
Leonard opened the door to his laboratory and the lights immediately turned on. Contrary to the experimental nature of his work, Leonard's laboratory looked extremely normal like a simple office. There was a desk at the end of the room filled with paper and stationary items. The two walls beside him were filled with anatomy and medical books that showed off his educational background. If that wasn't enough, his doctorate in Supremenatural Chemistry was hung on the wall behind the desk.

Before he closed the door, he made sure that there was no one watching or following his movements. Once he knew it was secured, he closed the door behind him and locked the door.

He grasped the 53% pure Kore in his pockets as if he was making sure that it hadn't fallen off of him. He needed to get to work. But instead of going to his desk, he instead went to the left bookshelf and took out one of the books. Immediately, the sounds of mechanical gears from behind the bookshelf started to twist and turn. The whole bookshelf split in half and slid away to reveal a dark room on the other side of the wall.

The secret room wasn't illuminated by overhead lights. Instead, there were cylindrical vats containing humanoid skeletons that produced a dim blue light that was enough to light up the whole room. The tanks were filled with a transparent liquid that allowed the skeleton to float in the middle of the tanks, and there was a pipe connected from the ceiling to the top of the tanks, presumably to refill the liquids inside.

The whole room was filled with these tanks, about twenty on one side and another twenty on the other. There was a single pathway in the middle that Leonard walked through toward his real laboratory.

"Soon…my dream will come true," he whispered to himself. Although it was true that he wanted to find out how to deconstruct Kores and make them in his lab, his true motive for doing this was to implement Kores into a real human body. 

To do so, he needed to research Kores and find out how to safely deconstruct them and suture them into humans. His research was still in its early phases as he still didn't know anything about high-quality Kores. He thought that it would take years and years until he would get his hands on one, but Patty was like a gift sent from the heavens. He was forever indebted to that youth, especially if he'd continue to supply him with Kores.

He walked over to a microscope-like object with a compartment specially designed to accommodate a Kore. He pushed a button at the base and a rectangular box with a crystal indent slid out of the microscope. He put the 53% pure Kore inside and immediately put his eyes over the eyepiece.

To find out the true purity of a Kore, he must find out the average amount of atomic Kore pyramids inside a 1,000,000x magnification of the microscope. When Kores were looked at using this microscope, he would see small pyramids floating around a void of blackness. The three faces of these pyramids were colored sky blue, rose red, and canary yellow. Under those faces was a black base with the same dark color as the void of space.

If he saw about 10 of those pyramids in 1 million times magnification, then that Kore would have a 10% purity. If it had 70 pyramids seen on the microscope, then it would be 70% purity. That was the simplest way to find out the purity of a Kore. With the help of a computer, Leonard didn't have to personally count the Kore pyramids.

That was what he was supposed to see. However, that's not what showed up when Leonard looked at the microscope.

He held his breath, the shock knocked the wind out of his lungs. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He thought the microscope had malfunctioned, but when he checked it again, there was nothing wrong with the machine itself. Was he just seeing things?

Leonard decided to take out Patty's Kore and replace it with an ordinary 20% pure Kore that he obtained from other means. He put it on the microscope and looked at the result. And just like he expected, he saw a pyramid with the primary colors shown on the top faces. He even counted them himself, and there were 20 of them.

This meant that the microscope wasn't the problem. It must be Patty's Kore that was different.

He put the new Kore under the microscope again. Just like before, he was seeing something different!

Instead of a pyramid, he saw a Triangular Bipyramid! It was made up of two pyramids stuck together with the bases on top of each other. It was the same shape as the diamond suit of a pack of cards. And instead of just having three colors, the primary colors, there were instead six of them!

The top half still had the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. However, the bottom half was now in the color of the secondary colors: orange, purple, and green! This was revolutionary! It was a universally accepted fact that there were only pyramids on Kores, and they only had the primary colors on the faces. However, this piece Kore threw that theory out the window.

This little piece of Kore would throw the whole scientific community into an uproar. His colleagues would go crazy trying to borrow this piece of Kore from him. Some would try to disprove him, but that would require them to see the Kore with their own eyes. If he wanted to, he could resell this Kore for almost double its price!

Of course, he was not that stupid nor was he that generous. He would keep this thing to himself because of the research possibilities he could get from it.

He immediately took out the Kore from the microscope and put it into a rectangular machine with buttons and numbers at the top, and a circular window at the front. He put it inside and pushed the on button. Immediately, a flash of bright white light engulfed the Kore as the numbers at the top changed to reflect the properties of the Kore itself.

He was astonished to see that the energy efficiency of this Kore was at least 10% more than a normal Kore! Not only that, he also saw that it could transform Teqx powers much easier than the normal Kores. This was the reason why Blacksmiths used Kores to empower Fiendish Armaments. Kores were able to transform the Teqx power of the user and change it into another element that the blacksmith created.

This proved that these Kores were an absolute improvement over the normal Kores. He hadn't finished his tests with these Kores, but he was sure that they were much better in every aspect.

He couldn't believe that Patty was able to find this gem! Then, he remembered Patty's indifference towards the Kores. Was that just a facade? Did he trick Leonard to see if he would be greedy or not?

Patty must have known that this Kore was different. He only chose to sell it at a normal price because he wanted to test Leonard! He decided to buy the rest of the Kores at twice their normal value to show his sincerity to Patty and let him sell more Kores to him.


Leonard's phone rang inside his pocket. Although he wanted to ignore the call and focus on testing this new Kore, he decided to answer it.


"Ah, hey Leonard. This is us calling back to you about your interest in buying our high-quality Kores."

"Actually–" Leonard tried to explain to them, but he was cut off.

"This is your lucky day, man. We just found out that we had a new source for high-quality Kores. You should be thankful to us. We are saving one of the 50% pure Kore in our inventory and we are willing to sell it to you for 200,000 Chains!"

Leonard couldn't believe the audacity. 50% pure Kores were only 80,000 Chains normally.


The guy on the other line couldn't contain his laughter and didn't even try to hide it. He knew that there were a lot of desperate people trying to buy high-quality Kores, but they were the only ones who could supply it to them. So, they were able to set the Kores at extremely high prices and people would still buy them.

"I won't be buying more Kores from your company."

"I knew you would be buying it—wait what did you say?"

"I found another supplier for my Kores."


The guy on the other line was quiet for a while. He was looking through his books, trying to see which company dared to sell Kores without their permission. He couldn't find anyone stupid enough to disrupt the thriving economy of the Kore market.

"Who is it? Is it the Krakkis company? The Joint Brothers? Energizer Miser Inc? Who?"

Leonard couldn't believe the arrogance of people like them. He was not the only person who was scammed multiple times and forced to buy Kores at stupidly high prices. Well, not anymore. They didn't know that there was a knight in shining armor who was about to disrupt their monopoly.

"You better watch your backs, you fuckers. The Aezure Company will be coming for you!" Leonard hung up the phone in anger.