Morozov Train Card

When Atlas heard Roberts's explanation, it made sense why the empire sent Sandcrawlers into the Blue Dune Desert. He knew they were large machines that crawled through the sand, looking for Blue Core Pockets below the surface.

''Blue Core Stones are prized materials and only come from that dreaded desert where those devils live,'' Robert said with hate laced in his voice.

Atlas smiled, thanked the man, and left the guild without looking back; he wanted to do a quest but had to decide which one. As he stepped outside, the blare of an alarm pierced the air, and soldiers hurried toward the city's edge.

'What's going on now? Hopefully, it's a fight; I need one to grow stronger,' a thrill of anticipation bubbled up inside him.

Quickly summoning his armor and weapons, Atlas was stunned to see his black armor morphing into silver and green, 'Is it camouflaging with me?' he wondered, bewildered by the sudden change.