Omniscience in Marvel 20: Vol 1 End

Title: Against a God


'What? He's that Zeus?' Leucadius thought as he appraised the figure floating above him.

Zeus stood up there, tall and imposing with piercing eyes the color of the skies and a regal bearing that commanded respect, he radiated an aura of raw power and divine authority.

Clad in robes of royal splendor and wielding a scepter crowned with a crackling thunderbolt, he stood as a symbol of sovereignty and majesty, his presence casting a shadow over the three Homo Superiors.

Leucadius' expression turned from one of surprise to confusion before settling in one of annoyance. His face contorted as he frowned. He didn't know why, but the look in Zeus' eye irked him.

"And who do you think you are?" Leucadius spoke and raised his hands towards Zeus.

"Be careful, his Mastery over Gravity is uncanny." Ajak spoke up in reminder to the Greek God, but he didn't seem to put her words into consideration.

'Looking down on me, Eh?' Leucadius thought coldly as he slowly brought his hands down, and along with it, the weight of the sky itself upon the Greek God.

"Dimension Crush." Leucadius began as his hand gradually came down and along with it, Zeus, who was now on the ground with his feets sinking into the ground.

"Who do you think you are to command me?" He asked once again, his eyes, tone and expression no longer as friendly as it was before.

Of Course, it was him assuming it was friendly to begin with as he was just messing around. Right now however, he was being as serious as he could be.

"You Basta-"

"Silence." Was all Leucadius said as a greater pressure descended on him. "Coming here... Acting all arrogant as though you own the place. I'll ask you once again. Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are?"

At the moment, All the Eternals had all woken up from their unconscious state due to the timely arrival of Elysius. The female healing Eternal. But due to Leucadius not focusing on them, the pressure wasn't as heavy as it was on Zeus.

"You! Will pay for this!"

"Oh? Is that a threat I hear?" Leucadius asked as he slowly raised his left hand up to the sky. The artificial Sun within Olimpia suddenly flickered as scorching hot heat poured down on him.

Under the confused stare of the pale Eternals the heat wave turned into a large spear that hung over his head while pointing towards Zeus.

"I of course know who you about you actually, but do you think because you are a 'Godking', you have the capacity to act arrogantly before anyone?" Leucadius asked angrily.

"You're merely an extraterrestrial being born with unique and superior abilities. Know your place." Saying that, his left hand fell causing the spear to shoot towards Zeus.



Leucadius POV.


I heard Zuras scream at the top of his lungs as the spear made towards Zeus but I ignored him while watching as the spear burnt away at the God as well as a good portion of Olimpia.

"YOU! What have you done!?" Zuras screamed at me again much to my annoyance. I looked over at him and directed the pressure that Zeus was supposed to be facing to him.

"Do you think I won't kill you or something?" I asked as he fell to his knees. "You're by far, weaker than he is. I was merely trying to gauge your power levels so as to know where to place you and your group in the future. Know your place."


Another voice called out much to my growing annoyance.

"What!?" I asked the Golden haired goddess Thena.


"Humph. He'll be alright." I snorted and released the suppression I had on Zuras.

"You shouldn't have killed him." Was the first thing Zuras said as soon as he stood up. His tone was milder though, that much I appreciated, which was why I replied.

"Don't take me to be an idiot. It could come bite you in the ass someday"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Zeus won't die from just that. There's a reason why he's the King of Gods." Was all I said as I focused back on the spot Zeus was supposed to be in.

Due to the heat of the spear, the space around the area seemed blurry for a while causing even my eyes not to be able to penetrate and see clearly what was going on, but my senses wouldn't lie to me.

Zeus was very much alive and from what I could feel. He wasn't much affected by my Attack... at least Energy based.

Physically...only a charred corpse was left and not long after, a burst of energy dispelled the scorching aura around his body enabling us to all see his charred corpse regenerate as though nothing happened to it.

Seconds after that, he opened his eyes and glared at me, and I ain't lying when I say that my fight or flight instinct was telling me to run, but once you start bluffing, you gotta do it till the end.

