Omniscience in Marvel 5

Title - New Discoveries.

As the Reject of the Deviant species struggled to rise from the ground, he realized with a start that something was terribly wrong. His body felt heavy, sluggish, as if weighed down by invisible chains. Panic surged within him as he frantically tried to move, but to no avail.

Looking around, he found himself in a strange, desolate landscape unlike anything he had ever seen before. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and the sky above seemed to swirl with ominous clouds of dark magic.

"Where am I?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely more than a whisper. Memories of the cataclysm that had destroyed Lemuria flooded his mind, and he shuddered at the thought of the devastation wrought by the Celestials.

Along with that memory came the memory of his life as well. Last he recalled, he had just finished making a deal with The One Above All and had a bit of his True Soul extracted and handed over to God.

Under normal circumstances, he was supposed to regain consciousness along with his memories at birth, if not prior, in the womb, but for some unknown reason, he was just regaining them all now.

With a click, the world seemed to slow down as his Thoughts Process accelerated causing him to come up with a factual reason as to why that was so.

"Turns out that despite his efforts, me being a deviant was still a setback in a way." The Deviant thought as the world around him regained its normal pace.

As for why he regained his full memories now, it was simply because his True Soul was too strong for this body and could lead to an accelerated deceleration of the brain which would lead to an early and painful death.

So as a self defense mechanism, His Essence was stored away in hopes that with time, the Deviant's body would strengthen itself to a Level where it can withstand the pressure from a Soul as Divine as his.

Closing his eyes, he scanned his body in an instant before opening them once again and letting out a sigh of relief as an understanding light flashed within his eyes.

"Seems like I awakened at the perfect time." He said with a smile.

Prior to his awakening, this Deviant along with some others with Human Physiology were termed Rejects and were used as slaves. They were locked up and used for experimental purposes, entertainment purposes and many other perverted designs.

However, due to his physique, he couldn't really be used for entertainment as a Gladiator. He was so slender that it was thought that a single punch from a normal human could kill him.

He couldn't also be used for experimental purposes due to his lack of any unique talents.

Deviants unlike Eternals lacked Super Physical Abilities, however, their intelligence gave them an edge over the Eternals.

Coupled with his 'Reject' status, he was relegated to being a janitor for the Colosseum where the other rejects were locked up and used.

The Deviant shook his head in amusement. "To think that a God such as I had to fall to this level. I wasn't even given a name upon birth and my birth parents gave me away like some abomination."

Taking in a deep breath, the Deviant looked around the desolate landscape and couldn't help but smirk at the destruction. This was the consequences of humans going up against Gods.

A single Celestial was all it took to lay waste to the once beautiful kingdom that was Lemuria. He couldn't even understand what gave the Deviants the impetus to actually attack a High Tier 4 cosmic being.

The Celestials are beings on the Level between High Tier 4 and Low Tier 3. They practically create Galaxies and can destroy them if need be…what was a group of measly enhanced humans?

Shaking that train of thought away, he focused on his body and tried to regain control over it.

This body was originally too weak to actually contain his soul, leading to its weakened state, however, with the explosion of the Celestial Cosmic Energy, this body was able to absorb a huge amount of energy to strengthen itself.

In so doing, it managed to get strong enough to contain his Soul, however, said Cosmic Energy was too abundant for the body and needed to be controlled.

A small scan showed him that his own energy, unique to his soul, was already on par with the body's Cosmic Energy, but due to its foreign nature, they were at war, leading to his current predicament.

The Deviant chuckled as he was reminded of his adventures in the Universe before this. In said universe, he had to find a balance between his Original Chakra and Demonic Chakra.

Now however, he was basically in the same situation, but much more dire.

In the case of Chakra, it was just two similar energies with different characteristics. While in this case, it was too entirely different Energies.

Pure Spiritual Energy against Pure Cosmic Energy. Two different Class of Energy that needed to be merged in order for him to resume his life on this new planet.

Closing his eyes once again, he tapped into his spiritual energy and projected his senses to get a clear view of where he was. The discovery however shocked him to the core.

He was actually a few thousand miles beneath the Sea Level.

"Seems like the blast sank in the entire Continent. That means Atlantis should be closeby." He thought as a transparent figure floated out of his body.

He looked down on his physical body and couldn't help but nod in appreciation. He instinctively knew that what he was seeing was as a result of the Cosmic Energy his body had absorbed, but he didn't care.

Laying naked on the floor was a young man barely 21 years of age, however, his body alone looked like one crafted by the Gods themselves. Although he wasn't standing, he could tell that he stood at an amazing height of 6'1. A ripped body and immaculate white hair.

Due to his eyes being closed, he couldn't tell what color it was but he somehow immediately knew it was sky blue.

"Seems like whenever I have a doubt, my Skill acts up and gives me the required answers." He thought in amazement. He had just thought of it and as fast as he did, the answer came to him.

"To perfectly control this body, a seal is required to Lock away the abundance of Cosmic Energy running wild in my body." He thought and in less than a second, Various signs and calculations deposited themselves in his brain.

