Chapter29: Uzunami's survival: age eighteen

Ten years.

Ten whole years have passed since the famed Akane slaughter, and the horrific enslavement of the overload Zeons.

Who would've thought that legendary warrior, Densetsu would bring about disaster for his own home world.

Having lost so many of their best warriors and inciting hate amongst the people, Kronen is on the verge of defeat by King Lation's hands.

But in the absence of those warriors new ones have made themselves known.

The likes of these warriors include Kenta and Genshi Sasine.

But another warrior has made themselves known.

The final remaining member of the Akane family Uzunami Akane.

And that takes us too Uzunami's current whereabouts.

The Sasine family home...

Rebuilt after the brutal enslavement but nothing changed, not its appearance nor its size.

The atmosphere was cold and lifeless.

Not a sound could be heard except the faint breaths of the frightened.

It seemed that the capital city of Kronen was abandoned.

But that wasn't it...

No, the citizens who once proudly mocked those from the Akane family cowered inside their homes.

Praying to their king.

Hoping to be spared from the approaching disaster.

"Ten years Zanshi, that's how long its been since you slaughtered all of my family, i bet its agony for you..., to know that I lived" Uzunami suddenly lost the shine in his eyes as he used a technique imprisoning the Sasine children.

"Unlike you I'm not a monster Zanshi, I am only here to slaughter you" Uzunami thinking to have won released a ball of energy in his palm.

"I don't regret anything that I've done in my whole life, even killing my own brother and i definitely wont regret finishing what i started ten years ago" Zanshi snatched a hold of Uzunami's form arm fracturing it within an instant.

The newly created orb dropped into Zanshi's palm...

Without sparing a second Zanshi mercilessly drilled the orb into Uzunami's face.

Causing Uzunami lift up from his feet.

Sent flying into the air like a cannon ball, Uzunami caught hold of a brick and although it crumbled from the sudden impact Uzunami was able to put a stop to his momentum.

"I guess i shouldn't be surprised you are the original brutal warrior after all" Uzunami shrugged his injuries off as if they were only scrapes and scratches.

Beginning his stride towards the king of brutality Uzunami ran his life energy throughout his injuries healing them all.

"My flare what's taking you so long?" Zanshi attempted to shatter the cage imprisoning Kenta.

"Father its almost like the stronger we are the harder these cages are to break" Liri suggested as she pushed against the barrier.

"Its not almost, it is, your right green flare the barrier gains strength from your remaining life span" Uzunami proudly stated as he activated his slaughter fist technique.

Uzunami moved like a snake in his approach to Zanshi.

The brutal warrior unaware of Uzunami's movements kept his focus on his son.

But in a second Uzunami connected his slaughter fist straight into Zanshi disrupting his energy.


Uzunami was mistaken about one thing.

That is that Zanshi Sasine does not rely on his energy alone.

Zanshi tore the war axe that was once wielded by Kanan off of his monstrous back.

Zanshi made one fearsome swing, grazing his young opponent.

Uzunami leapt backwards but unknowingly he just gave his advantage away.

Following Uzunami's cowardice Zanshi took the meteorite axe that rested upon his thigh into his hand.

Suddenly the axe was thrown into Uzunami's direction.

With this unexpected move Uzunami's reaction time was dulled.

And thanks to this the axe landed directly in the middle of his chest.

Zanshi wasted no time in continuing his assault.

As he charged like a raging bull towards the abuser.

Zanshi propelled his fist straight into Uzunami's jaw but this was only the start.

The brutal warrior snapped Kanan's war axe across his knee.

Now holding one half of the axe, Zanshi wedged it into Uzunami's rib.

Coughing blood Uzunami muttered a few words "I wish I brought big brother now".

And as Zanshi continued his relentless assault Uzunami's eyes shined with resolve.

The abuser continued to mutter "no!, this is my victory, my revenge upon the king of brutality".

Uzunami curse mark roared with crimson red energy.

Uzunami's life was fading before everyone's eyes.

But in that Uzunami found the potential hidden deep within.

Uzunami's body surpassed all of its physical limitations and in doing so he entered imperial times one hundred.

The revenant's aura glistened with a overwhelming scarlet light, his eyes glowed with hate.

His muscles tightened and strained themselves as they became even more overwhelmed.

Zanshi's energy has finally settled and with that he tossed the remaining half of Kanan's axe to the floor.

And as it slapped against the ground Zanshi entered imperial times one hundred too.

Both warriors seemed to be equal.

But that wasn't true.

Uzunami's rage has sent him way above his natural limits.

