Omniscience in Marvel 81

Title - Awakening, Timeskip and New Victim

A soft groan was heard as Leucadius, who'd been slumbering groggily, opened his eyes to look at the Golden World around him. "This still needs getting used to."

The golden world of lines and dots were both beautiful and tiring to look at. While it provided a perfect view of the world, it also blinded him to the imperfections that made the world beautiful.

"How long have I been out?" He wondered as he stood up from the already opened Pod which then transformed into his office chair.

"Exactly 210 years, Sir." Aspect's voice sounded immediately in reply to Leucadius' question. "It's nice to have you back."

"It's nice to be back, but two centuries?" Leucadius asked in amazement. "To think that the concept of death was that draining…" he muttered to himself as he rubbed his temples. "So..? What have I missed?"

"I would've said 'Nothing', but considering your unhealthy fixation on humans, the suitable reply would be…A lot." Aspect replied as his figure appeared following the application of hard light construct.

"Oh..? And from your tone, I can see your dislike for them burns ever so brightly." Leucadius said with a hollow laugh. "But it's good you don't hate them."

"I could never hate them, they're the product of our-"

"No." Leucadius immediately interrupted him. "They aren't products, but living, sentient lifeforms."

"Apologies for the misuse of Words." Aspect quickly apologized but Leucadius waved it off and said. "Alright, update me on your experience with them."

Aspect nodded and began; "Following your God-sleep, I made sure to see that the Israelites safely left the land of Egypt under the guidance and protection of Uriel's and Ariel's subordinates, Zariela and Seraphiel…"

"In the daytime, Seraphiel led them with a pillar of cloud while obstructing the Egyptians in pursuit, and at night, Zariel did the same, but as a pillar of fire…"

Aspect then went on to explain how Moses had used parted the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to escape from Egypt, bringing forth water from a rock in the wilderness, striking a rock to bring forth water for the Israelites to drink, raising his hands to help the Israelites defeat the Amalekites in battle.

Following that, Aspect also recounted his mis-doings and punishment. While Aspect gave him the power to do all those things, Moses had made a mistake of not acknowledging to the Israelites.

"So you only showed him Canaan but prevented him from entering?" Leucadius asked wryly to which Aspect nodded. "I also did it for his own good."


Aspect nodded and continued. "Lucifer was snooping around the people of Israel so I had to make sure he didn't get his hands on Moses' corpse."

"While that makes sense, how does that relate to not showing him The Promised Land?" Leucadius asked and Aspect went out of his way to show him physical evidence on why Moses couldn't be arsed into Canaan.

"Alright then. And his body?" Leucadius asked and Aspect zoomed in on Mount Nebo. "This is where he's buried."

Leucadius looked at the spot for a while before shrugging. "I can tell that not even Lucifer can break into that place. Good work."

"It's a matter of course." Aspect replied smugly.

Leucadius didn't pay him any mind and thought to his personally created villain, Lucifer. He knew that Lucifer would make it his life's goal to bring about the ruin of those who worship him, but he wasn't bothered.

Such efforts would only serve to differentiate between those who truly love and worship him and those who do it perfunctorily. It wasn't like he'd be losing anything.

"And now..? How are the Israelites faring?"

"They're an incorrigible bunch, Sir. In their moments of need, hardship and despair, they'd readily remember that we exist, however, when they've had it all, they turn to those Demons in worship." Aspect spat out angrily much to Leucadius' surprise.

"I see you've gotten a hang on your emotions…"

"It just happened. Humans are…"

"Chaotic. It's a good thing you've also acquired that chaotic component. Maybe you'd understand them better now." Leucadius said offhandedly, but Aspect didn't see that ever happening. "Time will tell."

As though guessing Aspect's thoughts, he added as he read through the things the humans have been up to over the years. "Oh? This Gideon fellow is interesting…and your recruitment requirements…"

"It was necessary. I couldn't have men who aren't even aware of their surroundings go up against an army of thousands." Aspect replied.

"Are you sure you didn't just want to show off?" Leucadius asked with a smirk. He could tell from the battle report that following the sound of the trumpets, Aspect must have amplified the sound to cause a bit of confusion amongst the enemies.

"It was a necessary action to show our sovereignty."

"Hmm." Leucadius hummed and continued to read. There was one judge who made a stupid promise about giving out his daughter in marriage should he win the seemingly impossible battle.

Reading through Aspect's remark on him, it read; The Fool doubted our might-

Leucadius didn't dare continue and just flipped to the next judge. Soon enough he'd read through it all and was amazed at how fickle the Israelites were.

Of Course, he understood that this was all as a result of the Constraints he'd placed on them through the commandments as well as the influence from their environment.

Still, despite his calm and smiling expression, Leucadius was a bit angry at the predicament the Israelites always found themselves in. "I'll take care of the next judge." Leucadius said, much to Aspect's surprise.

"You will?"

"Of course, but I'm going to be taking a whole new approach."

"I see…" was all Aspect said. Although he felt doubtful, he still looked forward to how his master would handle the matter.

