Chapter 2

At the realm of wizards

There is a debate currently ongoing with the council of wizards with Lustra as their head. 

" We should have killed him when we had the chance " Recaz a member of the council interrupted " he could pose an immense threat to the order of things who knows if the boy is to walk in his father's foot steps," " what are we to do now lord?" Vulmac Lustra's second in command asked. Lustra looked lost at first before answering " any news about his contact with the rest of his father's men" the wizards all signified no then he continued " we will send cax to put him back in his prison and it has to happen before the end of what earthlings call October" 

" What could have released him? " Vulmac asked " we have no idea but we've got to put him back there". 

In the human realm

A full two weeks later a man entered a bank looking for a job the manager took a look at the man's credentials asked for his name " Oscar" he replied the manager moved on to more questions before saying "we might have to discuss a few things about your employment but be rest assured that I will call you okay?" "No problem" the man replied and left the place on turning towards Stanson street a man in a black hoodie started following him. Oscar continued on before turning into a little space between two neighboring buildings the man in the hoodie followed immediately and saw that it lead to a dead end seeing that a building behind those two blocked the space. The man wondered where Oscar could have gone before...

" Why are you following me? " The same wizard with the hood of his cape covering his face said angrily as he emerged from the entrance that leads to the space trapping cax who was following him. "Seriously "Oscar" you're not even a mortal, what do you even need a job for?" Cax asked perplexed. Through gritted teeth Oscar replied " I don't have much patience who are you". " The man sent to put you back in your prison" suddenly the clothes the man was wearing burnt off to reveal the Trinid suit underneath cax summoned his sword and charged at Oscar who successfully evaded all his attacks and unleashed a powerful roundhouse that sent his sword flying cax hesitated now wary of this man who seemed like a pro at physical combat, Oscar noting his hesitation raised a mocking eyebrow at him cax came charging back for hand to hand combat in three minutes of hard fighting Vax took punches to the face, neck and chest in another four he took a perfectly planted jab to the gut that nearly crippled him looking around in pain before an idea popped in his head curving his two hands he produced the schaf fist a deadly spell which consisted of a flaming green fist but joined the two curved hands together to act as a flame thrower and fired a green fire ball at Oscar who saw it coming and caught it with an open palm block Cax expected the flame to rapidly consume that hand but watched in anxiety as it was unable to do so the anxiety turned to shock as it seemed Oscar was able to control it then the shock turned finally to terror when Oscar turned it to a completely different spell and fired it back " oh shit" he said in the microseconds it took for the spell to hit him with the kinetic energy of a muel it launched him in the air breaking three of his ribs he was unconscious by the time his body hit the floor. Oscar took a step back looking at his hand then took a glance at Cax's smoking disappearing body 

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