
Sebastien stubbed his cheroot into the dirt of the plant, exhaling in irritation as the dancers twirled once more and he caught a glimpse of a shining blonde head.

"There you are." Timtree strode over to him. "Card game in the back."

He lifted a brow. "And?"

"And the stakes are good."

Sebastien doubted that, but as the quadrille was going to last ten minutes more, and he didn‟t much feel like seeing his prey in the arms of another, he followed Timtree. "Why include me?" Timtree had negative luck against him at cards.

"Oh, I‟m not playing." He sent him a sly look. "But Lord Benedict is. And the duke. He was just announced a few minutes ago. Returned from London a day earlier than planned."

He had missed that. Must have been when he was talking to Caroline.

"Well, that just makes my night, Timtree. I can‟t express my gratitude for you coming to get me immediately."