The Astoria Conquest (2)

Amethyst cast several Cosmic Blasts that killed a group of Southmen who tried to attack Grishna as she neared the top. The four climbed up the fortress walls as the archers and mages covered them from the other side.

Explosions, screams, and black billowing smoke caused chaos all across the bridge as arrows struck everything. It took the group ten minutes to reach the top, and when they got up, the three women skillfully dispatched the enemy soldiers, allowing them to fight for control of Blood Bridge. 

Grishna used her spear to keep the warriors out of reach as Amethyst peppered them with powerful cosmic magic. While they did this, the blonde knight blocked a berserker's hammer just before she sliced off the man's legs and thrust her sword through his face.

In the meantime, Estelle blocked many attacks aimed at the group as Artemis darted around the wall and stabbed the Southmen while weaving around the enemies, thudding them to the ground.