You're My Girlfriend Amethyst

When Atlas heard Amethyst's answer, he grew curious and asked, "What's Red Stars?"

Everyone laughed at his innocence, but the man soon explained, "The last recorded incident happened thousands of years ago, in a world very different from today. It's said that thousands of stars that were red streaking across the sky signaled the beginning of the turmoil Valoria endured during those times."

''How do people know what happened so long ago?'' Atlas commented once hearing the man's explanation.

''Mana Stones or preserved books found in the lost cities that adventurers come across while exploring Valoria's unchartered lands,'' the older man answered.

Following that, their boat sped along the coast as the explosions faded. They traveled for twenty minutes until they reached a bay where a large metal trireme-looking warship was anchored.