Forty Six

The duke looked at her in amusement. "I believe the bet was about bedding you at first, but turned into something about making you fall in love with Sebastien. Since it is well-known that Sebastien doesn‟t believe in love and Benedict has silly notions about the state, I must claim myself the arbiter, and I believe the bet has been resolved. I took the liberty of securing the item which was bet from Benedict‟s room. Timely. The look on your face after you stumbled and Sebastien caught you can hardly be faked."

He lifted a pocket watch and held it out to Sebastien, who pivoted and walked away without a word. The duke slipped the watch back into his waistcoat, smiling. Benedict looked unnaturally

alarmed as his eyes switched from his brother‟s retreating back to the duke, then Caroline. He took off after Sebastien.