Chapter 8 : Machine Exhibition!!

"This is the person Makarov favors," whispered one guild master.

"Is he a potential candidate for the next guild master?" another inquired.

"His deception magic, capable of deceiving all five senses and executing assassinations, is truly formidable."

"He appears unlike other children."

"That's precisely why he's suited for that role."

"He seems to understand the dichotomy between kindness and ruthlessness better than Makarov, to some extent."

"But I sense a darkness lurking within such an individual."

"Makarov will handle it adeptly."

Meanwhile, in the distance, numerous guild masters were engaged in hushed discussions.

"Everit, when did you arrive?" Natsu asked.

"Just now," Everit replied.

Everit approached the group, leaned his cane against his leg, produced two cards from his hands, flicked his wrist, and conjured two cups of milk tea.

"Ladies, please enjoy. It's still warm," he offered.

"Thank you," Lucy and Erza accepted.

"And mine?" Natsu interjected.

"I forgot," Everit admitted.

"You jerk!" Natsu was about to protest when he saw Everit's expression.

"Alright, alright, I'll share mine with you," Lucy said.

Lucy, not wanting a confrontation between Natsu and Everit in front of the other guild masters, quickly hugged Natsu's arm and offered him the milk tea she had already sipped.

"Hmph, you're lucky, Everit," Natsu grumbled as he took a sip, his dissatisfaction evident. Lucy blushed at the sight of Natsu drinking from the same straw.

'Click' Everit swiftly snapped a photo.

"Hey, what are you photographing?!" Lucy exclaimed, flustered.

"It's just milk tea," Everit teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What do you mean?" Lucy withdrew her hand from Natsu's and distanced herself.

"I meant the milk tea is sweet," Everit clarified with a smile.

"Yes, it's very sweet!" Natsu chimed in with a grin.

Happy covered his mouth with his paw, mimicking a chuckle, and remarked, "It's sweet~"

"W-What?" Lucy whimpered, covering her flushed face with her hands.

"Don't discard this," Erza said, picking up the flute.

"Hmm?" She wondered why she didn't sense enough magical power from it.

"Where are the items, Everit?" Makarov inquired.

"Here, Master," Everit handed over the Lullaby to Makarov.

Upon seeing the flute, Erza frowned and questioned, "Then why didn't you present it earlier?"

Everit explained, "Had I presented it earlier, there would have been no cause for conflict. For guilds like Eisenwald, it's better to eradicate them outright."

If Everit had handed over the flute immediately upon obtaining it, Fairy Tail would have lost the justification for confronting Eisenwald, resulting in a mere "thwarting of the dark guild's scheme" rather than "the total annihilation of the dark guild executing nefarious plans."

"Furthermore, the chance we all finally have – the opportunity to confront the entire Dark Guild – is exceedingly rare. This combat experience is invaluable," Everit remarked.

Erza ceased her pursuit, evidently concurring with Everit's sentiments.

"Wait a minute, you, when did you change the flute?!" Gray shouted.

"From the outset," Everit responded.

"The outset?" Gray was taken aback, recalling that the initial alteration occurred on the departing train!

At that time, Natsu was left behind by them, and later they discovered he had clashed with Kageyama, with Everit present in the carriage! It appeared that Lullaby had been replaced from the very start!


In reality, there was no threat at all!

No wonder this guy had been composed all day long!

"You guy." Gray wanted to express anger but found no justification, as Everit's explanation was quite reasonable. He sighed helplessly: "Although you handled this matter quite well, it still makes me want to impulsively punch you."

"Enough, you randomly used magic in the underground passage and nearly freezed me."

"And you're still bringing that up!" Gray couldn't let this pass, "It's all your fault!"

"Sorry, sorry. Consider this an apology." Everit produced a card and with a flick of his finger, it transformed into two tickets.

"What's this?" Gray inquired curiously as he took one.

"For Natsu." Everit also passed one to Natsu.

"Alex's Machine Exhibition!!!" The two exclaimed simultaneously.

They mimicked each other's movements – clutching the tickets in their right hands, placing their hands on their chests, leaning their upper bodies forward, their eyes widening and shining like four-pointed stars, and their buttocks swaying back and forth like a puppy's tail.

"What's that?" Lucy queried, unable to comprehend why Natsu would be so excited.

"It's an exhibition featuring some fascinating machines," Everit explained with a smile, then turned to Natsu and Gray, "Let's go see it together then."

"Evelit, you're amazing! I've only ever seen these in magazines before!" Natsu praised, extending his thumb.

Everit smiled modestly.

Purchasing these three tickets had stretched his budget. He utilized some aristocratic connections and spent a substantial sum.

But it was worth it for the experience of an intriguing machine exhibition!

"Hmph, I'll let it slide," Gray said smugly.

Everit looked at Lucy and offered a sincere apology, "Apologies, Lucy, I purchased these tickets before you joined the guild."

"It's fine, I'm not particularly interested in machines or anything like that," Lucy waved dismissively.

"What about me? I want to go too!" Happy interjected eagerly.

"You're a cat, so you shouldn't need a ticket," Everit replied.

"Fantastic!" Happy chimed in, his excitement mirroring Natsu's, as he repeated enthusiastically, "Machine Exhibition! Machine Exhibition!"

"Haha, Happy!" Natsu called out.

"Yes!" Happy responded, their banter showcasing their unique bond. They both adopted robotic poses, moving with stiff motions and mimicking robotic voices: "Robot— I am a robot—"

Laughter erupted from the onlookers as they watched the antics of the dynamic duo.

"Alright," Makarov intervened, "You've all been battling hard today. It's time to head back to the hotel and rest."

"Yes, Master," Erza acknowledged wearily. Despite only using her magic to transport them throughout the day, the strain of constant movement had drained her energy.

Lucy swayed on her feet, her magic reserves depleted. Now that she could finally relax, the full extent of her fatigue hit her all at once.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Natsu, still in his robot persona, approached Lucy just as she began to falter. Concerned, he reached out and steadied her.

"Lucy's magic reserves are depleted. Natsu, if you're fine, carry her down from the mountain," Everit suggested with a smile.

"Hey, hey, it's fine, really," Lucy protested, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Natsu, are you too tired to walk?" Everit teased eagerly.

"Nonsense!" Natsu declared, scooping Lucy onto his back without hesitation, his strong arms securing her in place.

"Ugh," Lucy's blush intensified as she felt the teasing gazes of their guildmates. She buried her face in Natsu's scarf, murmuring softly, "Idiot."

"Young people are so lively," Everit remarked, snapping a picture with his camera.

"You're only a year older than Natsu," Gray remarked dryly.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh."

Suddenly, the portly, bald transvestite with angel wings gracefully glided over and addressed Everit in a sugary tone, "Does Mr. Everit also desire a companion? Our guild has plenty of options!"


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