Omniscience in Marvel 89

Title - Title at the End.

Long Timeskip

Normal POV

"So, we've been thinking Leuca," a brown haired busty woman said as she glanced at the brunette sitting beside her for an instant before refocusing her attention on Leucadius. "...if creating a dimension where humans of renown could go to Upon their death on Earth…"

"...So, a Heaven?" Leucadius asked hesitantly as he glanced at the two women.

"Hmmm. Not exactly, but similar nonetheless." The brunette replied. "Think of it as a place of rest…a Limbo, a stopgap between the world of the living and the world of the dead."

"Exactly, a place from which they could be resummoned to the physical world. A place, unaffected by the Time of the Real world." The brown haired woman added.

"And your Final goal?" Leucadius asked curious at what the two were trying to achieve that they needed his input.

"To grant them an ending befitting their life on Earth." The brunette said. "We're thinking of making it a sort of game. A game whereby a set of summoned heroes battle to claim a…chalice."

"A chalice which will grant them one wish."

"One wish? That's a bit…"

"We know. However, we firmly believe that these won't be as petty as the general Human population. For them to be recognised as heroes, they would've lived a life worthy of the title."

"You two sisters…are you trying to begin a Holy Grail War or something?" Leucadius asked with a tired sigh. "Not to mention the creation of Limbo and denying Death her souls, where do you expect this war to take place?"

"That's why you're here?" One of the sisters, the brunette said with a giggle. "Following the death, resurrection and ascension of Yeshua, your dominion over the earth is at an all time high."

(A/N: There's no 'J' alphabet in Hebrew, and Jesus' original pronunciation is Yeshua.)

"So Oshtur proposed that you create a Mirror World. A world unaffected by reality." Gaea answered, causing Leucadius to raise an eyebrow.

"But she's also capable of creating that…" Leucadius said and turned to Oshtur. "Aren't you?"

"Of course I am, however, as one of the Trinity of the Vishanti, I can't particularly perform such an act." Oshtur said with a regretful sigh. "It'd be a violation of one of our many codes."

"Hmm." Leucadius nodded noncommittally, totally unconcerned at what codes she was talking about. Following his refusal to join the Vishanti as a figurehead, Oshtur had made sure to use his many prophets to work on Earth.

However, similar to Solomon, they knew to put their God, Leucadius and their people first, leading to the lack of any Hebrew or Jew in the Higher hierarchy of the Order.

"That still doesn't make sense to me, but I'm interested in their Holy Wars. What are your plans for the competition?" Leucadius asked and adjusted himself.

The two women immediately became excited and began giving a detailed explanation on how they plan to regulate the competition.

According to them, they'd wait until they'd gathered a hundred competent humans and then for every five years, they'd spread the sigil bearing the mark of all hundred divine spirits.

The first 20 to be summoned would be the participants of the competition alongside their human summoners.

"'s basically a free for all?" Leucadius asked with a weird expression on his face.

The two women looked at each other and nodded. "Is that not the best way to get a winner? In the end, it's only one party that will get the wish."

"While that sounds reasonable, it's also flawed," Leucadius began, leaning forward with a thoughtful expression. "Consider the nature of these summoned heroes. Each of them has their own motivations, desires, and past experiences. Throwing them into a free-for-all battle with only one wish as the prize could lead to chaos and unnecessary destruction."

"Chaos?" the brown-haired woman echoed, her brow furrowing.

"Destruction?" the brunette added, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Yes," Leucadius continued. "Think about it. These heroes are not just warriors; they were leaders, kings, sages, and champions during their time on Earth. Their very nature makes them formidable, and a battle without structure or rules would only amplify their destructive capabilities. Without a clear set of guidelines, you risk turning this 'game' into a bloodbath that could decimate not only the participants but also the surrounding environment unnecessarily."

The two women exchanged a glance, realizing the gravity of Leucadius' words.

"So, what do you propose instead?" the brown-haired woman asked, her tone more serious.

"First, there needs to be a structure," Leucadius suggested. "A tournament-style competition would be more manageable. It allows for individual duels rather than a chaotic free-for-all. This way, each match can be monitored, and rules can be enforced to ensure fair play and minimize unnecessary casualties."

"A tournament... that makes sense," the brunette mused, nodding slowly.

"Secondly," Leucadius continued, "there should be clear rules and regulations. Establish boundaries for combat, set limits on the use of their powers, and perhaps most importantly, ensure that there is a neutral arbiter to enforce these rules and mediate disputes."

"A neutral arbiter... who would that be?" the brown-haired woman asked.

"Someone impartial and powerful enough to command the respect of all participants," Leucadius replied. "This arbiter could be a divine being or a divine spirit endowed with a special Authority - The Ruler -, tasked with overseeing the competition and ensuring that it remains honorable."