Activating my absolute intelligence, I immediately shut down the flight instinct allowing my fight Instincts to take control. As long as he makes an attempt to fight me, I'll unleash all manner of hell on him.

The defining difference between me and the Eternal, Olympian Gods and probably other Gods were what I like to call - Build -

I came to this conclusion after reviewing everything Aspect had dumped into my head upon my awakening. Despite all their abilities, the Eternals didn't seem to want to develop.

They all had Molecular Manipulation as an ability, but they never expanded on that.

They could all teleport, but never wanted to know why it drains too much energy and how to reduce energy cost.

Their Energy Level was fixed but they never seemed to want to ask...Why?

They had Energy Manipulation...not just energy but Cosmic Energy manipulation, but they never wanted to grow more than just the basic one ability it gave them.

Icarus with his eye laser. Kingo with his Finger Gun. Thena with her Weapons Creation. Sersi with her Transmutation. Druig with his Mental Manipulation. Sprite with her Illusion.

And guess what I discovered? Sersi and Druig could actually create Illusions. Druig's was mentally while Sersi and Sprite's are more like Reality Manipulation.

Anyways, similar to them, The Gods were similar from what I've studied from Gaea's grand Library.

Zeus should have control over the Sky as a whole. That means everything within the Sky, wherever there's a Sky and wherever he can create a Sky.

However, he allowed for my Dimension Crush to affect him. That ability was basically using the gravity of the sky against anyone under the sky, yet he allowed it to affect him.

So the conclusion was Thus...They couldn't go against their Build. He might be Omnipotent to an extent with his Reality Manipulation abilities but If I knew a way around that, he was nothing.

"Who are you?" Zeus asked.

"Are you asking or demanding?" I asked with a smirk.

"I am asking." He replied, causing my smirk to grow.

"You should've started out like that. You wouldn't have had to face that..." I said but didn't know how to put it to sound less humiliating.

"Anyways. I am Leucadius. God in all but Form. I was merely having a friendly spar with my distant cousins over there when you decided to appear and play Superior." I replied and formed a set of hand signs before pointing at the sky.

A White dome covered the entire area affected by my battle with both the Eternals and Zeus before rewinding time back, returning everything to how it was before.

"Come, you should have come here with an agenda. I'm pretty sure we can have that talk while relaxing in the Prime's palace."

Saying that, a Boom tube opened up behind me, In Front of Zeus and behind the Eternals before sucking us all in.


{Sir...was that temporal manipulation?} Aspect asked while enroute to Olimpia's grand palace.

"Yup. Nifty trick right?" I replied. This conversation was all in my head so time was irrelevant anyways.

{I must say. However, I was unable to compute how that was possible.}

"It's normal. Even I didn't know how I did that. I only followed the instructions to one magical book left behind by Oshtur, Gaea's good and magical sister and boom! Temporal manipulation."

{That doesn't explain anything.}

"Heh. According to the book, they're six stones that hold complete Dominion over the Creation of a Universe. One such stone is the Time Stone."

{Oh. I know of this story. The Time Stone was acquired by Kronos, last son of Uranos who then lost it in a battle against his son.}

"Nah, that's a fictional story."


"The story goes like this...I don't really know the True story but I know that Agamotto, son of Oshtur came across it. Seeing it was too powerful to be wielded casually, fashioned an orb to hold it and siphon its powers."

"After studying it for a while, Oshtur was able to create a similar magic that could do the same thing it could do. Temporal manipulation. However the cost was too great so she cast it aside as a failed magic."

{Then how could you use it, master?}

"You see, ASPECT. Everything in this wide universe is made up of atoms. We all call it Energy in the long run, but think of it as Atom. In this way, isn't our Body itself a universe in and of itself? If the Universe can birth Six stones to maintain its functionality, why can't my body do the same?"


Volume two will be short and won't take much time before I enter the time before Christ. (BC)

I dunno how it'll go but I'll try my best