15 Missions Completed

[Mission Completed]

Go home


100 Credits

[14/15 Missions Completed: 1x summon scroll]

Patty looked at his familiar bed in the dark. He was finally back home after that exhausting day full of ups and downs. After they left the Atlas Inc Events/Festival, they both went on their separate buses back home, with Patty taking the rolling chair with him. Even though he borrowed it from the school, it was now Patty's personal car for the foreseeable future.

He flicked the on and off switch of the lights, but nothing happened. There was no way that his electricity bill would be paid without actually paying it, even if he wished for it a million times.

"Uhhh. Fine," Patty said as he took out the precious 20% pure Kore from his pocket and opened the electric breaker of the whole house. This was where all the electricity flowed from the source and then distributed to everything in his house. There was a very peculiar indent in the middle, without any wires or switches around it. 

Even though this indent was in the shape of a half-sphere that was the size of his head, Patty put the Kore inside and it suddenly clicked into place, floating in the middle. Immediately, like a literal flip of a switch, the whole house lit up like he had just replaced all the light bulbs with new ones.

"My massage chair…" Patty lamented. Since he had to pay his electric bills with the Kore, he no longer had enough money to buy the massage chair.

But at least now, he can enjoy laying down in his bed with the cool breeze of the air conditioner while browsing videos on the television. Speaking of which, Patty sluggishly walked over to his bed and immediately fell face first into his comfortable solo bed. He felt heaven. It felt like the bed was hugging and consoling him after a hard day's work.

After reaching his bed, it was like all his adrenaline was washed away and he was only left with the exhaustion of his body. He couldn't lift his arms to reach the television remote, he couldn't turn his body to lay back-first on the bed. He couldn't even keep his eyelids open; it felt like the heaviest thing he had ever felt.



• Go to sleep


• 20 Yi Power

This was perhaps the easiest mission the system ever gave him. He happily did as the system did and let himself pass through the physical world and into the dream world. It didn't even take a full minute before Patty fully fell asleep even when the whole house was fully lit. He was so exhausted that his body took that chance to finally recover some energy

[Mission Completed]

Go to sleep


20 Yi Power

[15/15 Missions Completed]

[1x summon scroll obtained!]


With the breeze blowing past his face, Achram the yellow-skinned Thall, took another step up towards the mountain. All around him was icy white, and even the ends of his hair were tinted blue from being frozen through the winds. Just like a Neanderthall, Achram's body and face was full of hair, but even that was not enough to save him from the biting cold that the Icy Rock was famous for.

Right now, he was going through a narrow pathway that was only as wide as a carriage. If he veered too far to the right and made the wrong move, he could fall hundreds of meters down into sharp, rocky boulders. It would be instant death.

But he still persevered. He wanted to reach the summit of this insurmountable mountain even if he had to sacrifice his life for it. The mountain was speaking to him. It wanted him to be the first one to reach the lonely top.

But the icy cold was not the only danger that this mountain possessed. Above the boulder beside where Achram was hiking, an even smaller boulder covered in ice stood up. No, this wasn't just a simple ice rock. If one was observant enough, they would see two black eyes following the movements of Achram through the snow.

And as the wind blew, some snow fell away from the supposed ice rock. As Achram was directly under it, the boulder finally shook off its excess snow and showed its true self. Its fur was as white as snow and it covered every part of its body. The only thing that wasn't covered in this camouflage was its mouth that protruded like a dog.

This was a wolf, whose habitat and hunting grounds were in the middle of the icy mountain. And now, it finally found new prey that it could eat.

It pounced. There was no growl, no warning, it just lunged at its prey with its sharp canine teeth.

Achram suddenly felt his thick and long hair all over his body and face stand up. A Thall's 'fur' was not only there for insulation during winter, but also as a defense mechanism. If their hairs stood up, their lives might be in danger.

With swift movement from years of experience dealing with dangerous creatures, Achram quickly ducked and let the wolf's jaws bite through nothing but air. With a quick roll, he made a lot of distance between him and his opponent.

However, the wolf was somehow able to catch a piece of his fur coat from behind. And the worst part of it was that his only weapon, his bow, got caught and broke into two pieces.

The wolf snarled as it failed its surprise attack. But it didn't get discouraged. It was as large as its prey, who was already standing tall, so it knew that it had an advantage in strength and stature.

Achram knew this too. Not only that, his body was already sluggish from the freezing cold and his reactions were slowed down. He knew that as the fight wore on longer, the more he would likely die. He needed to kill the wolf as fast as possible. But how was he going to do that without a weapon?

He scrambled through his fur to find something sharp or anything that he could use to fight against the wolf, but the only thing he had was a bunch of black rocks. He thought he got rid of all of them, but it looked like some of them were left in his pockets.

If Patty saw this, he would recognize them as Kores! The surprising part was that all of those Kores were at least 20% pure Kores.

And if Patty saw what Achram would do next, he would probably faint from frustration.

As the wolf walked towards him, Achram took out the Kores from his pocket and threw it to the wolf as a distraction. His arm was decent, but it did not have enough force to fully damage the wolf's thick skin.

- 20% pure Kore

- 15% pure Kore

- 30% pure Kore

- 18% pure Kore

The wolf started to get annoyed and decided to pounce at Achram. It was confident that Achram could do nothing against its jaws. But it didn't seem to notice that behind his prey was a hundred meter drop with no ledges to catch on to.

And as the wolf lunged at him, Achram skillfully laid down and raised his two feet. The wolf's jaws just missed his skull. And with full force, Achram kicked the wolf's belly and launched it behind him where it would fall to its death.


Those were its last words as the wolf got outsmarted.

Achram breath became heavier. Exerting too much energy in this place was getting harder and harder. Not only that, he incurred a small gash on his arms from the wolf's sharp fangs. He noticed that the blood didn't flow and stayed in his wound. It was frozen. He didn't know if that was good or bad.

But at least, he was safe. He didn't become wolf dinner. And it was all thanks to those black rocks.

"These aren't useless after all," he said as he looked at a 40% pure Kore in his hand.


[You have logged in to the system for 4 consecutive days]

[Congratulations! You have been awarded 1000 Credits]

[Log in for 7 consecutive days to win an S-class minion!]

[Job Completed]

[Tendora - 22 Yi Power]

[You have completed 15 missions yesterday]

[Congratulations! You have been awarded 1x summon scroll]

Patty woke up in the best feeling possible. It felt like he slept 10 hours today and his whole body was re-energized like he was born anew. 8-hour sleep sessions didn't always used to feel like this. Only when the system came into his life did waking up in the morning feel like it was a gift, not a chore.

And not only that, it looked like he was woken up with gifts too!

1000 Credits? He had gotten this reward before, but he really didn't know what it was for, so he quickly passed over it.

Next was more Yi Power. With 22 more Yi Power, he could potentially become 22 more times powerful than he was now. That was impressive, but he wasn't really excited about this one. After all, it wasn't everyday that he would have to deal with a Fiend, right?

Now, it was finally time to get the thing he wanted all day long. This was the reason why he wanted to do more missions, and it finally paid out. It looked like he completed 15 missions yesterday, including the daily missions.

He quickly clicked the summon button and it went through the same animation as it did before with the falling meteors. This time, it was a bright yellow star that shot through the system and landed on his forehead.

[A-class Interdimensional Merchant acquired!]