"That could work," the brunette said thoughtfully.

A few seconds passed with the two deep in thought, then, the two women looked at each other, nodding in agreement. "You're right," the brown-haired woman admitted. "We were so focused on the concept that we overlooked the potential pitfalls."

"Thank you, Leucadius," the brunette added with a grateful smile. "Your insights have given us a clearer path forward. It is good that we picked on your wisdom."

"I'm glad I could help," Leucadius said with a nod. He already knew that should the two sisters go about it in their own way, they'd come up with a better way of holding the competition.

However, he also knew that following that format would end up being…chaotic nonetheless.

Having seven classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Caster, Assassin, Rider and Berserker in each team was both good and bad. Good in the sense that they'd go about the competition as a team…similar to a chess match, but bad since they'd still have to turn on each other after they've eliminated their opposing party.

"This Ruler Persona…who'd be a suitable candidate?" Oshtur asked, looking at her sister.

"Perhaps…one of the Demi-Gods?"

"Would Yeshua-?"

"That's impossible." Leucadius cut her off before she could pose her question. "My son is in essence…me. As of now, we are three Gods in one…" Leucadius replied, however, seeing the confused light in Oshtur and Gaea's eyes, he shook his head and added. "Don't question it."

"Alright, then who do you have in mind?" Gaea asked.

"Any man or woman of renown from the past era would do."

"There's David, Second king of Israel, his son, Solomon whom we all know. There's Bilqis, Queen of Sheeba, Gilgamesh, Sumerian king and Enkidu, companion of Gilgamesh, Hammurabi, babylonian king known for the Codex of Hammurabi.

"Hmm. I know that one. He was a powerful magician, one even Greater than Solomon in my opinion." Oshtur said with a prideful nod which caused Leucadius to glance at her.

"Your student?" He asked.

"Nah. I only showed him how magic works and he created his own method of Manipulating magical energy. A genius, if I do say so myself." She replied.

Leucadius didn't dwell on the topic any longer since, on his own part, he did give Solomon an Overpowered Skill.

"Moving on, there's Zoroaster, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius (Kong Fuzi) , Chinese philosopher and teacher. Laozi (Lao Tzu) Founder of Taoism.King Minos, king of Crete, and half deviant. Hercules-"

"Wait a minute!" Gaea cried out. "I thought we agreed on no Demi-Gods or even Gods."

"Yeah…I'm just listing out prominent humans who lived." Leucadius replied

"I thought you were listing out potential Rulers?"


"Gautama, Hercules and Minos are out. One is now a God, the other a Demi-God and the last…I don't even know where his soul is." Gaea said.

"He's not with Hades?"

"Nah. I would remember."

"Hmm. Alright then. There's Homer, ancient Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Beautiful books by the way."

"Agreed." Oshtur nodded in agreement.

"Socrates, philosopher, Plato, student of Socrates and philosopher. Aristotle, student of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great, the only Conqueror to create one of the largest empires in history."

"I heard you have him."

"Hmm, he was about to be buried alive due to the Greek's ignorance." Leucadius simply stated and continued. " Finally, there's Cleopatra VII."



"What hmm?"

"The majority of the Humans you mentioned are affiliated to other pantheons…That's a problem." Oshtur said spitefully which elicited a surprised expression from Leucadius.

"Then Solomon?"

"He's an Elder of your Heavenly Council…" Gaea said purposefully.

"Don't worry. He won't be biased. He's an Elder for a reason." Leucadius said reassuringly. "You two have also forgotten that following my son's sacrifice, all humans are part of my fold."

"As long as they believe in you. That's both smart and manipulative of you."

"What can I say? By leveraging on the freewill of humanity, I try as much as I can to set them on the right path." Leucadius said and looked to Gaea. "Isn't that what I promised you when I created Adam and Eve in our image and 'likeness?'"

"I suppose so." Gaea replied with a sigh. "However, you've used them the most."

"I'll also have you know that amongst the Gods, only I and heaven have their best interests in heart." Leucadius said meaningfully.

Throughout various pantheons, the gods have most often than not, interacted with humans in ways that can be considered nefarious, manipulative, or exploitative.

Gods like Zeus frequently disguised themselves to seduce or deceive humans. Heroes and mortals were often pawns in the gods' schemes and rivalries.

Humans were often punished harshly for offending the gods, such as Prometheus for giving fire to humanity or the punishments meted out to figures like Sisyphus and Tantalus.

Athena transformed Medusa, originally a beautiful maiden, into a Gorgon with snakes for hair. Anyone who looked directly at her would turn to stone.

And the reason why Medusa was cursed by Athena was because she was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple.

