Chapter 83.1 : Laxus Appears!!

"Who's there?!"

All the mages turned to face the unexpected intruder, their expressions filled with wariness.

A figure stepped forward and said, "Does it really matter? You're all going to die soon anyway."

"Hah! What arrogance!" Sahan retorted with a cold laugh. The man before him seemed ordinary, his attire even less impressive than that of a typical mage. 

He had the air of a young noble, inexperienced and full of naive confidence. With a smirk, Sahan sneered, "If you think you're some kind of hero here to save the day, think again. No one's going to remember your name, let alone build you a statue."

"Attack!" Sahan commanded, and the other mages sprang into action.

But the man simply stretched out his hand and shouted, "Thunder!"

In an instant, a bolt of lightning crashed down, blinding everyone with its intensity. When the flash cleared, Laxus stepped out from the storm, his expression dark and eyes glinting with danger.

"Fancy meeting you here, Laxus," the man greeted with a grin.

Once he shifted into combat mode, he released his magic, creating a sort of field around him—while it couldn't map the terrain, it could sense every living being within it, regardless of obstacles, like a radar. Laxus's unique and chaotic magic was unmistakable.

When Laxus stepped into the area under the influence of his magic, Everit immediately put the pieces together, linking the thunderstorm and the theft from last night. 

Thunder, direct action, and sheer power—it had to be Laxus. No one else fit the description, and here he was, standing in the midst of it all.

Laxus raised an eyebrow. "Leaving no one behind?"

"Why would you?" the man, now identified as Everit, replied. "They're from a Dark Guild, right?"

Laxus grunted, remembering what Edward had told him. "This could get messy."

"Only if you let it," Everit replied with a smile. "The dark mages from the guild barged into the mayor's house in Ahhanita Town, planning to kidnap his youngest son for some kind of evil experiment."

"Luckily, a righteous wizard from a light guild happened to catch them in the act."

"To protect the mayor and his son, the guild wizard had to fight those dark mages to the death. In the end, he saved the kid and secured the mayor's safety, but also stumbled upon something far more sinister."

The regular guild members realized that the situation was too serious to handle on their own, so they chose not to act without authorization. 

Instead, they reported it to the Magic Council, awaiting orders from the Magic Council or the royal palace to take charge of the situation.

The room grew silent after hearing Everit's nonsense.

Laxus turned and remarked with a complex expression, "You'd make a better mayor than Edward."

Everit nodded as soon as he heard the name. "I get it now," he said. It was clear that Mr. Edward had hired Laxus.

A thief? Likely to steal some incriminating evidence related to a shady deal or something similar.

When Laxus made his move, he caught the culprits off guard. They were not prepared for someone of his power, especially not this ragtag bunch of small-time thugs. Naturally, he was able to grab what he needed.

This must have terrified Mayor John, who quickly locked down the city to try and contain the chaos.

Really? That's what John thinks he should do? Lock down the city?

Now the fire dragon slayer Natsu, the thunder dragon slayer Laxus, the Titania Erza, and the ice-mage Gray were all stuck inside.

Shutting down a city when the wizards are as powerful as these? Not exactly a winning strategy.

Thinking about the destructive capabilities of these mages, you couldn't help but feel a little sorry for John.

Given their power, they could turn the entire city into rubble. So, if John was scared, you couldn't really blame him.

But then again, what kind of plan was that? Blocking these powerful mages from escaping was bound to backfire.

Sahan, one of the lackeys, scoffed, "What an elaborate plan, but don't you think you're a bit too arrogant? You think two people can handle so many of us?"

Everit mocked, "Ikaruga nearly took you all down alone. Stop overestimating yourselves."

"Playing tough, are we? You seem oblivious to the terror our Death's Head Caucus Guild brings. Haven't you heard about my reputation? I'm Poison Hand Sahan, the vice-guild master of the Death's Head Caucus Guild!" Sahan's voice was full of contempt. 

He couldn't believe that Everit would challenge him so casually. He was ready to give him a brutal lesson—a lesson he'd remember even in the afterlife!

As Sahan sneered, a sizzling sound filled the air, like fat frying in a hot iron pan. His hands turned a sickly shade of green, and small bubbles began to form on his skin. It was a grotesque display of his toxic powers—a sight to instill fear in anyone watching.

"Have you ever heard of Fire Dragon Slayer Natsu?" Everit responded without a hint of hesitation.

"What?" Sahan was taken aback, his smug expression dropping.

Before he could process Everit's words, a column of fire erupted, bursting through the wall. Natsu appeared, fire in his eyes, and punched Sahan with all his might.

"You're seeking death! My poison can kill with a single touch!" Sahan shouted, raising his arm to block Natsu's strike.

But Natsu's punch was too powerful. The impact sent Sahan flying, crashing through walls, and landing several meters away with a bone-rattling thud. 

The ground beneath him splintered, creating a massive crater. Sahan was stunned. 

What just happened? How could his deadly poison evaporate so quickly? He glanced at his hands, now burned and blistering.

"Everit, Laxus," Erza called as she and the others arrived on the scene.

"Are we dealing with an enemy?" Gray asked, ready to jump into action.

"Definitely," Everit replied.

"Switch to combat mode!" Erza commanded.

Gray immediately unleashed his "Ice-Make: Lancer!" 

Natsu charged forward with his "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" 

Lucy opened the Taurus Gate, summoning Taurus. 

Juvia used her "Water Whip!"

The guild members didn't hold back. They launched an all-out assault on the Death's Head Caucus mages, quickly overwhelming them. 


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