Chapter 11 : Photo?

Time was gradually growing late. Everit felt tired and sleepy as he earnestly searched for hotels, lowering some of his requirements. However, at this hour, that kind of service typically began after the night market ended.

"You guys are really persistent," Everit remarked helplessly. 

Surrounded by a group of girls who flaunted their beauty unabashedly, Everit, young, handsome, and dressed lavishly, found himself in a predicament. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," he declined politely.

"Just give it a try. It'll be fun," one of the girls insisted, surprising him. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle!"

"She isn't gentle at all. Don't go with her, little handsome boy," another girl interjected, pushing her aside.

"Enough!" Everit exclaimed, unable to tolerate the situation. He was still just a youth! Despite being a social butterfly in his past life, he was still considered inexperienced in matters of romance.

"I found him!" Ryder exclaimed loudly. "Sister Ikaruga, that's the guy!"

"Wait, let's not disturb him," Ikaruga cautioned upon seeing Everit surrounded by girls. She wasn't sure what was happening but decided not to intervene.

It's impolite to interrupt someone's transaction, and it's even worse to disrupt someone's personal affairs!

Everit glanced over, waved to them, and hastily explained, "Excuse me, my girlfriend is here!"

The girls turned their attention to Ikaruga, noticing her stature and demeanor, and decided it was best not to cause any trouble. In business, harmony leads to prosperity, after all.

As the girls dispersed, Everit made his way awkwardly towards Ikaruga, reminiscing about a guy with hair the color of green onions. 

Dealing with girls was indeed a challenging task, more exhausting than dealing with Eisenwaldt!

"Sorry about that. We didn't mean to intrude," Ikaruga apologized, her cheeks flushing red.

In truth, she was taken aback by Everit's words. He appeared two or three years younger than her, around eighteen or nineteen years old. For such a young and spirited boy to turn down advances from those women, he must either be naive or have ulterior motives.

Was his claim of her being his girlfriend just a cover-up, or did he have hidden intentions due to her appearance? The start of a common scenario?

Everit waved his hand dismissively and said, "No, I'm really thankful to you. I wouldn't want to end up being kidnapped and devoured by them. It's a terrifying thought."

"Pfft." Ikaruga couldn't contain her laughter.

This man acted as if such a thing was dreadful.

Though she had never experienced it herself, she was at least twenty years old. Everywhere she looked, both men and women longed for such attention. If that was the case, how could it be considered something to be avoided at all costs?


She cast a peculiar glance at Everit—

Was he still a virgin at his age?

That would truly be rare.

His eyes always seemed peculiar to her. 

Everit pondered for a moment, not wishing to stay here much longer. Feeling quite drowsy, he inquired, "Excuse me, do you have any questions for me?"

"Oh, yes." Only then did Ikaruga recall the purpose of their visit. She swiftly pulled Ryder forward, somewhat embarrassed, and introduced, "My name is Ikaruga, and this is my brother Ryder. He stole your money. I'm sorry, I didn't teach him well."

Having said that, she grabbed Ryder and bowed deeply.

"Ah." Everit hadn't anticipated their apology. Adjusting his glasses to conceal his slight surprise, he responded, "I understand. It was only a small sum. Initially, I didn't mind, but I'm touched by your gesture to apologize."

"Your money was used by Ryder to buy roast duck. I'll reimburse you the same amount." Ikaruga explained, pulling out a pink rabbit wallet and handing over the exact sum of money that had been prepared beforehand.

Everit accepted it graciously and remarked, "Since you've returned the money, consider the matter settled. Moreover, you've aided me. I'm truly grateful. Please, accept this money."

"Huh?" The two of them were taken aback.

"It's just some change, please don't refuse. I'm quite tired and sleepy now, and I'd rather not waste any more time searching for a hotel." Everit pressed the money into Ryder's hand.

"Then I'll take my leave." With that, he departed.

Observing this, Ikaruga said, "Ryder, you head back first. I'll join you later."

"Sure thing, Sister Ikaruga." Ryder nodded, then pumped his fist excitedly, exclaiming, "Sister Ikaruga, give it your all! Oh!"

"What's gotten into you?" Ikaruga looked puzzled, but Ryder had already dashed off.

It took her several moments to grasp Ryder's meaning.

He must have misunderstood.

She had no such intentions.

A young, handsome, wealthy, gentlemanly, and kind-hearted boy like Everit, whose aura bore no hint of darkness, must surely be a mage from a reputable guild. She could never aspire to that level!

Shaking her head, she headed towards Everit's direction.

Ah, he's disappeared!

Ikaruga hurriedly caught up.

"Well, if you don't mind, please let me help you find a hotel," she offered.

Everit looked up at her.

Yes, looked up.

Ikaruga was a tall girl, probably about the same height as him. With thick-soled shoes, Everit had to raise his head when talking to her.

After a moment's thought, Everit said, "I'll trouble you then."

"Yeah," Ikaruga nodded. "Excuse me, do you prefer a regular hotel or something else?"

Everit quickly interjected, "Just a normal one! I've been shopping all day, and my legs and feet are sore. I just want to take a bath and have a comfortable sleep."

"Okay, please come with me."

The journey was silent. Everit only accepted her help out of politeness, but he didn't share the same enthusiasm for Ikaruga as others would think.

Ikaruga led Everit to a slightly remote, old-fashioned hotel. The rates were reasonable, and Everit decided to stay there.

"Um," Ikaruga hesitated several times before speaking again.

"If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to tell me," Everit offered.

When people do good deeds, they usually have a motive. Unless the other person is genuinely kind-hearted.

He believed that there were good people willing to help others, but he always remained cautious of strangers, especially when they were wizards whose intentions were unknown.

It happened inside the hotel.

Ikaruga immediately knelt on the floor, deeply bowing, and made a sincere request.

She said, "I saw you with a camera in the hotel earlier. I would like to pay you to come to my house and take a family photo of me and my siblings. Please!"

Everit was stunned. He didn't expect such a request.

It was so unexpected that he didn't even consider it a trap.

Because setting up a trap with such a reason would be foolish.

He asked in confusion, "You don't seem to lack money. Why not buy a camera or take pictures in the city?"


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