Jungle Boar

Atlas rose and began pulling out the ten white Monster Cores, storing them carefully with every piece of edible meat he could find. Then, inspired by an idea, he used his dagger to slice off slabs of meat to try.

He searched for sticks to make a campfire, and after finding some, Atlas started a fire by casting a Void Bullet at it. After five minutes, it roared to life, causing him to smile before grabbing two slabs of crab meat, stabbed to stick into them, and hung them over it.

When the flames touched the meat, it sizzled, causing Atlas's stomach to rumble as Lilith walked up and plopped beside him while watching their meal cook. As he sat there, he checked his status.

[Level Up: 35→36]

[Experience: 950/1000]

[Experience Gained: 1500]

[Health: 258→266]

[Mana: 1140→1150]

[Strength: 238→242]

[Stamina: 240→244]