Chapter 24 : Gray vs Lyon!!

Erza delivered the final blow with her sword, defeating the last enemy as the magic circle slowly dissipated.

"Fantastic, the ceremony has ceased!" Lucy exclaimed joyously.

"No!" Toby proclaimed proudly. "The ceremony has concluded!"

With those words, he slumped over, unconscious.

"Let's descend quickly!" Erza urged.



Inside the temple, Gray and Lyon were panting, their bodies bruised.

"Lyon!" Gray spoke gravely. "You need to stop this stubbornness."

"Ur is still alive!"

"Iced Shell is the magic that turns your body in ice!"

"Those ice formations are Ur!"

"By melting the ice, you'd be ending Ur's life!"

"I apologize for not disclosing this earlier." Gray's gaze darkened slightly. "It's an agreement between Ur and me. She believed that if you were aware of her transformation into ice, you'd spend your entire life attempting to dispel this magic!"

"Lyon, don't kill Ur," Gray's voice resonated with sincerity. "That's all there is to it. Let it go."

"You've already found a new family, so let the past be." But before Gray could finish, Lyon encased half of his body in ice.

"Ah," Lyon looked at Gray calmly. "Of course, I'm aware of those sentimentalities, but—"

"That's no longer Ur; it's just ice fragments."

"Gray, are you still so naive? Do you still believe in such fairy tales?"

"You jerk!" Gray punched Lyon in anger, sending him flying. "You, knowing everything, still—"

"So what?!" Lyon retaliated, landing a blow on Gray.

Gray accused furiously, "You, spending three years on such trivial matters!"

"Trivial? You, who've enjoyed stability in a powerful guild for ten years, dare to say such things!"

The conflict between them escalated, each move more ferocious than the last.

The power and agility of ice make magic were on full display as two mages of equal skill clashed!

"Lyon, you truly disappoint me. To hurt Ur like this—"

"Say what you will! I'll surpass Ur! I'll prove that ice make magic is the most potent magic in the world! I'll walk the path Ur paved!"

"As a disciple, to surpass a deceased master, one must defeat foes even the master couldn't!"

"Deliora, he must be revived!"

"Lyon!" Gray unleashed a wide array of ice magic. "Have you become so twisted? It's fine to strive for greatness, but not at the cost of those you love!"

"It was you who took away the one I love, Gray!"

"Which is why we should cherish those still with us! We mustn't resurrect Deliora, whom Ur sealed with her life! Look at what you're doing. You're risking danger with your comrades who trust you! Are you going to repeat the same mistake I made?"

"Gray!" Lyon exclaimed, conjuring magic with one hand, sending an ice ape hurtling toward Gray. "Talking won't change anything! In short, Deliora must be revived!"

"Then I'll defeat you without hesitation!" Gray retaliated, casting magic with both hands to encase the ice ape in a prison of ice.

"How is this possible?!"

Lyon attempted to control the ice ape, but Gray's ice prison held firm, resisting all attempts to break it.

"You fool, you've strayed from the path!" Gray admonished. "What Ur taught us - ice make magic requires balance and control from both hands! How can you hope to unleash its full potential with only one?"

"You, who fail to grasp the essence of ice make magic, dare to speak of surpassing Ur!"

"Lyon, you've lost your way," Gray lamented. "Now, it falls to me, your junior, to bring you back."

"I won't be bested by you, Gray!" Lyon focused his magical energy.

"Forgive me, Lyon, but this will sting a bit!" Gray channeled magic through both hands, forming a colossal cannon made of ice.

"Ice Make: Ice and Snow Cannon!"

"Ice Make: Great Eagle!" Lyon persisted with his one-handed technique.


Two formidable ice magics collided, the resulting explosion shaking the entire temple to its core!

"Gray!" Lyon shouted, "I am Ur's pride!"

"If that's what you want, then so be it!" Gray roared back. "But I refuse to lose to someone who forsakes their family!"

"I've battled that fire-breathing idiot for years, fulfilling Ur's wishes and my family's expectations!"

"You're blinded, using your comrades, still thinking you can surpass Ur. You're a century too early to defeat me like this!"



The victor was finally decided!

Even as Lyon attempted to utilize both hands in a last-ditch effort, he couldn't halt the explosion of Gray's magic!


The emerald ice shattered, propelling Lyon forcefully against the wall with a bone-jarring impact!

His strength remained undiminished!

The wall crumbled instantaneously!

"Lyon!" Gray exclaimed in shock, moving to rescue him, but it was too late!


A crimson blur streaked by, Erza's swift arrival slicing through the ice and snow with her sword, just in time to pull Lyon back before he tumbled from the temple.

"Gray, are you alright?" Erza inquired.

"Ahem, I'm fine," Gray breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the wall for support.

"Where are Natsu and Everit?" Erza questioned further.

"Natsu is down there, but as for Everit, I'm not sure where he went," Gray replied.

"Gray, here's a potion," Everit suddenly appeared beside Gray, handing him three bottles.

"Oh, this is the one I used last time," Lucy recognized it.

"That's correct," Everit smiled and nodded at her before turning to Gray. "Do you remember how to use it?"

"Of course," Gray took the potion and used it. "Have you been here since before?"

"No, I just arrived. I saw you all fighting hard. I thought the battle might be over, so I came up and took a picture of the final moment," Everit explained, showing them the photo.

In the photo, taken from the side, it depicted the handsome scene of Gray defeating Lyon.

"It's a pretty good shot," Gray remarked, quite pleased.

"I'll make a copy of it before giving it to you," Everit offered.

"That's fine."

Neither of them mentioned the fact that Everit hadn't assisted in the fight.

That was typical of his relationship with Gray's usual enemies. When it came to Lyon, Gray didn't want anyone's help; he was determined to defeat him alone.

Moreover, Gray believed in his victory!

"Alright, Gray, you can rest here. We're going down to help Natsu," Erza said.

"No, I've regained some strength after drinking the potion, so I'll come with you," Gray insisted.

"Let's go without further ado," Erza agreed simply.

With enemies and demons awaiting them downstairs, she was concerned about Natsu's well-being.

They all hurried down the stairs.


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