Omniscience in Marvel 48

Title - Vs The Monkey King.

"I sure hope you three can dance." Leucadius said with a battle hungry smile, one not too dissimilar to that of Sun Wukong, and with a strong stomp on the ground, his figure disappeared as he came upon Wukong who widened his eyes in shock at Leucadius speed.

Wukong, seeing Leucadius swing his sword down, was quick to raise his staff to defend against the sword, however, the force behind the swing was too much, causing his knees to buckle.

"Oh? You managed to withstand that? As expected…quite deserving of your name." Leucadius praised as his lips curled up in a smirk. "However, what would you do about the next attack?"

Asking that, Leucadius merely threw the spear in his left hand into the sky much to the monkey's confusion, however upon reaching a certain height, it stopped. Its tip turned and faced Wukong and in the next moment, it descended with a speed that made the Monkey widen his eyes for the second time in mere seconds.

"Expand! Ruyi!" Wukong bellowed. The staff which he was using to defend against Leucadius' sword suddenly shook and expanded so much that it covered him entirely while also pushing Leucadius back.

Seeing Wukong activate one of the abilities of his staff, Leucadius smiled and pointed at the spear. And as if receiving an extra boost from him, its speed increased many fold, and along with its speed, so did its force and piercing power.

However, Leucadius was appalled by the fact that despite increasing its mass, it still failed to pierce through the famous staff crafted from the bones of dragon kings.

"Impressive." Leucadius said to which Shiva who was also standing at the side nodded while clapping. "Most wonderful craftsmanship. Perhaps I should pay the Xians a visit one of these days."

"Why would you do that?" His brother, Vishnu asked.

"Why, you ask? I'd like to get myself one such weapon. You never know when they'll save your life." Shiva said and looked at his brother as though looking at an idiot.

"You…you've never needed a weapon before. Wasn't it you that said; What's the use of a weapon when I have the greatest of them all? while clenching your fists?" Vishnu asked in an exasperated tone.

"Well…Then as a trinket?"

"You don't need weapons, Shiva." Vishnu said, or more like decreed, causing Shiva to pout and turn back to the duo who had seemingly forgotten that this was supposed to be a free for all between the four of them.

The two that were Leucadius and Wukong, both wearing Battle thirsty smiles as they swung their weapons against each other in relish.

"Extend! Retract! Expand! Shrink!"

Sun Wukong bellowed as the two clashed. He had no fear whatsoever towards this opponent of his, despite feeling a tingle in his muscles whenever they clashed, he didn't retreat one step.

Leucadius wasn't a slouch either. At one point he had even discarded his sword while favoring his spear. The reason was simple, similar to Wukong's staff, it had more reach than his sword. It wasn't that the Sword was useless though, it was just not entertaining to use in the battle.

In less than five minutes an area of 3 kilometers around the two had been laid to waste, not because of any energy related attack, but just from the sheer force behind their every move.

"As expected! You truly are a kindred spirit!" Wukong exclaimed as he jumped backwards into the air. "Expand! Ruyi!" He commanded and held the now over 200 meters long and 20 meters wide staff and swung it down at Leucadius who was still on the ground.

"Hehe. No matter how much force you put behind that staff, it won't cause me any damage!" Leucadius responded in kind as he raised his right hand towards the descending staff. "Reverse Gravity X10!"

Now Leucadius was strong. Not as strong as these innate Gods like Odin, Wukong, Shiva and Vishnu. While they boasted a force of 60 tons and above, he could only exert a force of 30 Tons.

This naturally made him weaker than them, However, he wasn't about to let that be an excuse for losing in any physical confrontation. Whenever force was needed, gravity manipulation was a huge deciding factor for him.

The Reverse Gravity Manipulation he just used ensured that the force behind whatever attack coming towards him is reduced up to the factor of 10.

In the case where Wukong, whom he'd already analyzed to be able to exert approximately over 65 Tons of force per attack uses an expanded Ruyi whose mass had been increased to an astronomical level, its total amount in force was a whooping 265 Tons.

Using the Reverse Gravity Manipulation X10 he was able to reduce it to just 26.5 tons, and in so doing, he was able to withstand the attack with just one hand, much to Wukong's amusement.

Instead of finding Leucadius' act to be mischievous, he saw it as a challenge, and in the next instant, his body expanded as he grew to a height of over 10 meters..

In this state, the Staff became so small that it was now being held over his shoulder. Still, he wasn't satisfied as grinning, he said. "Expand. Ruyi."


