Chapter 26 - The Village Entrance

The village itself was surrounded by a thick wooden fence that seemed both practical and imposing.

The fence was tall enough to keep wild animals at bay, and its sturdy, weathered logs were a clear defence against any potential invaders.

At the front of it stood a tall wooden gate, guarded by two men clad in simple, worn armour, their spears resting casually at their sides.

"Well, here we are," the old man said, turning his head to Aric and Saria with a smile. "It's not often we see such a pair of young lovers travelling these roads."

Aric's expression didn't change. He didn't correct the old man, nor did he care to explain. "Thanks for the ride," he simply replied, hopping off the back of the cart.

Saria followed suit, not responding to the old couple's comment either. She kept her usual quiet demeanour, but Aric could tell that her patience was wearing thin. Traveling together hadn't exactly been her choice.

The old couple waved them off as the carriage continued its journey through the wooden gate, showing a small medal to the guards who, recognizing it, allowed them to pass without much scrutiny.

Aric stood in front of the gate for a moment, observing the guards as they exchanged a few words, but their eyes soon fell on him and Saria.

"Hold on there," one of the guards called out, stepping forward with his spear slightly raised. His armour clanked as he moved, and his tone was anything but friendly. "You two need a silver each to pass through."

Aric's brow furrowed, but he didn't argue. Reaching into his pouch, he pulled out the silver coins and handed them over without a word. The guard inspected the coins carefully, then gave a curt nod and motioned for them to pass.

"Go on," he said, stepping aside to let them through the tall wooden gate.

Aric walked through first, his eyes scanning the village as soon as he entered. It wasn't large, but it was well-built and bustling with life.

The cobbled streets were lined with modest houses made from timber and stone, with thatched roofs and small gardens out front.

Villagers moved about, carrying baskets of goods, tending to their daily routines, and bartering at the market stalls set up in the village square.

Saria followed closely behind him, her steps light and silent as she observed their new surroundings. She glanced at Aric as if to gauge his mood, but his face remained unreadable. She knew better than to ask what the next step would be. For now, she would follow his lead.

Aric took in the details of the village. It was simple yet fortified. The walls told a story of a place that was prepared for trouble, and the guards, though not elite soldiers, were vigilant enough to deter any immediate threats.

He wasn't here for sightseeing, though. His mind was already racing with the next steps: rest, resupply, and continue his search for Vire.

He glanced over his shoulder at Saria, who met his gaze for a moment before turning her attention to the busy street ahead of them.

"We'll find a place to stay," Aric muttered, more to himself than to her. He wasn't sure how much time they had before whoever was after Vire made another move, but they couldn't afford to waste any of it.

They were in enemy territory now, and the village, with all its humble charm, was no safer than the wild forest they had just left behind.

With that, the two of them began walking down the cobbled street, blending into the crowd as they disappeared into the heart of the village.