"Isn't this a bit too…overpowered?" He smirked but shook his head. Who was he kidding? He was a Fragment of a True Divine God's True Soul. What didn't he know? Although nerfed, the absolute intelligence gave him a Pseudo-Omniscience.

In as much as he knows it, the Skill: Absolute Intelligence just needs to compute it at its faster speed and have it deposited in his brain.

With a smirk, the transparent figure began drawing a few signs and symbols in the air, weaving them together with intricate precision. As each symbol took form, a faint glow emanated from them, casting a soft light over the desolate landscape.

The Deviant focused his concentration, channeling his spiritual energy into the symbols as he guided their formation. With each stroke, he could feel the cosmic energy within his body responding, surging with newfound power as it sought release.

As the last symbol fell into place, the Deviant released a surge of spiritual energy, activating the seal with a burst of light that illuminated the surrounding darkness. The symbols glowed brightly for a moment before fading away, leaving behind a faint shimmer in the air.

With the seal in place, the Deviant felt a sense of relief wash over him as the Wild Cosmic Energy within his body was being drawn into the Seal and contained, its power harnessed and controlled by the intricate workings of the seal.

He could feel the balance returning to his being, the conflict between his spiritual energy and the cosmic energy now quelled.

With a nod, the transparent figure returned to his body. Opening his eyes, the Deviant surveyed the landscape with renewed focus. With his newfound control over his body, he tried to rise only to feel aches all over his body.

If not for his Nigh-Divine Level Willpower, he would've screamed so loud that this Little dimension would have quaked.

Perhaps it was due to the previous clash between his two energies that caused it, or perhaps it was just the pain his body was already under that caused it.

But as soon as he regained control, he felt it. Every single cell in his body was screaming in pain. He was in so much pain that he even thought of shutting his consciousness, but as quickly as that thought came, it disappeared.

The reason being that a soothing energy washed through his body from the seal he had previously made to control his Cosmic Energy.

"Huh! Seems like it doesn't want the other energy to take over." The Deviant thought weirdly.

For some reason, he just knew that the Wave of Cosmic Energy was as a result of his instinctive desire to let his Skill take care of the pain.

The Skill worked with his Spiritual Energy, and the Cosmic Energy didn't want that. It felt it was more suited to deal with this measly problem and acted accordingly.

"Interesting." He thought and slowly stood up. As he did, he felt a weird imbalance with his body but after a few seconds, he got used to it and stretched his muscles and joints.

"Whew…Now I'm ready to explore this new World."

But first, he needed to find a way to reach the surface and discover what lay beyond the depths of the ocean. However…

"I need some clothes." He said and looked around to see if he could see anything that could cover his nakedness. To his disappointment however, all he saw was desolation causing him to sigh.

An instant later, he suddenly had an idea… "Why can't I just create one?"

And as soon as thought was born, his Skill went into action and came up with a Solution.

Molecular Manipulation. The ability to manipulate molecules, a group of two or more atoms bonded through chemical bonds and the smallest unit of a physical substance or compound.

"Hmm. A Subclass of matter manipulation which is a Subclass of Creation of All Things." The Deviant thought with a shrug and made to create a dress for himself only to be met with no response.

"What's going on?" He wondered only for the answer to that question to be answered immediately.

Absolute Intelligence provided information to All Of Creation, however it had no effect in Creation. Basically, it could create an image but not give jt form. Therefore, he had to turn to Cosmic Energy. The Energy of Creation in The Universe.

With that in mind, he quickly conjured the ideal dress he could come up with from his memories. At this point in time, the Eternals and Deviant all had certain types of Clothes that aided them with their respective powers and abilities.

And although he didn't need the control features, he thought they looked cool. So with a thought, he willed his cosmic energy to give that Mental image a form and immediately, he was fully clothed in an intrinsic white skin fitted armor with golden lines adorning it.

"Looks good." He said to himself before looking up. With this done, he had nothing left to do here. His previous scans let him know that there was nothing of worth here…For now at least.

Perhaps when that swirling mass of Cosmic Energy filled with the aura of desolation disappears in a few millennia, something good could be born here.

In the cycle of Creation of Destruction, where there was one, the other followed closely.

And so, with a determined nod, he summoned his cosmic energy once more, using it to propel himself upwards with a burst of speed.

As he ascended towards the surface, the Deviant couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. His journey was only just beginning, and there were countless new things out there for him to discover.


A/N: PS - The Eternal's Armour is what actually helps them control the Cosmic Energy of the World Around them. Yes, they do have Cosmic Energy within them, but the Armour makes it so they don't lack even if theirs Is exhausted.

PSS - In this Marvel Universe, Cosmic Energy is Present in every living thing. People who managed to access it are few like the Hand who call it Chi and so on.

PSSS - Psychic Energy is a form of Spiritual Energy so expect my MC to have a lot of Psychic Ability as well as a lot of abilities. Not that he'll be using them though. Teehee.

Also...don't forget those stones y'all. With more of it comes more release. That much is granted