His rage meter has been maxed and with that he has temporarily surpassed Zanshi Sasine.

Uzunami infused his fists with life energy.

Glowing with a scarlet light Uzunami attempted to pummel Zanshi.

But his efforts were in vein.

As the brutal warrior had evaded each and everyone of his attacks.

Or at least that's how it appeared to all but Uzunami and Zanshi himself...

As each punch Uzunami thrown resulted in a laser being released and they weren't so easy to escape.

Riddled with holes Zanshi's inevitable blood loss slowed him down, which only made him more of an easy kill.

"I'm disappointed I thought you would've had a bit more fight in you after all your the famous king of brutality, if you're this easy to kill maybe ill just do what you did to my family" Uzunami activated his slaughter fist once again.

But hearing Uzunami's words Zanshi became enraged, and with that he activated blood rush.

Giving Uzunami no time to notice Zanshi took hold of Uzunami's fore arm shattering his technique.

Zanshi took hold of Uzunami's arms whilst kicking him away.

Tearing Uzunami's arms off of his newly fragile body.

Screaming in agonising pain Uzunami finally knew what it was to face the brutality of the Sasine family head on.

"Am I disappointing you now brat?, I only went after your family because of your fathers mistakes, I didn't mind dying for mine but never threaten my family" Zanshi took a hold of Uzunami's skull.

Placing his palm upon the back of Uzunami's head.

Staring into the abuser's eyes Zanshi propelled his fist straight through the young emperor's stomach.

The cages imprisoning the Sasine children shattered.

And as Uzunami dropped to his knees drooling blood, the children ran to their father's aid.

All attention was on Zanshi and thanks to this something went unnoticed...

Plates of life energy placed themselves onto Uzunami's body just like Cylet did ten years ago.

Four lasers shot out from Uzunami's body each one exactly twenty five meters long.

And each one stabbing straight through each of the Sasine family members.

Standing Uzunami spoke his voice confident "my nan always did say id be an amazing healer, but what she failed to mention was that I will also be an amazing killer".

"You bastard" Kenta roared whilst entering uncontrollable power three.

Uzunami summoned another laser this time pinning Kenta into the ground.

"I can't let anyone ruin this for me, despite all my hatred for your family, id hate to have to fight the green flare and the threat of defeat at the same time, so for now ill settle for your head Zanshi do we have a deal?" Uzunami released the laser trapping Zanshi while reactivating the technique cage of life targeting all of the children once again.

Looking around him to his trapped children Zanshi took the hand of Uzunami "like you leave me much choice... abuser".

Uzunami didn't speak a word.

Bringing his clenched fist back Uzunami ended it with one final blow.

Uzunami gently hit Zanshi in his chest, releasing a scarlet laser straight through the king of brutality's heart.

Uzunami finally claimed his revenge upon Zanshi Sasine after ten years.

Ten long years...

Kenta slammed his body against the scarlet dome in the hopes of breaking it.

But his efforts were met with nothing but failure.

Genshi was dealt the same fate.

But he finally learned that his immense control can be a curse.

As it limits his raw strength and that is the reason he failed to save his father today.

But the green flare was not dealt the same fate as her brothers.

Whilst she cannot save her father she can avenge him.

Liri overwhelmed the inside of her dome with overload energy.

And as the scarlet dome became a striking green Uzunami was forced to fight yet another member of the Sasine family.

Liri destroyed her own body with the dome that imprisoned her.

And in her escape the flesh on her body was no more, her blood stained the ground beneath her, her bones were visible to all.

But she did not care.

Freedom has once again caused her to become demon possessed.

The demon roared with both excitement and new found rage.

Unable to escape the charging animal Uzunami created four drones of a similar design to Cylet's but these were made to harm not heal.

Liri flew passed the approaching meteors fired from the drones.

And in no time she was in reach of Uzunami.

His fear was clear to all as he attempted to make an escape.

But it was too late...

Liri grabbed him by the ankle, her fingers ripping into his achilles.

And without leaving any time for Uzunami to escape Liri began to swing him over her head.

Slapping him against the ground repeatedly almost as if he were a toy.

Uzunami lost consciousness...

But it was only for a few seconds.

Granted that short time of rest Uzunami it lost control of his techniques.

Releasing the warrior twins from their imprisonment.

And just as it looked as if Uzunami was about to come to face with death once again four Zeons came from the city's shadows.

Charging in a furious blitz the Zeons overwhelmed Liri throwing her body to the side.

