Thirty Six

"I need to go into the village and deliver the sketch and then help the children learn their new dance." She nudged him aside and washed the other dish. "I will be gone the rest of the day, so I‟m sure you‟ll want to return to the manor to find other pleasures."

Not perfect. "I thought that you were done with the dreaded village tasks?"


"Stay here." He smiled his best smile, the one that always worked. "I‟ll be good."

There was a softening of her expression, just for a second, then steel as her head cocked to the side. "No. Don‟t push me, Sebastien, or all your tactics will be for naught."

Shock and pleasure ran through him in equal measures. The combination of innocence and steel was like sharp fingernails raking his back, followed by a cup of warm honey that dripped straight to his groin.

"Then I‟ll just have to accompany you."