Omniscience in Marvel 53

Title - Exploring Heaven

"How is the preparation coming along?" Leucadius asked no one in particular. He was currently sitting in his Western styled office while flicking through some books on his table.

"A hundred years is a long time to prepare for anything, my Lord." A second Leucadius appeared right in front of him while wearing an all white butler style suit.

"Yet a second is all that is needed to ruin a lot of things." Leucadius said softly before putting the book down and looking up to see his lookalike. "This never stops getting weird."

Aspect merely rolled his eyes at Leucadius causing him to laugh a bit. Opening his right hand, a glass cup appeared in it before being filled by a fragrant drink.

"Heaven's delicacies never cease to amaze me." He said after taking a sip. "That reminds me Aspect, I haven't had a proper tour of Heaven. Everything I've seen, I saw through your video. How are we going to rectify that?"

Aspect looked at Leucadius for a good while before sighing. He knew Leucadius knew why he couldn't just begin to tour heaven, but since he asked, it simply means he wanted it done, one way or another.

"I can have one of the senior Angels bring you around the plane." Aspect came up with a reply which made Leucadius beam happily.

"I knew I could count on you." Leucadius said and snapped his finger causing his clothes to change to that resembling Aspect's. "With my departure, make sure my throne isn't left empty." He said and disappeared.

One might ask why he said that…Well, it was simple. Being God and a King at that, he was meant to remain seated on his Throne in case his input was needed, although it was rarely needed, it was a source of assurance to the inhabitants of heaven to look up and see their King watching over them

In his 3000 years absence, Aspect had done a wonderful job maintaining his image, what was a few hours or days?

Sitting on his Throne was merely an illusion however. The Throne was the Motherbox, and the Motherbox was Aspect, so even without him appearing physically on the Throne, he could make it seem as though he was there.

"Those siblings can be a hassle, my Lord." Aspect sighed in annoyance.

"Don't worry about them, they're merely doing their jobs and you're me and I am you. They're aware of that." Leucadius said and conjured a white walking stick to match his attire before saying. "Alright, I am ready."

As he said that, A door Materialized in front of him with a swirling portal being the doorway. It was a portal similar to the Boomtube only without the BOOM.

And walking in, he was immediately deposited in a large hall where two Angels, a male and a female were on their knees awaiting him.

"My King."

"My King."

"At ease children." Leucadius said with a sigh. He'd told the Holy Ones to desist from kneeling whenever they saw him, and while some did this others didn't.

The Angels were another case altogether. They definitely wouldn't greet their God and King while standing. "I will be in your care, Mesael, Lamiel."

"Leave it to us to show you the wonders of your glorious realm." they both said at the same time to which Leucadius just nodded before walking ahead of them and out of the temple only to be greeted by what looked like a futuristic City.

"This is Elysius, Realm to all Angels under your authority, My King." Mesael said while also admiring the view. The hall they were in was a floating island suspended in the skies of the Realm.

From Aspect, Leucadius already knew that Heaven had been restructured to have more layers. Nine in Total, Seven to all those other than him. The Seventh being where it is presumed he resides, but was actually just an illusion or projection of him from the Ninth Heaven.

The lower three Realms were an Earthly Realm similar to the designs of Earth but more Divinely built, the second was the Hellish Realm used to hold prisoners to be tried for their crimes and the third was Eden. The perfect paradise on Earth.

The middle three Realms were the fourth, where the Celestial bodies laid, the Fifth, where the prisoners of divine origins were detained and the Sixth…Elysius. The Realm where the Angels reside.

From the Seventh and above was where the Holy Ones, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers resided. It was like a whole Greater World in comparison to the rest due to the amount of power they wielded.

The Archangels could come and go from the Seventh Realm as they wished, but all other inhabitants remained on the Sixth Heaven - Elysius.

"Hmm. Shall we?" Leucadius said and flew down from the skies to a random location.

Some would wonder…What do these Gods do in Heaven anyways? What do the Asgardians do? What do the Olympians do? What do the Angels do? What do the Ennead do? What the hell do all these Gods do in their Divine Realms other than party, train, answer prayers and all whatnots?

The answer was simple.

Similar to how you'd ask…What do humans do in their free time? That was exactly what happened here.

"This is the school district area, my King." Mesa introduced to Leucadius who raised an eyebrow. He too had been curious to what these people do in their free time

"A school?" He asked bewildered. "Now I'm curious." He said and picked a direction and began walking. "Angels are divine and immortal existences, how do you educate yourselves?"

"We have a system that spans a total of hundred years to bring our young ones up to speed. History, Science, Magic, Combat, Technology, Art and many other minor fields of studies." Lemiel introduced.

"Contrary to how we are seen in the Ten Realms, not everyone is Battle thirsty as we've been made to look." Mesa added. "Lemuel and I had both graduated from the academy of Arts and Magic and are not battle oriented, but we're still skilled nonetheless."

"Hmm." Leucadius nodded and walked through a massive gate that had the inscription; Academy of Magic and Combat Science. "It seems like they teach magical sciences as well as Combat Sciences in here. Let's go take a look."

Lemuel and Mesael shared a glance before shrugging and following behind Leucadius. Even if their King found something weird with the Academy, it didn't concern them.

As the three walked through the school, their Presence didn't draw much attention due to the amount of students going up and down the place. Although they mildly stood out due to Leucadius' white hair.

In Heaven, the common hair color was Gold or Yellow Blond, and other than a Leucadius and a few unique Angels, no one boasted a white hair color.

Leucadius smiled at the students who looked at him, causing them to look away. He didn't know whether it was due to fear, shock, admiration or embarrassment but he didn't care to find out. He just found them adorable.

One thing about the Angel race was that none…not a single one of them could be described as unattractive. They were all just supremely beautiful or handsome depending on their gender and he was pleased.