"Hehe." Leucadius chuckled slightly seeing Aspect's expression, but said nothing. He was reminded of a certain Olympian Demigod who'd be coming into conception soon enough and thought to one-up Zeus in terms of bragging rights when they met next.

"You may leave, I have some research to do." Leucadius shooed Aspect away and immediately set his eyes on Earth.

Leucadius POV

The humans of this era…when compared to Adam and Eve, only had two fifths of their supposed Peak Human trait/gene. Hmm..? Peak Human…High Human…Nah, Peak Human it is.

Adam and Eve were truly Godly in terms of strength, both physical, mental and magical. However the years have seen to it that they deteriorate at an alarming pace.

The reason was very simple actually…They ate and drank things they shouldn't be eating and drinking.

Not to misunderstand, Everything on Earth is Good for Human consumption, however to actually be at the level of Adam and Eve without deteriorating, certain things shouldn't be eaten and drunk.

Examples include Meat and Wine.

Till the end of their days, Neither Adam or Eve ate anything from an animal. At the same time, they never drank anything fermented. All Their wines were obtained directly from fruits.

Of Course, many would argue, but it is what it is. While meat is nutritious, it isn't actually healthy. Same could be said for fermented products.

And with that thought in mind, I settled for a certain family from the Clan of Dan who'd been childless for a few years due to the wife's inability to conceive.

"Hala." Leucadius called out softly and immediately, she appeared In Front of him.

"Tsk, you're finally awake." Halaliel clicked her tongue in annoyance at seeing Leucadius up and about.

"Two hundred years of rest…I hope you've learnt something new cause I won't be going easy on you next time we spar." Leucadius said with a pure smile devoid of any sinister thoughts.

"You'd be surprised." Hala raised her nose to the air while crossing her hands across her chest.

"I look forward to it." Leucadius said before flicking a beam of light into her head. "Head to that location and convey that exact message to the husband and wife."

"Huh? You…you know I'm an Archangel…right?" Hala asked with a confused tone.

"Yeah…so?" Leucadius asked back, similarly confused.

"Aren't there like…minor angels you could send to perform this…task? Isn't Gabriel available or something?"

"Why would I bother my cute Gabriel over something as miniscule as this? You, on the other hand, aren't cute at all, so chop chop. Time waits for no man."

To Leucadius' answer, Hala could only look at him with mouth agape. To her, this was a major disrespect, from another perspective, it was akin to a friend in a high place asking a fellow friend to perform a task.

"I'll see to it." Hala said and disappeared from the room. In actuality, it wasn't even her physical body that was here but her consciousness, that was why Leucadius didn't give her a physical tab containing the mission details.

And so, it happened that a certain man of Zorah, named Manoah, from the clan of the Dan, had a wife who was childless, unable to give birth. On this certain day, Hala appeared to her and said, "You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son."

"Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean…Meat to be specific. You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb."

And without waiting for the woman's reply, she disappeared again.

Of course, the woman told her experience to her husband who asked for directions on how to raise the boy. I could only send a message to Hala who was currently in Alfheim's royal palace living luxuriously.

Hala was strong enough to project her consciousness down to Earth, and although it was mentally draining considering the distance, she could at least do it a few times before being exhausted.

Furiously, she could only project herself down to the woman who hurried to tell her husband, "He's here! The angel who appeared to me the other day!"

Manoah quickly got up and followed his wife. When he came to the angel, he said, "Are you the man who talked to my wife?"

"I am," she said. So Manoah asked, "When your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule that governs the boy's life and work?"

"Your wife must do all that I have told her. She must not eat anything that comes from the grapevine, nor drink any wine or other fermented drink or eat anything unclean. She must do everything I have commanded her."

Manoah said to Hala, "We would like you to stay until we prepare a young goat for you." But she replied, "Even though you detain me, I will not eat any of your food. But if you prepare a burnt offering, offer it to the Lord."

''[Manoah has not realized that she is your angel.]'' Aspect's annoyed voice sounded inside Leucadius' office causing him to frown slightly. "So it seems. Hala's doing a good job though."

Then Manoah inquired, "What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word comes true?" and she replied, "Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding."

Then Manoah took a young goat, together with the grain offering, and sacrificed it on a rock. "{Perform some kind of trick as you depart from them.}" Leucadius mentally sent her a message.

And as Manoah and his wife watched, the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, and Hala ascended in the flame.

Seeing this, Manoah and his wife fell with their faces to the ground.

"Hahaha. I was expecting that reaction!" Leucadius burst out laughing seeing the two. No matter what era, Humans were filled with fear and reverence towards things they can't understand and explain.

And soon enough…The Woman gave birth to a Son…And his name was…Samson.


A/N: I'm just gonna say the same thing I said earlier, I can't remember if it's here or on patron. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. That's what I wrote.

Yes, this is Marvel, yes this is biblical, who said those biblical things didn't happen in Marvel? If I was focusing on a certain pantheon you're all aware of like Olympus or Egyptian, or Hindu gods, less of you will complain.

Take your time and read, I'm still quite aware of where he's at. I look at it whenever I find something oversized at the heading of every chapter.