Liri's body slapped against the Sasine family home, falling to the ground she glanced upon her once prey.

And as Uzunami rose up to his feet he gained a callous smile "my army has already began to grow, you thought me to be just like my father but I have strength in numbers not just in myself, meet my personal guard".

Uzunami's so called guards were no other then the four clones of Onslaught who cowardly dropped to their knees at Uzunami's presence five years ago.

Given their new names by Uzunami himself, the revenant had created a new family in the image of his old.

Their newly given names are Kult, Yugo, Akin and Karoon.

Each one of them resembling the potential that Uzunami's siblings once possessed.

"Uzunami just like you once did I too now seek revenge, after all I am apart of the Sasine family and while I might seem to be more tame then my brother I can be just as brutal" Genshi's divine energy welled up inside him.

His movements became fluid.

Allowing him to slip past all of Uzunami's guards in an instant.

Reaching the future emperor with ease.

Genshi at the age of eighteen had already gained the title the divine zeon.

Which makes him the most powerful Zeon on Kronen.

Uzunami began to cower as he cried out "get me out of here now".

Kult and Yugo grabbed hold of Uzunami and attempted to launch themselves away.

But Kenta and Liri leapt at the chance to pin them down to the ground.

But Akin and Karoon did something just as rare as Genshi's divine power.

They fused into one being.

His name Karin.

His title Uzunami's berserker.

And while Karin's appearance did not change since the two beings that fused were identical.

Karin's strength was significantly greater then either of the fused.

Suddenly Karin ripped Kenta and Liri from his brothers.

Tossing them to the side Karin suddenly gained unnatural strength.

Heritage a technique which increases the user's strength the closer they are to members of their family.

But as Uzunami made his escape, followed by the unfused guards, the technique known as heritage began to lose its effect.

Genshi's power roared as he prepared himself to pursue Uzunami.

But the appearance of Karin forced the young Zeon to make the choice to protect his family over revenge.

A choice he may later come to regret...

Karin moved like a beast, a wounded animal bent on destruction.

But not a single attack landed against the liquid like warrior.

And as Genshi brought himself ever closer he channelled energy throughout his fists.

Within an instant Genshi brutality hit Karin in the gut at blinding speed.

Followed by another fist striking as if it were hammer on top of Karin's skull.

Coughing blood Karin's energy ran thin and thinner, their time was almost up.

And the divine zeon had only just started!

Genshi infused energy into his surroundings as he used the release known as blackout.

Everything and everyone became enveloped by darkness.

Unable to see Karin was awaiting his fate and as Genshi struck Karin's time ran out...

Forcing the fusion to end and Genshi's blackout to fail for the first time ever since its creation.

Genshi's fist smashed into the ground.

Smoke gathered around the young warrior.

And in the confusion the clones escaped, trailing after their future emperor Uzunami.

And while Genshi was unable to exact his revenge his siblings were safe from harm.

But the same could not be said for his father Zanshi or as his enemies know him the king of brutality.

Kronen has lost another warrior and with it the responsibility to protect the planet fell upon the warrior twins.

Liri stood from her fathers corpse "I'll miss you two, but I'm finally free I don't have to hide myself away anymore".

The Sasine daughter looked upwards into the depths of space above them all "I can finally make a name for myself out there, of course the next time we see each other we'll find ourselves on the same side my brothers".

And as their sister took flight Genshi and Kenta looked upon their sister.

Speechless the brothers couldn't even mutter the words to say goodbye to their sister.


In Uzunami's absence Surak sought to grow his own strength.

Zeons covered in blood, wearing torn clothes and starved laid in the halls.

And at the end of the dull and grim hallway stood experimentation's prodigy Hollow.

Wearing a unbuttoned trench coat that reached just short of his knees, blank as the hall in which he stood.

The lights flickered as energy faded from them before smashing upon the appearance of Surak's aura.

Surak strode through the hallway without fear causing all energy around him to expire.

"I did what you asked me too, now give me what you promised, make me weaker, weak enough so that I may control my own strength" Surak grabbed hold of Hollow's coat.

"You finished rather quicker then expected Sasine, so I'm afraid I can't do what I promised just yet" Hollow cut open a overload Zeons back, in which they screamed or they would have if they still had a mouth to scream out of.

"So how about this I help train you in some of my own talents, and ill even enhance your body for free just out of my own goodness" Hollow placed his hand on his chest.

"Don't make me laugh you weren't born with any goodness, but you have yourself a deal" Surak picked up a knife.

Glancing around the blood stained room Surak spoke once more "you can start with dissection".