is not so easy for them to witches get in. It is not good for those who seek a place to be to be interrogated and tested."
Damon gently caressed her, his words barely audible as he whispered, "It's true, Mimi has made herself quite a few adversaries. That wedding was far from what it was supposed to be. Perhaps Mimi is content with escaping the burden of her role. She seemed very smug. She did not get to have my wedding night. Or be with me during the day. Damn, Wulfe saving her. But my love, amidst all this chaos, there is a glimmer of hope. We need to remember the most important thing in this."
I was walking along the corridor when I heard Mariella's voice. Of course, me being an eternal masochist; I needed to stop and listen as she again complained about me. Turning the whole wedding fiasco into my fault, as usual. And when Damon answered to her. My heart skipped a beat. Or several as he continued revealing their plan.
Mariella asked Damon with frustration clear in her voice, "What silver lining? I am exhausted from constantly managing her never-ending crises. She's always in the medbay for various reasons, neglecting her meals. And she's a burden on you, too. Again, we had to operate on her. Her bowels were blocked, and she was eating whatever. Her holiday was wonderful, as she does not have to share anything."
Damon replied, his voice tinged with resignation, "Yes, she is a burden, but she is also wealthy. And now that we no longer have that pesky prenup, once you gain more strength in your alpha power as the true alpha female, if she continues to be this difficult, we can divorce without it crushing us financially. We can also keep most of our houses since she's married to you too and for other salvatores."
His voice was satisfied, very much so. I was frozen in my place, listening, hoping, but in vain as he continued, " Furthermore, she's the strongest siphon in the universe, a valuable power source. Her offspring will be the strongest creatures out there, and with the help of our magic house and the witches, they will bring honor to the Salvatore name. We need to get her breeding and lot, being under control, pregnant and I will start then at some point look up those finances so we can get you your own account as well. There are a lot of investments made out of Mimi's name and it is time for them to become Salvatore's."
Mariella let out a tired sigh but managed a smile. "Of course, dear. You always have a wise perspective. And if she becomes impossible to handle, as her guardian, you may consider sedating her for a few days, like a permanent flank. And, of course, you can use your little treatment techniques on her. She is yours to use. You don't get your wedding nights with her and those boots of her's did you know she had several men's boots reserved too and you know for whom? It is time for her to learn to share, her money and her body."
I stood in the middle of the corridor. A mixture of disbelief and despair washed over me, making it difficult to process the reality that I was burdened with. The thought of my marriage felt hollow, devoid of any genuine affection, reduced to a transaction of my wealth and assets. In Damon's eyes, I was nothing more than a lifeless battery, a mere vessel for bearing cubs. Unable to find the right words, I remained silent and witnessed it, feeling my heart breaking, and my soul-crushing. I was there for hours, listening to them. Every single word was recorded, it was etched in my mind and I stood there, seeing in that room, Damon's expression's my pretender ability telling to me that he was speaking the truth and nothing but the truth.
Elena, too, was quite damn angry and stunned as I descended a few floors below. My footsteps were muffled by the plush carpeting, each step a reflection of the heaviness in my heart. Without uttering a single word, I reached up and unclasped the pendant from around my neck, placing it delicately on the table before me. I did not tell her anything. I needed to not to feel, not to be here. This had been too much. With a heavy sigh, I teleported away, ensuring to grab my wallet and car keys on the way out. My soul felt crushed, the weight of it all unbearable. I found myself driving aimlessly through the city until I arrived at a massive liquor store, renowned for its selection of potent supernatural spirits. I had no road rage, no nothing, just pain and the need to make it go away.
Entering the store, the scent of aged oak barrels and fermented fruits wafted through the air, mingling with the sharp tang of alcohol. I hastily filled my basket with as many bottles as I could, opting for the strongest concoctions available. This would help, at least temporarily.
With my purchases in hand, I returned to my car, started the engine, and drove towards one of my secret old safe houses. These hidden havens remained unknown to the world, concealed from prying eyes. Billy, our trusted computer expert, had long been responsible for monitoring these locations, ensuring that if any of us sought solace within their walls, he would be alerted and send help. I had here only bitter old memories of Rob, Jake, Murdock, and a few others who had known about these places, most of them dead, living in headstones in my heart.
As I parked my car, the silence of the secluded safehouse enveloped me. My bags clinked together, the sound of glass against the glass a reminder of the numbing relief I sought in the bottles. Shedding my jacket and shoes, I made my way into the dimly lit living room.
A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I reached for one of the bottles, the familiar coolness of the glass against my fingertips providing a fleeting comfort. With each swig, my mood grew more somber, and I roamed throughout the house, carefully hiding my stash of bottles. The pain was too great for me to even cry.
It never occurred to me that there were inconspicuous cameras, silently observing my every move. Unbeknownst to me, Billy had diligently monitored these houses, prepared to offer aid or summon help should any of us seek refuge within their walls, wounded and in need. He had still these cameras active as Murdock, Magnum, and Dexter knew about these places as well.
Billy had spent most of his adult and young life immersed in the world of fleas. The news of Mimi quitting had left him shocked, but the new team seemed promising. Mimi had always been his guiding light, his lifeline. Currently, in Italy, he was ensuring the firewalls were up to date in a secure location. Mimi had been his idol, his mother almost, and she had left a big void behind her. It was hard to believe that she was never going to walk in base, look at everyone sharply, demand attention and her calm voice telling what to do.
Suddenly, one of his many phones buzzed in his pocket, causing him to fumble and search for the source of the text or call. To his surprise, it was a notification from one of their old safe houses in America, showing movement inside. There was no breach of alarm, meaning someone with the access codes had entered. Billy sighed, realizing he needed to investigate this matter in his office, away from prying eyes.
As far as he knew, only he, Murdock, Mimi, Magnum, and Dexter had access to this safe house. Could it be one of them? Meaning if someone had come in wounded, unable to call for help, he would see it. Billy made his way to his office, a grown man dedicated to his life in fleas. He sat behind his desk, the familiar surroundings providing a sense of comfort. He drank Mimi's blood too, keeping himself fit, and he was sworn to be in fleas for the rest of his life.
Opening his laptop, he entered his passcodes and launched the program, taking a moment to find the relevant file containing the feed from the house. Finally, he managed to open it, only to be met with shock and uncertainty.
He watched the footage of Mimi sitting in a chair, drinking bottle after bottle. The sight was jarring - his idol had sunk to such a state of constant drinking. But why? Billy knew Mimi was married to Adam and Charles. Both of them had been a mentor figure to him. Desperate to help Mimi, he sent a snippet of the feed to Charles's work phone, hoping he could assist her.
Charles stood in the bustling kitchen, the aroma of sizzling food filling the air, when his work phone vibrated, breaking his concentration. Irritated, he fished it out of his pocket, anticipating a potential gig. He had been planning to seduce Mimi and indulge in a wild, passionate time with her, but he hadn't made it that far yet. With a sigh, he unlocked his phone, only to be taken aback by a message from Billy. The words on the screen read, "Here's the address. If you still want to see her, I'm in Europe and unable to help."
Charles blinked, looking through the snippet seven times, unable to believe his eyes. He felt his soul aching, and he wanted to rush there, hold her in his arms, but this needed a little more time as Billy had put in his message that she had been in there for a week already. Perplexed, he rushed to inform Adam, who entered the kitchen and examined the message before swiftly dialing Billy's number to seek further clarification.