Back 2 School

Most of his classmates were surprised to see Patty come in class at all, much less be very early. He always just used to come in at least five to ten minutes late everyday even though he was very close to school.

"Aren't you going to sit?" asked the Professor.

Patty was just standing in the doorway, wide eyed as if he was surprised that he was even in the classroom at all. He slapped his own face to try and wake up from this nightmare, but it didn't work. He was still in school.

"What just happened," he muttered.

If he remembered correctly, he used the skip button to make a simple cereal. Easy, right? But then why did he end up here in school complete with his uniform and bag AND at least an hour early in school?!

"Like I said," professor Mortimer coughed. "Teqx will not do anything for you. They will not break your mortal shackles for you. You are in charge of your own destiny."

He wanted to continue with his lecture, but he saw that the black sheep in class wasn't even listening to him. He was looking at his own hands as if it was someone else's.

"Listen, Patrick. Even if you acquire a Teqx, you cannot be lazy. They will not fight your battles for you, they will not study your tests for you, and they, most importantly, will not achieve your dreams for you."

Patty looked at his hands. "Apparently, they do just that and more…" 

He finally realized that the system had its own motives. Whenever he was using the skip button, the system took over his body and did whatever it wanted it wanted to do.

He knew that the system could take over his body, after all that is how the skip button was supposed to work. His body needed to do those actions without Patty actually doing them, so there must be someone else controlling his body during those times.

However, he didn't think that the system could do things other than the mission.

Could the system ignore the mission entirely when he uses a skip, Patty wondered. That would be the most terrifying possibility for sure. But he didn't think that was true. If it was, then it would have done a completely different thing the first time he used the skip.

He remembered that an hour always passes whenever he uses a skip, regardless of what mission it was. He looked at his watch, which was placed at the wrong side of his arm, and saw that exactly an hour had passed.

He guessed that the system had to complete the mission first, and if it didn't take an hour to finish, then it could do whatever it wanted. He could prove this theory if he came back home and saw a soggy cereal in his kitchen counter.

"Curse you," he muttered to the system. He didn't want to go to school and it's exactly what it did. He would get back at the system no matter what. Just not now because he was too lazy to do it. But if that chance came, he would take it.

"Hmm? What did you say?" the Professor asked.

"Nurse. I said I have to go to the nurse and check my health."

"Oh, I thought I heard something else. Just go sit in your chair or I'll drive you to the hospital myself," Prof Ortez said, showing his fist.

"I'll drive you to a hearse," Patty muttered in reply.

[Missions Completed]

• Go to school

• Make cereal


• 1x summon scroll

• 10 Yi Power

[Missions Completed Today: 3]

Hmph. At least the system was reasonable in giving him the rewards. Since the reward was a summon scroll, Patty was feeling a lot better than before. He was already in school, so there was nothing he could do. He was too lazy to go back home now; that was energy he wasn't willing to spend.

[Name: Patrick "Patty" Patterson]

[Energy: 90.5/100]

[Yi Power: 0]

[Credits: 1000] 

[Ether: 50]

[Minion Growth Crystal: 35] 


[Head: 23/100  -  +]

[Left Arm: 23/100  -  +]

[Right Arm: 23/100  -  +]

[Torso: 23/100  -  +]

[Left Leg: 23/100  -  +]

[RIght Leg: 23/100  -  +]


[Cultivation: D-Class Tendora - 17 Yi/day]

Oh, the system was nice enough to upgrade his body stats for him. It was on his mind the whole time, but he was too lazy to upgrade them himself. After all, touching that plus button 5 times was already too much for him. He was almost regretful that he was gaining 17 Yi Power per day because he would have to touch the stats 17 times.

Why couldn't that be automatic, he thought. Whatever. He didn't even perceive any difference in strength from before he upgraded his strength. Were those just empty numbers?

There was also no opportunity for him to test his strength. His greatest feat of strength back then when he didn't have the system was opening a really tough jar of peanut butter.

What was he going to do? Go to a gym? Hit some punching bags? HAHAHAHA! No thanks. Do you know how much energy those athletes shed each work out? Not to mention the sweat. Showering once a day was already too much.

Since he didn't really have any perceivable difference in strength, Patty decided to forgo completing missions that had Yi Power as a reward. What was even the point of increasing his stats?

He was boycotting the system as revenge for making him go to school.

{Main Mission}


• Gain 100/100 in each of your body parts


• Physical Breakthrough

• SSS+ Class Skill

The reward didn't matter, no matter how tempting it was. He simply had no need for increasing his strength at the time. He was more worried about how he could be more lazy at this time.

"Let's continue our lecture, shall we?" Professor Ortez pointed outside the window. "Can you see that singular cumulonimbus cloud up in the sky?"

Everyone looked at the sky and saw its wondrous blue kingdom spanning half of the world. It was solitary, as if no one else was regal enough to fly as high as it had. The chains that wrapped around it gave it a sense of stability and security that could not be perversed by anything below it.

"That is the creation of the Chained Being. He oversees our nation and secured it from the evil beings that try to harm us," he said while his eyes gazed respectfully at the Chained Cloud.

"This cloud protects us from storms blowing our souls away. It protects us from the burning and blazing heat of the Sun. And most importantly, it protects our dreams from being invaded by the monsters that lurk outside."

Everyone's eyes were filled with praise and admiration for the Chained Being. He was their idol; they want to achieve their dreams just like he did.

"Because of that cloud, we are safe here. But what if we don't want to be safe? What if we have to face our fears and challenge ourselves? What if we had to adventure outside?"

The thought of going outside gave them chills and a sense of danger. That place was only for monsters and deviants.

"Will our Teqx be enough? Is our power sufficient to protect us from danger?"

Professor Mortimer Wraitheborne took out a box from below his desk. "Sometimes, we have to use other forms of protection."

A smile formed on his face as he saw the anticipation build up on his students. This was what they were waiting for. They were finally about to see one of the most dangerous weapons that mankind had discovered.

They weren't supposed to see this weapon this early, but the Professor wanted to give them an advantage against the other classes.

"This is a Fiendish Armament or FA for short," he brought out a monstrous club that was black and red in color, with golden strikes as if a lightning struck it multiple times.

Everyone was marveled by the appearance of this weapon. "Only licensed dreamers are allowed to find, create, and use these kinds of weapons. Although there was one student back then in your age that was allowed to do so, you shouldn't have those hopes. It is far too dangerous for students and novices alike."

Professor Wraitheborne nodded in self-praise as he saw his students to feel fear or desire for this weapon. He had successfully stoked their yearning to get stronger.

However, there was only one person who didn't feel anything. He just stood there staring at the air like an idiot.

"Sit down, Patrick! Or else I'll strike you with this club!" He shouted. "And what happens if I do that, class? He'll die."

The students laughed. Why was that even a question? Of course he would die. No ordinary human could withstand a full-on strike with a Fiendish Armament. Even licensed dreamers will die if they were hit head on.

But Patty was still focused on air. He was indifferent to everything around him. Instead of feeling anger, he was feeling excited.

It was now finally time for another summoning! He was going to use the 1x summon scroll to get another minion to do his bidding.