Omniscience in Marvel 32

Title - Effects

"Father." The Angels all went down on one knee as soon as they returned back to the ship.

"At ease children. How many times must I tell you this?" Leucadius said with a sigh. He didn't need to look back to know that they were on their knees.

"It is imperative that we show our loyalty to you father." Michael said righteously.

"Alright. Do as you please. You may leave. I am busy." Leucadius said to them as the screen in front of him skipped at immense speed, his fingers weren't idle too as it was basically invisible to any who looked.

"As you wish father." They all said and left. Only the four Seraphs thought it wise to remain in his presence. Leucadius wasn't worried about it though. It was in their core directive after all.

Although they can be a little bit annoying, their presence, that is, they were good to have around.

As for him, he and ASPECT were going through a couple areas he would need some modification so as not to evolve the wrong way. Leucadius thought this up as he remembered how Aspect liked to speak when it wasn't needed.

Small acts like this could evolve into something disastrous. No one wanted their conscience to speak to them on every wrong turn they made. It was that simple.

Aspect was built to be the physical manifestation of his skill: Absolute Intelligence. He was his skill which could speak. One he could communicate with. However said Skill was now stepping out of bounds.

"Alrighty. You are good to go, ASPECT." Leucadius said with a smile

{Although I fail to see the need for the reprogramming, I still thank you for your hard work.}

"Hmm? You're welcome?" Leucadius answered unsurely. "So…how long will evolution take?"

{This is outside my level of understanding sir. The Motherbox and I are two separate existences you are trying to merge. The Mind Stone theoretically has the ability to merge us, but it is unprecedented. We are the First and the last should it succeed or fail.}

"Hmm." Leucadius hummed listening to ASPECT's words. The Mind Stone truly had the power to birth an intelligent life. It happened with the Hive-mind and he knew for a fact that it would happen with Vision.

That would have been the case if he was trying to birth a new life from the Motherbox. To grant it Sentience. However, with Aspect already having or periodically taking control of the Motherbox, what other Intelligence does it need other than Aspect?

'It was sad to see the child you've had so much hope for die, but it is what must be done for the later good.' Shun thought solemnly. 'I don't want to have two people speaking to my conscience consistently. Not to mention the amount of work I'll have to put in later. Nah. After this, I'll create a dimension and finally assume my post as God. To hell with the adventuring. If Gods come to trouble me, I'll give them a piece of my mind. I doubt they're that strong though.'

"Let's begin." He commanded. "I'll leave myself in your care, girls. The ship has already set sail towards Sol Solar System. Hopefully when we arrive, I'll be awake."

"You can rest assured father. Not even a puff of smoke will make it past our guard." Lumina said with fiery determination to which they all shared.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he stood up from the throne which quickly transformed into a sleek metallic gold box. Picking it up, he walked towards a pod that he had used to go into two God-sleep as he liked to call it.

Sitting down on it, he sighed and muttered to himself. "Who told me to create something like this? Now I have to drain myself just to jumpstart it. What a pain."

With another sigh, he placed his hand on the box and began the procedure. It was instantaneous so he didn't feel time pass him by. One moment he was wide awake and energized, the next moment he was sapped of his strength.

"I look forward to seeing you again…" without finishing his words, he fell on the pod. It was only until one of the Seraphs came and placed him well did the pod close up.

Looking at her sisters, she nodded to them to which they reciprocated. And that began their watch over their master for the next few years.

"That man…he wouldn't betray us would he?" Sentinel Dra-Tor asked as he tapped the table with his fingers. It was obvious he was nervous for some reason and that was obvious.

An alien man had just come into their Space, hijacked their ship, taken their Universal Neural Teleportation System BluePrint, promised to get the artifact they've lost a few good soldiers to get, and then left as if they were nothing.

Still, their Worldmind insisted that everything would be fine and he wouldn't break his promise.

"{You shouldn't judge others by your own personal standards, Sentinel. Have a little patience.}"


"Just drop it. There's nothing we can do about this. At worst, we just report it and they'll have an Eternal chase after him." One of the Superiors in the room said as she leisurely swiped through her tab.

"You're the last person I want to hear from, you coward."

"C'mon. Let's not start with the names guys."

"Humph. A Coward huh? At least I didn't get my face planted on the floor before I could even initiate an attack." The woman sneered without even looking at the man.

"I had the gall to stand and fight. That's better than any humiliation."

"Hmm. You're lucky he's a kind enough individual. What if you had died?"

"Then I'd have died in service of the Great Kree Empire."

"Ah…that's right." The woman said and then kept quiet. She, like Leucadius, knew when an argument led nowhere, so she chose to end it.

"Humph." Dra-Tor harrumphed and looked away. "I just hope he keeps his word."

