Chapter 19 - Interrogation And Scavenging

Aric sat in the shadowed corner of the hideout, his eyes fixed on the sleeping woman. She lay motionless, unaware of the storm brewing in his mind.

The pain of his wounds and the loss of Vire weighed heavily on him, sharpening his anger into something cold and unforgiving. 

Without a word, he reached for a nearby container of water. The decision had been made in his mind long before now—he needed answers and would get them by any means necessary.

He walked over to the woman, her peaceful slumber starkly contrasting the turmoil inside him. With a swift motion, he poured the cold water onto her face.

She woke with a start, gasping as the icy water jolted her from sleep. Confused and alarmed, her eyes darted around the room, but she quickly regained her composure.

She met Aric's gaze with a look of defiance, her expression hardening as she realized what was happening.

Aric didn't hesitate. He grabbed her by the collar, his fingers digging into the fabric as he hauled her to her feet. She didn't resist, though her eyes never left his, a silent challenge that only fueled his anger.

Without a word, he dragged her outside to the clearing, the bright sunlight casting harsh shadows across the forest floor. He threw her down onto the ground, the impact jarring but not enough to cause serious harm. 

"Why did you take Vire?" Aric's voice was low, simmering with rage. "What do you want?"

The woman remained silent, her eyes locked on his, showing no fear. Her lips pressed together, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response. 

Aric's patience snapped. He grabbed her again, pulling her up from the ground with more force this time. "Answer me!" he demanded, his voice rising with his anger. But still, she said nothing.

Frustration twisted inside him, and he threw her back to the ground. The silence was infuriating, her stubborn refusal to speak more maddening than any insult she could have hurled at him. He stood over her, breathing heavily, his hands clenched into fists.

For a moment, he considered other ways to force her to talk—more drastic measures, methods that he knew would work.

But something held him back. Perhaps it was exhaustion, or maybe it was the remnants of a conscience that hadn't been completely eroded by his pain and loss. Instead, he made a decision that was cruel in its simplicity.

"You'll talk eventually," he said, his voice cold. "When you're hungry and thirsty enough, you'll talk."

Without waiting for a reaction, Aric grabbed her roughly and dragged her back inside the hideout. He threw her to the floor, turning his back on her as he left, sealing the entrance behind him.

The woman didn't make a sound, but he could feel her eyes on him until the door closed.

Aric didn't pause to think about what he'd done. His mind was already on the next task—returning to the ruins of his hut to see if there was anything left to salvage. He needed supplies, weapons, and anything that could help him in the hunt for Vire. 

The walk back to the site of the explosion was slow and painful, each step a reminder of how far he had pushed his body beyond its limits.

But the anger driving him forward wouldn't allow him to stop. He had to find something, anything, that could give him an edge.

When he finally reached the remains of his hut, the sight made his heart clench. The place he had called home was now nothing but charred wood and scattered debris, the result of the explosion that had taken Vire from him.

Aric swallowed his grief and set to work, sifting through the wreckage with methodical precision.

There was little to find. Most of his belongings had been destroyed or taken by the woman, but Aric refused to leave empty-handed. He scoured the rubble, finding a few tools, some bits of cloth, and a half-burned blanket that had miraculously survived. It wasn't much, but it was something.

As he gathered what little he could, Aric's mind was already planning his next move. The woman would talk—he would make sure of that. And when she did, he would find Vire, no matter what it took. For now, he had to stay focused, stay strong, and prepare for the battle that lay ahead.

With a final look at the ruins of his home, Aric turned and made his way back to the forest, his resolve hardening with each step.