Chapter 7

The Inverse Dimension

Oscar took a long walk before finally spotting the temple she resided he found a back way and slipped unobstrusively into the temple he spotted the apple on an altar after roaming in the temple for nearly forty five minutes. He looked around and called;

" Hello!! Anyone home!!" 

All at once a mighty wind blew and the shirt of Oscar's suit tore off revealing perfectly hewed muscles before hearing a voice behind him which he turned sharply to see a stunning woman obviously a witch in front of him

" Hello handsome, nice shape you've got there, need you suit back?"

" I'm good " he replies as she begins to walk round him "so they all say"

"Galena I'm here for something and you've got the thing I want" Oscar prompted to move straight to the point.

" You want the apple of dexrac right?" She said and traced a vein on his neck. 

" Yes " Oscar said to get this over with "are you gonna give it to me"

"For a price" " Which is?" He prompted " What can you give me for the apple" she said as her hand finally came to rest on his heart she was already giving him a hard on ' b*tch' he thought.

" Whatever you want" he replied

" You know exactly what I want" she said, he looked into her eyes in shock which turned to terror when he saw that she meant it.

" Tempting but no thanks" he said and with a snap of his finger had his suit's top back on. 

" Then you might have to leave now or die" she said furiously 

" I not prepared to do either" 

" You will" she replied menacingly with that a fight ensured he fired a spell at her and she caught it manipulated it and fired back which caught him off guard he slammed his back on a pillar he was no match for her in both spells and physical combat, he was already running out of ideas before a crazy one popped in.

" Hey! Have you ever played solitaire?" He said as he magically formed the cards " it's a card game I learned from the earth realm you'd love it" he continued, making her raise an inquring eyebrow at him. 

" I'll go first" he said and fired four razor sharp magic cards at her the number quadrupled before getting to her and as usual she was able to control it and fired back making the glowing cards turn from purple to red and vice versa when either of them were in control. In this fashion they continued until they both struggled for control a powerful ball of swirling cards was in between them and Galena being more powerful managed to manoeuvre it to hit Oscar the hit landed squarely on his chest and crushed every single rib in his ribcage and threw his body a considerable distance Galena raised his weakened and bloodied body in preparation for a fatal strike. 

"Any last words?"

" Yeah I've got a few, you played well but according to standards a game of cards involves strategy and where possible trickery to obtain the best results I'm surprised how someone like you not know that" before she could react a card from behind tore it's way through her back, heart, lungs and ribcage and got caught it Oscar's hand who suddenly turned to dust she managed to turn back and see the real Oscar who attacked her before falling and turning to dust. 

" Sorry but you left me no choice" he said and approached the altar took the apple rushed it up and sat down comfortably in meditation.

He suddenly saw himself in a beautiful garden with an intriguing tree growing in the middle in happened to be the tree of the apple he ate, he rose his hand and touched it admiration. 

" I'd suggest you take your hands off" an old man behind him said and Oscar turned sharply in response to the sound. 

" Are you the keeper?" 

" Yes" the man replied " since you've found and eaten the fruit I get to Grant you a wish but it's only one chance you've got so choose wisely" 

" I wish to be granted access to the inner recesses of my powers

"You get your powers from the Necrose I'm sure you know of the consequences of your wish right?"

"Yes, yes I do." 

"Then it is done" the man said and Oscar suddenly woke up from his meditation with a flaming pain in his heart and shouted in pain he struggled and screamed once more before falling unconscious.