??? POV

That fellow…

What even is he?

I am sure he doesn't exist in any of the Universes outside of this one. And even this Universe wasn't in existence until he came. It was as though this Universe was specifically created for him.

In the Multiverse, every living being exists independently and parallel to each other. However, he alone exists. An anomaly in the making of the Word.

He was able to step outside the story already set to play out and affect the story as he pleases without actually falling into the narrative. I wonder…what kind of story he is going to Create with this…?

That was what I thought a few years ago. He was already on his way to being one of the strongest Living Beings in the Universe. For someone born and created under the Natural Order of things, it was a feat worthy of admiration.

Not even Oshtur and her family are able to reach this level of strength. Energy level, he's weak, but his tools and artifacts seem to make up for it. It was that artificial intelligence at First, then the Motherbox, now…it's this.

Perhaps a Fatherbox? I have no idea why he named it Motherbox in the first place, but creating something that could only be a technological and magical marvel was already mind-blowing enough, but trying to evolve it into something more with an Infinity Stone…The Mind Stone no less.

I can say I'm not interested in what will be born out of it. Perhaps I'll finally have someone to talk to in the World. Hopefully those guys don't notice him just for this.

But Men. It's not like he poses a threat to the Multiverse anyways.

I'll just have to keep watching. I have a feeling… a wonderful feeling.

"Sister! Sister!" Oshtur portaled into Gaea's Dimension shouting on the top of her lungs as she entered. If not for the fact that this wasn't an ordinary dimension, there could've been cracks in it's foundation just from her scream.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You. Sister." Gaea appeared looking so gloomy as she did.

"Now's not the time for that anger of yours sister. There's trouble. Big trouble!"

"What trouble?" Gaea perked up. It was rare to see her sister who was so versed in the magical and mystical thingies being so worked up so she was worried.

"The Stones." Oshtur said as she began walking up and down.

"..." Gaea silently looked around her, causing Oshtur to follow her line of sight to see various stones beside them.

"Not those stones sister." Oshtur said and huffed in annoyance. "The Infinity Stones."

"Oh. Like the one the brat Agamotto had?"

"Have. He still has it. And yes. Those stones." Oshtur replied.

"So? What of it? Since the brat didn't lose his, why are you this worked up?" Gaea asked as her previous worry disappeared and turned back to annoyance.

"Agamotto's stone isn't the only one in existence. I've come across records that said that there were six of them in the universe. And when one of them is exposed, it'll be noticed." Oshtur began. "Just minutes ago, one of them was found by someone."

"And that's my problem…why?" Gaea asked.

"The appearance of one such stone could lead to an upheaval in the Universe. It could very well affect this part of the universe and we don't have capable warriors to defend Earth."

"Speak for yourself. I have Leuca. He's capable enough." Gaea said. "You also have your band of mystical friends. Just watch over your part of the World if you can't save the entire planet. I'm not that weak anyways."

"That's not it, sister. There's something you have to understand about these stones. They're…forces of Universal Order-"

"Yeah, I know what those storms are and what they're capable of. I just don't understand how and why you're making a fuss over something like that. We don't have anything of worth to attract attention. We already have the Celestials to take care of, you can go take care of those Gods of yours…the Earth will be safe." Gaea said with a tone of finality.



"Fine. But it's been more than a decade since Leuca left. Any word yet?" Oshtur asked.

"Nah." Gaea said and pulled out a green crystal. "He's safe. That much is certain. This is what he called..A life card. As long as he's safe, it'll be intact. Once it cracks, it means his life is in danger, and when it crumbles…"

"He's dead." Oshtur completed and hurriedly took it from Gaea's hand. "An Ingenious creation. As expected of my Child."

Gaea's eyes twitched but she decided to ignore it totally. The two sisters then went on to chat while time continued to flow.

??? Time Later.

Leucadius awoke from his slumber as he opened his eyes groggily. The pod that he was in opened up allowing him to sit up and look around.

'Damn. Does this mean I can't use up all my energy as I wish in the future? I'm slowly turning into those Immortal Cultivators going into some form.of seclusion.' he thought and stood.

"You're awake, father." One of the Seraphs said in greetings to which the others followed. Leucadius merely nodded with a smile and looked around the room looking for something…or someone.

"The Evolution?" He asked no one in particular, but Lumina replied.

"It's still in progress."

"I see." Leucadius said and looked outside the ship. "It's about time we reached home. With Aspect's evolution, I'm sure I'll have all the knowledge I'll require for a lifetime."

"Set up a Jump point. Straight for Earth."

"As you command." Celestia said and moved to the control hub. Leucadius then walked over to the floating metal box and caressed it a bit. "I'm already awake. What's holding you up?"