
The Fiend's head moved left and right as it tried to whack the annoying worm that keeps popping up all over the place. But no matter how fast it tried to poke that head, it always seemed to hide away at the very last second. Its face slowly morphed into an emotion it had never shown before: annoyance.

It was always either fear or indifference. It was either being hunted by bigger predators or giving up after failing to hunt its prey. If it couldn't get its prey, it would give up because it didn't want to waste precious energy in the wild and end up catching a predator's attention.

This was the first time it wanted to kill a prey not because it wanted to eat it, but because it wanted to prove that it could kill him.

Slowly, its face resembled that of a demon that was out for blood. It didn't want to play the human's game anymore. It started to strike all the parts of the steel stage where there weren't any holes, destroying this whole game that they were playing.

"I'm starting to think–" Patty popped out of the upper middle hole.

"--that you're not," Patty said out from the bottom left hole.

"--enjoying this anymore…" Patty looked down and saw that the stage was fully blown open. He had nowhere to hide anymore. He couldn't burry under his hole just for him to pop up like an annoying fly everywhere. "Oh…"

"Stop annoying him!" commented Grammo.

"It's not like I like to!" replied Patty.

However, the Fiend was otherwise annoyed. It stopped holding back. It constrained itself to use its legs to deal with Patty because it thought that it was beneath it to deal with a small fry like Patty. But now that it's gotten to this point, the Fiend was not above using all of its strength to finally get that sweet feeling of turning Patty's annoying face into a bloody mush.

It opened its giant maws, clearly showing its pride and joy, the two fangs that could carve out caves from a mountain. Those canines tore multiple elephant sized animals before and even top predators from the wild make sure to steer clear from this killer weapon. This time, the Fiend meant business.

It bent its thick hind legs, its thick muscles bulging, tendons popping, bones crunching, it was waiting to pounce.


It was the very first time that the Muscava Cyclo showed itself to Patty right in front of him. Its bright golden eyes were looking straight at him as if telling him only one word: run.

For the very first time, Patty was forced to run away to try and save himself from the Fiend. He started moving just as the monster reared itself up to explode. Patty's energy levels drained as he bolted as fast as he had ever run before. But, he hadn't even taken three full lunges before the fangs of the Fiend suddenly appeared right above his head. The buzzing in Patty's ears must have felt like giant alarm bells right beside his head.


The fangs sank right into the concrete floor like a knife cutting through tofu. Patty felt the heat on his backside. That was really close. A few of his hairs on his back must have been cut till the skin, the seams on his uniform was cut straight through from his back. Fortunately, that was the extent of the damage on Patty.

The force from the Fiend's chomp was like an explosion that sent Patty flying through the air like he was part of the circus. Patty saw the whole world rotate and tumble a few times until he landed on the bleachers, bending the metal into a very vague indent of his body.

Instead of feeling any physical pain on his body, he instead felt a headache. The disorienting vision of feeling your body weightless in the air and seeing the sky under the ground and the ground up in the sky was too much for a guy who mostly spent his time laying down in his bed.

"Uhh…" not only that, he was facing a current problem. A really big problem. It was something that could be the equivalent to death. He was starting to have a panic attack knowing that this happened to him. What was he going to do?!

His phone was broken! How could he live now knowing that he couldn't use his phone anymore?! How will he check the internet while he's out of the house? How will he watch videos and listen to music while on the bus? Living like this was simply unthinkable! He was broke too! How will he pay for a new one when he doesn't even have money to pay for his electricity?!

That was his biggest problem. Yeah, Patty's energy was at its lowest ever with being only at 19.32/100 and he only had 0.43 seconds left to slow down time, which was just about enough for just one more attack from the Fiend, but was that really more important than his phone? Patty didn't think so.

"Patty just hang on a little longer. Help is coming!"

Patty looked at Grammo and said, "actually, I can't hold on any longer."

"What?! Are you serious?"

"Yes! I will probably die the next time the Fiend attacks me!"

"Oh Supremes!"

Grammo saw that Patty was really serious about this. He's in trouble. Unlike before when he somehow lucked his way out of being crushed to smithereens by the beast, even Patty seemed to realize that his luck had run out.

And in this dire situation, what would most people do? What would their next action be knowing that their friend was about to die? Some people would stick to their beliefs and start to pray to their Supremes for a very slim chance that they would save them from this situation. Other people would be helpless in the situation and just ask for help. A very few people would choose the heroic route and sacrifice themselves to try and save their friend.

Those were the most common things that people would do in this situation. However, Grammo picked none of those. In this very dire situation, with the Fiend stomping on the ground with its gaze never breaking away from Patty, Grammo chose the very strange but fitting choice of singing.

That's right. Grammo started to sing.

In a time where Grammo had no capabilities to fight and no hope of asking for help, his brain short circuited and his automatic response was to sing.

tUrn aWAy FiEnD, TuRn AWay aNd Go

THrOw YOur AniMaLiStiC urGEs

aNd TuRN aWAy tHE sTAtUs QuO

"THAT'S WHAT YOU DO?!" Patty shouted. He couldn't believe that Grammo did the one thing that wouldn't do anything. Singing won't solve the problem. He could have at least prayed to a higher being to save him even if there was no chance it would do anything. He would have appreciated that he at least tried something. But singing?! What would that do, annoy the Fiend to death?!


And to everyone's surprise, the Fiend suddenly swayed its head back and forth as if it was experiencing the worst headache of its life. It used its thin front legs to strike itself to try and relieve the pressure it was feeling in its brain. It tried to rupture its own eardrums by banging its head on the ground repeatedly, but the soundwaves seemingly transferred over to its brain directly. Even its bloodlust couldn't overcome the pain it was feeling from Grammo's singing.


"Oh my Supremes…I can't believe I'm saying this, but Grammo, keep singing!"

tUrn aWAy FiEnD, TuRn AWay aNd Go

THrOw YOur AniMaLiStiC urGEs

aNd TuRN aWAy tHE sTAtUs QuO

The Fiend couldn't get that annoying sound in its brain. It wormed itself into the deepest part of its mind, invading all its thoughts and disturbing the even the signals that go through its nerves and control the muscles in its humongous body. It was a psychological attack like no other.

"Sorry man. It looks like even Fiends don't like your singing," Patty lamented.

Grammo didn't care that much because it worked. The Fiend was disturbed just enough for Patty to be saved and gave more time for the security to arrive. Also, the Fiend's reaction didn't automatically mean that his singing was bad; it only meant that the Fiend was too barbaric and unsophisticated to appreciate his singing.

Yeah, that made sense. They just don't understand my music, Grammo convinced himself.


An explosion burst forth from the entrance of the arcade, destroying the steel railguard that blocked the outside from entering. Men in Atlas armor uniform jogged in two lines with unity and order. Automatic rifles were strapped to their shoulders and their belt bag was strapped with all kinds of explosives such as incendiary grenades and the likes. They surrounded the Fiend and pointed their guns at precise locations in its body, evidenced by the myriad of red dots on the monster's head, torso, eyes, and backside.