Omniscience in Marvel 91

Title - Introspection


??? POV

Life is a pain. There's no way to run away from it. We have no other choice but to accept fate and struggle to survive somehow. Even if you find God and resent him, he won't listen. God is just a bystander. No matter what I look like, he's not interested. I'm the only one who can change this fucking fate. Struggling until the very end. Until the end of the end. J.J. Jonah.

"These were the unfortunate last words this man left behind before embarking on his journey to being an enemy of the church." A full-bearded old man said as he passed a parchment to a blond-haired young man who was sporting a face filled with a smile.

"Well? Did he succeed?" The young man asked excitedly as he swiftly read through the parchment. As he did though, his face fell as he found that the man was unfortunately swallowed by a whale off the coast of Nineveh.

"I didn't picture dear old dad to be that sentimental," the man said with a disdainful smile. "But knowing him, he's probably teaching the human a lesson or two."

"What lesson could be learned from… this?" The old man asked puzzledly, but the young man shook his head. "How would I know what that old man is thinking?"

"Hmm, I had long since desisted from trying to understand that father of yours. Not even Odin with his fearsome reputation was this mysterious," the old man said as he scratched his beard.

"Mystery is his favorite pastime," the young man intoned as his eyes glazed over, recalling his father's smug expression as he challenged him to a duel of ideals.

Father had yet to fully understand the capabilities of the creatures he made. Humanity was a failed project. There is no denying that there are a few exceptions, but the rest? Failures.

The man in question, Job, had proven his father correct, but still…

"I would recommend you having a nice talk with the man who spawned you. That expression isn't fit for your face."

"What's that supposed to mean?" the young man asked, but all he got was a shrug. "Who knows? Although you were made for this dimension, you still have the stench of your siblings."

Saying this last bit, the man's physical body phased out of existence, not shocking the young man who gritted his teeth in anger. He was still reeling and recovering from the devastation that man Yeshua left behind in Hell and the entirety of the underworld during his three-day visit.

A couple of decades had passed in the real world, but in the Hell Dimension, it had been centuries.

Recalling the compassionate eyes the man sported throughout his period causing near irreversible damage to the entire Underworld, the young man felt like chopping a head or two off.

[Flash Back]

"So… this is Hell?" A brown-haired handsome man said as he appeared in the depths of the underworld.

The atmosphere in Hell was as oppressive as it was chaotic. Demons of all shapes and sizes scurried about, their malevolent auras mingling with the sulfurous air. Yeshua, unfazed by the surroundings, surveyed the scene with calm, piercing eyes.

"Yes, this is Hell," the young man responded with a smirk, his anger barely contained. "Welcome, Messiah. I trust you find our accommodations… satisfactory?"

Yeshua turned to face the speaker, his expression one of serene indifference. "I didn't come here to admire the scenery," he said softly. "And I surely didn't come to stay."

"Oh-ho? Don't tell me you plan on leaving here after three days as it's been said amongst the humans." The young man said in mock shock. "I'lll have you know that not to mention me, a few Gods of the Underworld are interested in how you hope to accomplish that."

Yeshua merely smiled indifferently and began walking in a particular direction.

"You…where do you know you're headed?" The young man asked, causing Yeshua to stop and turn to him.

"Why'd you care?" He asked. "You can't be aiming to act as though all your attempts to make me rebel against my father were just a game, right?"

"Isn't that what you all are about? Forgiveness, redemption and such..?" The young man asked with a smile but got a deadpan stare for a while before Yeshua snorted and turned away.

"I have a score to settle with Hades." Yeshua said with a deep voice and began his trek. As he walked, the young man followed behind with his bat-like wings outstretched behind him, and despite how slow Yeshua seemed to move, his bare feet never got a single stain of the underworld dirt.

"Do I want to know the reason..?"

Yeshua stopped and turned to him. "I thought you ruled here."

"I have a kingdom. That doesn't mean I rule it all."

"Hmm. No wonder father knew something while you didn't."

"Are you looking for a fight? I'll have you know that when I was in Heaven, you had yet to be born."

"Yet, I stand exalted while you remain…" Yeshua said and ended in a tone that said it all.

"You really are looking for a fight…" The blonde haired man said with gritted teeth and shot at Yeshua to grab him by his clothes only to stop suspended a few centimeters away from him.

"It seems you've yet to learn your lesson after all these years." Yeshua said and casually waved his hand sending the man away flying.

"After all these years, I finally found a way to descend to this realm. I don't have all day to play with you. Hades and the Olympians have been going over Heaven's notice for quite a while now…" Yeshua said and increased his pace.