And as they continued their tour, they came across a group of students in what looked like a training ground all having spars. Some wielded spears, some swords, some blades, some axes, some staff.

He was impressed at how they all fluidly executed their moves that he paused to admire them. He may be very adept in magic, but to him, nothing trumps the joy of using physical attacks to battle.

"How I wish I had a childhood like this here." He muttered to himself and thankfully, the two Senior Angels didn't hear him despite straining their ears. "Let's go." He said and began walking.

Soon, he came across another group gathered together while sitting on the floor in a clearing as a female Angel explained to them the principles of advanced magic.

"Unlike physical combat, magic requires precise control of one's spiritual energy," the instructor explained, her voice carrying through the serene atmosphere. "We've learnt this in the basic and intermediate level magic classes, but it is more important when it comes to advanced magic."

Leucadius observed with keen interest as she demonstrated various magical techniques, manipulating greater elements with graceful movements of her hands.

"Unlike basic magic that only used the basic elements, intermediate magic was more on augmentation, addition of sublimation of the basic elements. In advance magic, it was then about intent." The instructor continued

"Take fireball for example. It is a Basic level Magic." She said and began demonstrating.

As Leucadius observed the demonstration, he noted the seamless transition from basic to intermediate magic. The instructor's movements became more intricate. With each flick of her fingers, she infused the fireball spell with additional elements.

"In intermediate magic, the caster could enhance the fireball's potency by infusing it with additional elements, such as wind or lightning, to create a more formidable attack."

The fire ball in her hands morphed and became a fusion of fire and air, creating a blazing cyclone that could engulf its targets in a whirlwind of flames.

The instructor demonstrated how by manipulating the air currents within the fireball, she could control its trajectory and intensity, making it a formidable weapon.

"As you progress in your magical studies," the instructor explained, her voice resonating with authority, "you will come to understand that magic is not just a tool for destruction, but a reflection of your innermost thoughts and emotions. Your intent shapes the outcome of your spells. What you Will it, becomes Law and it is as powerful as your Will."

With a single thought, a caster could imbue a fireball with healing properties, transforming it into a beacon of light and warmth that brought hope to all who beheld it. Likewise, it could act as a force that could raze an entire realm to ashes.

Leucadius watched with a smile as the instructor demonstrated the advanced fireball spell. With a silent command, she unleashed the spell, and the air around them seemed to ignite with raw power.

The fireball streaks through the sky like a comet, leaving a trail of shimmering sparks in its wake, one moment it was but a swirling vortex of fire and wind, the next moment, it became a ferocious dragon as soon as it reached its peak.

Upon descending, it opened its mouth and ferociously roared at the students below generating massive wind pressure which was dissolved by the teacher before it could reach them, and as the dragon reached the students, it turned into a firefly and flew around the teacher before being extinguished.

"Impressive." Was all Leucadius said before beginning to walk again. He of course, knew that there were still higher Levels to magic ranging to even God class magic attack, hence his impassioned response.

Loath as he hated to admit it, Should Uriel, his Archangels of Fire, fight against Amaterasu, Goddess of Fire, Uriel would lose ten out of nine times.

The Universe was both kind and unkind at the same time. Gods with Divinity over the Sun and its branches such as Heat, Light, Fire, and Life depending…were just on a level of their own.

A level that no mastery of Elemental Magic could bring you to.

Plot armor aside. It was impossible.

It was similar to the Combat Gods. All Divine Beings had A Body(Muscle, Skin, bones, tendon etc) at three times the density of Humans.

"It was as though we were all given that kind of body as a boon. The Celestial Hosts did the same to the Eternals and Deviants. So why did all of us have the same body density, why could some exert more strength than the others?" Leucadius asked rhetorically, this time to the hearing of the two angels.


"It's all about the energy." Leucadius said with a smile. "At the end of the day, it's all about the energy associated with their divinity."

While the Eternals all had the Max power of 30-40 tons, the Deviant had less, the Ennead had 40-70, the Olympians had 50-90, Asgardians … Well, theirs is even more confusing, but Odin with the Odin-force had a peak level of 90 tons.

And finally, there was Leucadius who despite having a Max of 30 tons could still battle toe to toe with Odin and Deavas who at their max could all reach 90 tons.

"In the End, it's all about your Mastery over Energy and its manipulation." He said and continued walking, not minding the perplexed expression on his escort's faces.

Looking into the skies of Elysius, Leucadius smiled and thought to himself. 'It seems like taking a walk periodically is helpful in understanding some things. I should do this more often.'

And so, their tour continued with Leucadius learning more about his City of Angels.


A/N: Just felt like saying this. I know this is a Marvel Story and I've been writing things that don't concern Marvel for some time now and I apologize, but I feel it is interesting.

Anyways, I thought to clear up a misunderstanding before it sticks.

Density, in relation to the human body, refers to the mass of a person's tissues and organs relative to their volume. It is a measure of how tightly packed the components of the body are.

In practical terms, it can help determine the proportion of lean body mass (muscle, bone, organs) to fat mass. A person with higher muscle mass and lower body fat percentage will typically have a higher body density compared to someone with lower muscle mass and higher body fat percentage.

So when I say that Gods, Eternals or Divine beings have a body 3X the Density of Humans, I mean that they are just super Humans until they apply Energy.

Once they apply Energy, they become Godly. Truly Godly.

Remember, Thor from MCU was still superhuman even when he lost his Godly Ability, stripped away by Odin.

On the contrary, the High Evolutionary from GOTG 3 could manipulate gravitational forces, making him look godly. Not Pain-sama kind of Godly but Godly nonetheless.

If you have questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section so as to prevent misunderstandings.

Also, you can Read extra 20+ Chapters on my Patre@n