Chapter62: Enslavement of Iceurn city, part four

A few moments before the illuminating light vanishes...

Without giving chance for Feather to react, Bia drew her sword, tossing the chain towards Feather.

Certain in her victory Bia awaited to hear her blade take Feather's life.

But just as the sword was about to come into contact with the seemingly unconscious Feather it was burnt away...

Burnt away by an inferno of chaotic energy.

"What's this?, Rinock's shouldn't have demonic energy" Bia thought to herself as she drew a second meteorite sword, although this one has no chain.

And soon after hydrogen began to leak out of Feather's body, coating her skin.

With Feather still lying dormant Bia charged forth, her blade heading straight for Feather's head.

But just in time Feather countered against Bia's strike.

Using her flarite blade to block Bia's attack, Feather managed to save her life.

And as their blades sharpened their edges against one another the hydrogen around Feather's body was ignited.

But Suddenly without warning Bia activated her technique stepping stones.

And with less then a fraction of a second to spare Bia managed to escape the explosion, unscathed. 

But the same couldn't be said for Feather... 

Smoke consumed the battleground Concealing Feather's current location. 

No sounds were made nor did Bia make any movements, no she waited.

"She must be dead not even I would have survived if it had hit me..., so there's no way a no body like her could" Bia thought to herself, surprised by her own fear of Feather. 

But as the smoke faded away Feather was finally revealed...

Causing Bia's new found fear to spiral out of control was no other then the fact that feather was still alive. 

"I'm... I'm not finished not until I kill you..., I I will prove myself and become a trusted protector of Comet city" Feather stood in wonder of how she survived but she knew one thing at least...

That she is now Bia's equal. 

"No how did you survive there's no way a runt like you could" Bia hollowed in a rage.

"I won't allow you to kill me brat" Bia dragged pieces of Saturn's rings into the air, creating multiple spikes of both meteorite and ice.

And as Bia launched each one at Feather they were all burned away in an instant. 

Feather's body has been layered with two thin shields of chaos energy, one above her skin while the other containing the hydrogen explosion that almost killed them both. 

"I don't know how she has black chaos energy but I do know she can't have a lot of it, so I just have to wait this out" Bia sheathed her broad sword preparing to dodge all of Feather's upcoming attacks.

Feather threw herself against Bia, throwing punch after punch the once archer had became a beast.

"She's fast" Bia struggled to form any thoughts, as Feather slammed her blazing fist straight into Bia's stomach. 

Knocked off balance Bia felt her feet lift up from the ground, in which Feather took full advantage of. 

Feather grabbed a hold of Bia's arms tossing her up into the sky. 

Not giving any chance for Bia to catch her breath Feather lunged after the ricochet assassin. 

Appearing just above Bia Feather grasped a hold of her head.

Launching her fist into Bia's face, Feather showed no mercy repeatedly continuing this attack. 

Up until Bia was pummelled into the meteorite rings of Saturn. 


Feather's black chaos energy was running thin, each second draining away her advantage. 

"Damm it Feather we're supposed to stick together" Kori appeared from a frozen building. 

And upon the very second Feather's attacks became sluggish Bia created a dome of meteorite entrapping them both. 

"If you stay you'll be turned to ash just like me, so what now archer" Bia became thrilled with her plan knowing full well she'll survive either way. 

"I must prove myself" those few words forced themselves into Feather's mind, blocking all logical thoughts.

Unable to think clearly Feather continued her assault carelessly throwing away any chance of her own survival. 

And in just a few seconds Feather's shield of black chaos energy began to fade away, allowing for the hydrogen explosion to escape into her coffin. 

In which Bia awaited her chance to escape. 

But that chance never came. 

And the hydrogen began to escape through cracks made by Kori, who was relentless in her effort to save Feather. 

Constantly smashing waves of ice against the meteorite dome slowly but surely cracking it. 

The remaining hydrogen poured itself onto Bia's wrecked body. 

Feeling every inch of her body crumble away she begged for an escape up until the moment she remembered she still had something to regret. 

"I cannot die..., not without taking my revenge upon the bastard who robbed me of a normal childhood" and as that thought entered Bia's mind her soon to be coffin was smashed to pieces. 

But just as the coffin was smashed darkness consumed Iceurn city, blinding all once again.

"Where do you think your..." Feather attempted to shout but her voice died away, giving in to fatigue. 

Collapsing to a bed of ice Feather was forced into a coma, allowing for Bia to escape with her life.