Now, Leucadius was strong, but even he knew that at this moment, he truly was fucked.

"That's some peculiar Technique right there, do you think he'll survive?" Shiva asked no-one in particular but Amaterasu who wasn't in the battle in the first place appeared beside him and said.

"Judging from his expression, that wouldn't be a problem." Then turning to the two, she continued. "The problem here is you two waiting for the young God to exhaust himself before joining in on the battle."

"Oh-ho? Can I interpret this as you coming to his defense? What? You've been smitten by the boy already?" Shiva said with a taunting smirk but only got an impassive stare in return.

"Tsk, killjoy." Shiva clicked his tongue and turned back to the ongoing battle. "He won't be defeated by that. He's still got a lot of energy to spare."

"That much I know…" the Sun Goddess said before her figure disappeared, but not before leaving a warning behind. "I won't have you killing my new ally."


"Look at her. How much of a kill-joy can she be, Eh brother?" Shiva asked his brother only to receive a cold shoulder from him. "Even you brother?"

"Watch." Was all Vishnu said without turning away from the impending clash between the two unreasonably powerful Gods.

Leucadius spread out his two hands as two golden magical cycles formed on each hand before passing through his body, causing him to glow more golden

"Limitless! Reverse Gravity!"

Although it was shameful to use magic in a physical battle, Leucadius valued his life more than something as pathetic as Pride. With his knowledge on both Spatial and Temporal magic, he was able to create a dome around him where space and time were stretched out.

It all depended on his energy. For as long as he had enough energy to spare, space and time could stretch till infinity and eternity respectively, however, he only needed it stretched to as far as the force behind Wukong's Ruyi could go.

And with reverse Gravity, he then expertly parried it.

"Hey! That's cheating!" The monkey king cried out in consternation. Although It wasn't his strongest attack, this was something he thought would snatch him a victory at the very least.

"All is fair in love and war." Leucadius shrugged as the dome disappeared.

"But this ain't no war motherfucker!" Wukong shouted as he stretched back before hurling his Staff at Leucadius at breakneck speed.

It was so fast that it broke the sound barrier, yet Leucadius was still able to dodge it.

"No need for that, my friend. How about we call this a draw? I still have those two geezers to fight against." Leucadius said as he floated in the skies. "We could reschedule our battle to another time. We can even make it an event of sorts."

"I feel you're trying to deceive me but…I'm interested." Wukong said as his body reverted back to his normal height.

"How about this…From this day, every hundred years, we fight till our heart's content for a duration of 1 year. What do you think?" Leucadius offered.

"Do you take me for an idiot?" Wukong asked, causing Leucadius and Nezha who had been silent all this while to raise their brows in surprise. Leucadius aside, Nezha knew that Wukong was one gullible idiot who could be persuaded to do anything as long as there was fighting involved.

"How can I fight to my heart's content in just one year? Your words hold two meanings and I don't like it." Wukong snorted and crossed his hand across his chest while hugging his staff.

Now Nezha was truly impressed. It seemed like the Monkey king could be smart when fighting is involved.

"Then what do you propose?" Leucadius asked with a smile. It seems like Wukong wasn't an idiot after all.

"10 years."


"I could fight to my heart's content in ten years. In return, feel free to use any tricks you can conjure. Magical or otherwise." Wukong said.

"Wow. You really mean that?" Leucadius asked to which the monkey nodded. "Of course, unlike some people, my word is my bond." He said while throwing a disdainful glance at Nezha who smiled wryly.

'Whose fault is it that you're too stupid?' he thought. The entire Xian race were in his opinion, a race of people that would rather use their time and energy to scheme rather than act. It just so happens that he was an outlier.

He was someone who'd use all his energy to act rather than calm down and think.

In such a setting, it was obvious who the losing party would be, wouldn't it?

"That is good then. Then you also have my word. Come a hundred years, feel free to visit Heaven, we will have the battle of our life there." Leucadius said and shot a beam of light towards the monkey king. "That gives you free access to heaven whenever you like. Similar to Amaterasu over there, you are now a friend of Heaven."

Wukong patted his body trying to find whatever it was that Leucadius had shot into him all to no avail. He didn't feel any ill intentions from the light, that was why he allowed it, however, curiosity still drove him to want to know what it was

"Just think about it appearing in your palms and it will."

"Ah. Thanks." Wukong said and opened his hand only for a golden plaque to Materialize in his hand. "Wow. It's shiny!"

"Of course It is. You can't neglect the shine if you want to make an impression." Leucadius said Sagely. "Now then…how would you two like to dance?"