
Ever since his lackeys were headbutted on the ground with little to no effort, Griff's frown had become somewhat permanent. His fears of Patty were proven right. The monster in his dreams was no exaggeration, and he might have even underestimated him given how strong he seemed to be.

Jack and the others always disregarded his warnings about Patty, and now they paid the price for it. He's just a weakling, they said. They'll crush him with one finger, they said. You didn't have to prepare all of that to deal with that lazy bum, they said. Clearly, Griff didn't prepare enough or else he wouldn't be in this situation.

Realistically, what could he have done differently? He created roadblocks for Patty and tried to keep him out of this place at every step of the way. He gave precious D-class Power Teqx to his lackeys just for precaution, hoping that they would be able to be a sufficient deterrent against him. It didn't work. He even stole a dangerous Fiendish Armament that was enough to land him in prison, and that ended up being useless because he didn't even die! Heck, he didn't even seem injured at all.

All that preparation that cost him tons of Chains was all destroyed because of one headbutt. Just how hard was his head, really?

He should have just hired a professional Dreamer. But it was too late now. And he had a feeling that Patty would somehow be able to 'hardhead' his way out of that one as well.

No. He had to deal with Patty himself. The great Sonny Sunverk gave him all the tools and weapons he needed to fight an opponent that was seemingly invincible. He must have listened to his lectures for thousands of hours so that he could replay them in his head like a recorder. The moves were beaten down to his body until it surpassed muscle memory and became as automatic as breathing. 

His father taught him everything he knew. His teachings must be correct. If so, then he can easily knock out an opponent like Patty, who had no training, no physical technique, and no idea what he was doing. All he had was his thick skin. He should be easy pickings.

Even if breaking Patty's invincibility seemed impossible, he had another impossibility to make that possible. He had his A-class Teqx.

A-class Sunverk Explosion Teqx

This was a Teqx that his father personally bestowed upon him. It was a culmination of all the strength and knowledge that his father gathered throughout all the years in his life that led him to become one of the strongest people in this nation. Even the fact that the Teqx had their surname was a feat only given for those who the universe deemed worthy. This was a proven power that can reach universal heights and probably even more.

Even when he was a child, his father was training him and preparing him for the eventual time that he would pass down the mantle of power, his Teqx. His father always told Griff that he would one day surpass him and become a Martial God. Griff believed that. And what better way to prove it than to do the impossible and take down the mountain in front of him, the immovable, invincible, lazy Patty.

First step to take down Patty was to disorient him. When dealing with an inexperienced fighter, the best way to take them down was to show them the difference between an amateur and a master. This necessitated Griff using all sorts of moves that would obscure what he wanted to do for step two.

Griff disappeared from Patty's eyeline and appeared on top of an oak tree, just hanging its branch just above the school wall. And using his legs, Griff shook the entire tree and let the loose leaves gracefully fall down to the ground. With speed and precision that he practiced years before, his hand touched every single one of those leaves and left a tiny red flame imprint that soon disappeared under the epidermis of the leaves.

And as one leaf touched the ground, a bright red flame enveloped the stem. It grew through the midrib and spread to its veins until the entire leaf was covered in red flame. The flame burned hotter and hotter in mere milliseconds until it suddenly exploded in a magnitude that was equivalent to a dynamite the same size as the leaf. But this wasn't the end. The explosion created a chain reaction that ignited all the other leaves until each one of them exploded as well, creating a large enough boom to engulf Patty's entire body.

While Patty was distracted, Griff went on to his second step. He dropped down from the branch and landed on the very edge of the wall, just above where Patty was enveloped in the explosion. As he did, his legs imprinted a flame symbol that quickly ignited and gave him a boost in acceleration like that of a rocket.

Second step, bombard the target with a myriad of attacks all over his body. Using mixed martial arts, he punched Patty in the heart, then followed by a muay thai kick in the legs, then a kick in the liver with a taekwondo side kick, and a barrage of attacks that nearly attacked all of Patty's body in just mere seconds. With each punch, his elbow exploded to produce more punching power. With each kick, his heel detonated and accelerated his kick into superhuman levels. 

That was not all. As he made contact, he imprinted the same flame symbol on his skin, essentially covering Patty's entire body in explosives. With just a flick from his fingers, Patty's entire body exploded for a second time, each having the same magnitude as a tons and tons of force. This was enough to topple a small building. But Patty was no building, he was more like an immovable mountain. So, Griff knew he had to go to step three.

Step three. Analyze your opponent's movements. When he attacked Patty, he made sure to look at his reactions. Did he feel anxious when he got hit in the ribs? Did he try to move his heart away from being hit? Did he notice the kick on his back? Did he have a blindspot? Did he feel any weakness in his body? Those were the things that Griff was supposed to look for. His father taught him that in such critical times, most people would panic and protect their most vulnerable parts. Try as they might, their human instinct would force them to preserve their life and eventually show their weakness. At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

But when Griff looked at Patty with his first punch to the heart, Patty made eye contact with him. His eyes were as tranquil as the calm water on a lake. Patty's eyes followed his every movement, with nothing hidden away from him, yet the attack still landed. He saw the punch. But he just didn't move away from him. There just was no need to. In fact, if he didn't see it wrong, then Patty actually moved closer to Griff's punch, like he couldn't wait to be attacked in the heart. The hair on his arms stood up when he thought he saw a smile on Patty's face.

[SSS+ class Gluttonous Adephagia activated]

[A-class Sunverk Explosion Teqx identified!]

[You have gained 200 Yi Power for discovering a new Power Teqx]

[DNA information about A-class Sunverk Explosion Teqx available to sell in the System Store]

[Will you sell this information for 12,000 Credits?]


[You have received 12,000 Credits]

[You have received an additional 300 Credits due to your Interdimensional Merchant minion's skill]

[Teqx successfully copied!]

[A-class Power Teqx added to skill repertoire] 

Patty couldn't help but show his greedy smile when he saw this. He was just waiting for Griff to finally attack him and give him the gift of a really good Teqx, and he wasn't disappointed. This Teqx looked really powerful, which he guessed to be at least B-class. Imagine his surprise when it was actually A-class! Look at all those Credits!

[Do you want to replace the Drop Shot Teqx you already have equipped?]


Patty picked yes even if he wasn't going to use it. In emergency situations, this could prove much more useful than that D-class Teqx.

The moment he clicked yes, he felt a warm sensation spread all over his body. It was like he was enveloped in a gentle fire that didn't burn his skin. The warmth was overwhelming other heat sources. He could no longer feel the sun on his skin and strangely enough, he could feel the breeze of the wind become much colder. He seemed to be very sensitive to the cold despite how warm he felt. If this was how Griff felt everyday, then no wonder he was so broody and edgy all the time. It was miserable to feel like this everyday!

[Heat Resistance Increased]

[Explosion Resistance Increased]

[Do you want to make these permanent?]