Any sensible Sentient living creature would see the flaw in this action at a glance. But that was not all.

Athena turned Arachne into a spider. This was all because Arachne was a talented weaver who dared to challenge Athena to a weaving contest. When Arachne's work was deemed flawless but also depicted the gods in an unflattering light, Athena transformed her into a spider so she and her descendants would weave for eternity.

This was a major contrast to Leucadius' way of life. To him, humanity wasn't inferior to Gods/Divine Beings in the slightest. While Gods had highly advanced civilizations due to their manipulation of energy, humanity was not too far off.

One also had to know that Humanity was still young while these Gods had lived for Millennia.

Another example was Aphrodite who caused Phaedra, Hippolytus' stepmother, to fall in love with him. Now, Hippolytus was a devoted follower of Artemis and rejected love and marriage, thereby neglecting to honor Aphrodite.

In retaliation, Aphrodite made Phaedra fall in love with him, which led to tragic consequences, including Phaedra's suicide and Hippolytus' death.

This was the pinnacle of unreasonableness…if that was a word, but on account of the pact made in the Council of Godheads, Leucadius was forbidden from interfering.

Oshtur and Gaea weren't blind to this, however, they still couldn't interfere. The Eternals were also in a similar position.

That wasn't all about Aphrodite, this Goddess of Beauty set Psyche a series of nearly impossible tasks simply Psyche's beauty rivaled Aphrodite's, causing people to worship her instead of the goddess.

In her jealousy, Aphrodite sought to ruin Psyche by making her fall in love with a hideous creature (though Eros, Aphrodite's son, fell in love with Psyche and secretly married her).

When Psyche eventually came to Aphrodite seeking to be reunited with Eros, the goddess subjected her to the arduous tasks.

Leucadius had watched this and could only shake his head in pity. This wasn't a pity directed at Psyche or Ero, but pity towards Aphrodite. If this level of beauty was enough to make her jealous, then by the late 21st century, what would she do?

The Greek pantheon aside, Odin and his pantheon of Gods weren't to be excluded from the group that used humanity as they pleased. Humans were required to perform sacrifices to appease the gods, including human sacrifices in certain rituals.

Leucadius knew that Odin was not directly related to this, but as king, he was responsible for his subjects. Their actions reflect on his ruling skills and ability.

As for the Egyptians…Pharaohs were considered gods on earth and wielded absolute power, this was all due to the Gods inability to directly interfere due to Leucadius' threat.

Still, through these Pharaohs, they exploited their subjects to build grand monuments and pyramids. Leucadius saw this as a waste of effort. These pyramids looked mundane to the normal human eyes, but to Leucadius and those spiritually attuned, the many runic markings on the pyramids were clear signs of a plot. One Leucadius wasn't too bothered about since it was merely a means of power bestowment.

In short, The Egyptian Gods were scheming on using these methods as a way to gain Avatars which they could use to influence Earth as they wished. Leucadius had already lifted his ban on them when he sent the family of Three (Joseph, Mary and Jesus) to Egypt during his early persecution at the hands of Herod.

In the paths where the triumvirate resided, they preached Cycles of Rebirth. The concept of karma and rebirth which places humans in a cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

This could be seen as a form of manipulation based on one's actions in life, however Leucadius saw it as a Good form of manipulation. It was similar to his own principle but more lax than his.

To them, as long as you do more good than harm, you'll attain good Karma. This basically allowed them to do bad while doing good to clear the bad Karma.

It was good, but unacceptable in his eyes.

In Comparison to the God of Heaven (Yahweh) or in this case Leucadius,

His Covenants with humanity, offered guidance and laws (like the Ten Commandments) that are meant to benefit humans if they are followed.

The laws given by him are framed as moral and ethical guidelines intended to create a just and orderly society.

And while there are instances of punishment and retribution such as the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and others, these acts are framed within a context of justice and moral correction rather than capriciousness.

And the concept of salvation and divine mercy is centered on one common Law…Love.

"That reminds me, what brought about this name of yours?" Oshtur suddenly asked.

"Which name?" Leucadius asked back.

"Yahweh. I've heard it a lot, not to mention Adonai and a few others." Oshtur said

"That's true. I was beginning to wonder if the humans were talking about a different God whenever they mentioned your name, however the energy they always radiated was yours."

"Oh that..? That's a long story." Leucadius said with a wry smile.

"Well, we've got all of existence, don't we?" Gaea said with a smirk and turned to her sister who smirked back.

"Well…if you insist…"


Title: Holy Grail War 1

A/N: Just wanted to wish you September born a happy birthday since I am one of you guys. Mine is in 3 days, on the 5th. Feel free to show whatever support you can by subscribing on my Patreon...

Read extra 20+ Chapters on my Patre@n