Chaos Scum

Atlas saw the six boxes of bombs and started loading twenty into the pouches before putting health and mana potions in the remaining two. Following that, he said goodbye to the duo before leaving the shop.

He noticed it was still early and decided to explore the quarry in the east, so Atlas started walking that way and saw ordinary people doing their business. It took him an hour to reach the area where the quarry was located.

Before approaching the gate, he checked his status as he leveled up again.

[Level Up: 70→72]

[Experience: 580/2000]

[Experience Gained: 4500]

[Health: 482→504]

[Mana: 2692→2832]

[Strength: 490→500]

[Stamina: 554→610]

[Charisma: 364→370]

[Intelligence: 406→420]

[Core Points: 250→3850]