Thirty Nine

The music filled and surrounded her as she watched Sebastien dance with Polly, and Noah dance with a pretty villager whom he had been making cow eyes at all night. Everyone paired together and enjoying themselves. Even Mr. Wallace was leaving her alone for once. She hadn‟t seen him in a good ten minutes, and he was usually relied upon to hover at her side and chide all manner of her decisions. The matrons had even loosened up a bit under the wild midsummer moon. Free to show some affect in the midst of the festivities.

She wanted to move, to be free too. To feel the music and passion, the release.

But she couldn‟t afford to do so yet. She had just gained the matron‟s respect.

She needed a place…

The perfect spot blinked in the moonlight, and she felt the pull. Breaking away from curious eyes and reminders of bad choices past, she disappeared into the night, the itch needing fulfillment, her body needing to be free.