The Underworld was a separate Extra-dimensional Realm separate from the Universe, similar to the Microverse, the Macroverse, and the Below World. Without meeting certain criteria, you couldn't intrude into the place and as much as Leucadius appreciated Lucifer, he didn't set up a channel leading to Hell in Heaven.

As for Yeshua, he was merely on a task to find Hades outside of Heaven's and Olympus line of sight. In the Underworld, other than the God incharge, external interference was impossible.

As for Yeshua, he was merely on a task to find Hades outside of Heaven's and Olympus' line of sight. In the Underworld, other than the god in charge, external interference was impossible.

As Yeshua ventured deeper, the atmosphere grew denser, and the whispers of lost souls echoed around them. The young man, recovering from his forceful encounter, watched Yeshua's receeding form with a mix of curiosity and lingering rage.

"You won't find him easily," the young man called out. "Hades doesn't just appear to anyone."

Yeshua continued walking, unfazed. "I know exactly where to find him. The gates of Tartarus."

The young man's eyes widened. "You're mad! Even the gods tread lightly there."

Yeshua glanced back, his gaze unwavering. "I am not just any god."

The young man paused, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "If you face Hades, you face the full might of the Underworld. Are you prepared for that?"

"I have faced worse," Yeshua replied, his voice calm. "And I do not fear the darkness."

With those words, Yeshua's form began to glow, a radiant light cutting through the gloom of the Underworld. The young man shielded his eyes, feeling the warmth and purity of that light. He was very familiar with it afterall.

As Yeshua continued his journey, the young man found himself compelled to follow. Despite his anger and resentment, there was something that drew him in.

An indefinite amount of time later, In the depths of the Underworld, near the gates of Tartarus, Yeshua stopped. The air here was thick with malevolence, and the ground trembled with the power contained within.

"Hades!" Yeshua called out, his voice echoing through the chasm. "I seek an audience." The ground rumbled, and from the darkness emerged Hades, his form imposing and his eyes burning with an eerie red light.

Hades, different from Yeshua, was a tall, muscular man with an imposing and regal presence. He has long, flowing black hair and piercing red eyes, which give him a somewhat eerie and intimidating look.

His attire, grand and befitting of his status as the King of the Underworld, often consisting of dark, ornate armor with intricate designs. The aura he gave off was one that threateed to even swallow the very concept of light around him. "Who dares summon me?" Of course, it was impossible considering who's presence he was in.

"It is I, Yeshua," he replied, his light unwavering as it matched Hades' malevolent and dark light. "Son of my Father in Heaven."

"We have much to discuss."

Hades regarded him with a mixture of disdain and curiosity. "You tread dangerously, Yeshua. What is it you seek?"

"Nothing much…just a bit of your Divinity." Yeshua said with a compassionate smile.

Flash Back End.

Lucifer could still remember the horror he felt that day. Lucifer was strong. He knew he was strong. His Kingdom of Hell was a testament to that. Yet, for the first time since his loss in Heaven, he doubted himself.

How could a fragment of his father, born into a human body be this strong? It was a marvel how he managed to suppress Hades with nothing but his right hand.

Just merely raising his hand saw them being Spatially torn out of The Underworld and into a separate Domain similar to Heaven.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down his spine causing him to lash out. His aura poured out tearing the hall like room he was in asunder. "Lilith, summon the Devil's Advocacy…"

"My Lord!" Lilith who had been in Lucifer's shadow popped out and went on one knee. "Isn't that a bit too rushed?"

"Father has played a new trick. We've got to device a counter trick to ensnare humanity. Have the 72 Demon Lords be in attendance. Failure to attend would attract my wrath." Lucifer decreed without even glancing at Lilith.

"...As you command." Hesitantly saying that, she disappeared to fulfil his commands.

And so, the council that will determine how the inhabitants of hell would tempt the newly expanding Christianity away from their God was held. The details would forever remain obscure, but from that moment on, the battle between Good and Evil entered a whole new and unprecedented level.

A/N: I've not written for a few days and I'm sorry for that. I was in a bad place emotionally this past few days. Anyways, I'm undecided about something. I'm planning on making this a sort of mutant marvel universe, but don't forget this is a Temporary Reality (TRN: 0001) so Canon would not entirely be followed.

Nothing of note happened during the AD period other than the continuous Battles between Eternals and Deviants, En Sabar Nur, King Arthur, Morgana and the Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia).

A few other things occured and I won't want to go into Christianity alone since this isn't a Christian based Novel but Marvel.

Tell me your thoughts on this before Tomorrow, pretty please.