Chapter 47 : Everit vs Patrick!!

Everit rose to his feet, declaring, "You all carry on; I'll catch up shortly."

"If there's trouble, we'll face it together!" Gray interjected swiftly.

"It shouldn't take long," Everit assured, "Gray, help me in freeze this part of the sea."

"Sure thing."

Gray nonchalantly froze a portion of the sea's surface before stating earnestly, "Stay cautious."

Once Gray and the others departed...

Everit remarked, "There's no use hiding; my magic is attuned to individuals."

"Hmm, what formidable magic," a figure materialized gradually.

It was Patrick, the sorcerer who perpetually sought "peace" through tears and supplications.

Everit glanced at his left hand, now replaced with a mechanical one since its severance.

"Everit de la Vallière," Patrick lamented, "You are a veritable harbinger of discord. I, on the other hand—"

"—am a devotee of Anza—"

"—bearing the mantle of Anza's mercy as one of the eight peacekeeping knights in the world."

"The Knight of Mercy—Patrick."

Patrick unfurled the brown tome he clutched, displaying a page to Everit.

"Behold, your name graces the Book of Judgment."

"Everit, you shall be judged by my hand."

"May you repent under the benevolence of God, though even so—"

"—you shall not ascend to heaven."


The assault ensued the moment Patrick concluded his words.

The seawater transmuted into elongated spikes, piercing Everit's form. 

"Are you trying to deceive me?"

Patrick cried out, "My apologies; my magic just happened to counteract yours." A massive maw with jagged teeth appeared to devour him.

Yet, Everit materialized before Patrick, slashing with his blade. "Where's your discernment?" Patrick queried, his movements unhurried. 

The seawater ahead coalesced into a spear-like form, aiming for Everit's back, only to halt abruptly at the final instant. "I nearly fell for it."

Patrick shook his head. The scene shifted before him. Everit wasn't where he expected; his position had shifted forward. Had the seawater spear struck its intended mark, he would have perished!

From a distant ice floe, Everit chuckled. "Is Patrick's resolve truly so unwavering?"

"As anticipated," Patrick boasted, "Deception magic falters once the mind recognizes the deceit. After all, it's merely—"

Everit materialized before Patrick in a flash, cleaving with his blade. "Merely deceit."

The illusion shattered once more.

Everit remained rooted to his spot.

Patrick chuckled, "Even if one layer of deceit is unveiled, another shall promptly emerge. So long as you remain within a certain range, you'll perpetually be ensnared by magic."

With a swift movement, Everit appeared before him once more, brandishing his blade.

"Indeed," Patrick retreated decisively, conjuring a seawater spear to thrust at Everit.

Everit contorted his form, dropping a card beneath his feet, stepping onto it, and returning to the ice.

"It's no simple feat to discern truth from falsehood," Patrick remarked with a grin. "You must wholeheartedly believe you're being deceived. Only by staking your life in the gamble can you unravel the illusion!"

"But, such confidence and courage will only lead to being killed before the truth!"

"If you're nearing the truth, you won't fear deception. But when you're on the brink of uncovering it, truth can be the greatest deceiver!"

"It's truly terrifying, even when you're aware! Your magic's principles are also formidable."

"But..." Patrick raised his left hand proudly and declared, "This changes everything."

"You may fool people, but magic cannot be deceived."

"Among the knights, the knight of honour renowned for crafting magical artifacts aided in crafting this prosthetic hand for me."

"It possesses but one simple yet 100% accurate ability."

"It senses your proximity--"

"When you draw near, it vibrates more intensely, allowing me to discern feedback from magical energies."


"Your deceit holds no sway, Everit. Let us engage in direct combat!"

"Hahahaha— —" Patrick's laughter echoed wildly.


The coffin he had been carrying behind him creaked open, revealing a two-pointed spear that shot out from within - a weapon akin to a dual-pronged fork.

Its entire form spiraled, likely causing excruciating pain for ordinary wielders.

Patrick swung his weapon vigorously, the impact echoing with a resounding "boom." He leaped, causing the sea water behind him to churn into countless spikes, hurtling towards Everit.

"There's still a little bit left. Just hold on a little longer," muttered Everit, adjusting his glasses. Physical prowess wasn't his forte, but fortunately, Patrick wasn't Jose. Otherwise, he'd have fled at the first sign of battle, leaving Patrick to chase after him.

Everit waved his hand, conjuring a barrage of seawater spikes to counter Patrick's attack. "Deception!" 

Patrick exclaimed proudly, before charging forward to confront the spikes. Yet, he was caught off guard as a sword plunged into his shoulder, piercing through completely. Everit poised himself for another throw.

Patrick stared at him, then burst into arrogant laughter. "Hahaha—"


"You even threw your last weapon!"

"That was your desperate blow!"

"Unfortunately, although it was weak, I still sensed it."

"You lose!"

"Next, accept my trial!"

"Don't worry, I am a knight of mercy, and I won't torture you on purpose!"

"It will be over in an instant!"

"Elegant Mage—"

"Let me grant you the most noble judgment!"

"Spiked Hell!"

The entire sea boiled as seawater surged upwards, forming countless slender spikes, each hundreds of meters long. "Hahaha—"

"The trial begins!"


Thousands of seawater spikes converged towards Everit simultaneously. Unperturbed, he stood still, casually opening an umbrella.

Patrick was bewildered.

[In the face of imminent death, are you still so composed?]

Truly, he lived up to his name of Elegant Mage—Everit.

Is it truly acceptable for me to end him?

Such a splendid man like him.

If he perishes, what a loss this world will bear.

Should I really end this man?


The thousands of seawater spikes shattered suddenly, transforming into a deluge raining upon the sea. Patrick found himself soaked, resembling a drowned rat, while Everit, sheltered by the umbrella, remained untouched.

Patrick couldn't fathom it—why?

Had the magic abruptly ceased?

Or had Everit dispelled it himself?

Everit produced a card, setting it upon the ice. A gust of wind emanated from the card, propelling the ice towards Patrick's location.

"Everit, you still dare to approach!"

"Are you courting death?!"


Suppressing the turmoil within, Patrick maintained a facade of arrogance.

"Haven't you noticed something's amiss?" Everit tilted his head. "Patrick, since when did you forget to cry?"


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