Chapter 92.2 : A Girl For Him!!

In the evening.

Cana saw Mirajane walking out of the guild and quickly chased after her.

"Mira!" Cana shouted.

"What's wrong, Cana?" Mirajane stopped, waiting for Cana to catch up with her.

Cana came to Mirajane, and they walked side by side.

"Mira, aren't you anxious?" After a moment of silence, Cana couldn't help but say.

"Worried." Mirajane tilted her head slightly, "What?"

"Just Ikaruga," Cana said, "She is very beautiful."

Cana had been observing Mirajane's expression, but the other party's expression was as usual.

Mirajane smiled and said: "She is very beautiful, with a good figure. She is a great beauty, and she is also very strong."

"No. What are you doing?" Looking at Mirajane's calm attitude, Cana felt a bit like the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry, but her relationship with Mirajane and Erza has been their best friends since childhood - just like Natsu and Gray, they have a deep friendship.

After hesitating for a moment, she said: "Everyone said that she might get the moon first by being close to the water."

After saying that, she immediately added: "Don't pretend to be calm. I know very well what kind of person you are. You understand me." 

"I mean!"

Mirajane still smiled and said, "So?"

"Aren't you worried?"

"Why worry?" Mirajane asked.

"." Cana was silent.

"Cana." Mirajane said, "What do you think of Everit? The kind of opinion that comes from the heart."

"More or less," Cana mused, her words carefully chosen. "I can't help but envy him. He never seems to be weighed down by inner turmoil. He faces challenges head-on, effortlessly finding solutions. It's as if nothing can faze him. His unwavering resolve and self-sufficiency are admirable. He exudes a sense of contentment and confidence, making it seem like he'll effortlessly sail through life."

"He always stays on the right track—"

"Because he's intelligent and powerful, a true embodiment of strength in every aspect."

"And he's easily content, finding satisfaction in simplicity. It's like he's destined for a life of ease."

"In short, he's someone to envy."

"Exactly," Mirajane agreed, her expression thoughtful. "Perhaps..."

Cana nodded in understanding.

"Many possess such qualities," Mirajane continued, her smile warm. "Except for Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Laxus."

"Why?" Cana questioned, puzzled.

"Because they possess the same strength and determination as Everit. Even though Laxus may have faltered in the past, he's still Laxus. They..." Mirajane paused, reflecting. "They each embody their own unique strength."

"This conversation seems like out of topic," Cana remarked.

Mirajane's words sparked a flicker of insight within Cana, but she struggled to see the relevance to their conversation.

"Everyone has their own allure, and those with strong spirits tend to attract more attention. Everit is the epitome of this. He's—" Mirajane's lips curved into a knowing smile. "Quite the charmer, despite being quite the trickster."

"It does seem that way," Cana conceded with a nod.

"Ikaruga," Mirajane mentioned, "holds him in higher esteem than you do."

"Respect and Admiration. This is how Ikaruga perceive Everit."

"What else is there for me to fret over?"

"Hmm?" Cana furrowed her brow, puzzled by Mirajane's statement.

"Yearning is the most inscrutable of emotions," Mirajane elaborated. "If Everit remains oblivious to his own appeal, he'll continue to be seen as a good catch—a charming, dashing young man who ticks all the boxes for many girls."

"Intelligent, youthful, handsome, affluent, and of noble birth."

"With no vices, pleasant temperament, a penchant for teasing, and a silver tongue, yet never leading girls astray or playing with their feelings." Mirajane's tone softened. "He's a paragon of innocence."

"Strong, yet neither arrogant nor impetuous, and not excessively chasing after fame and fortune."

"Though a bit clumsy in matters of the heart, he's sensitive to others' emotions and empathetic. He can discern people's needs without overindulging in concern." 

"While our ideologies may differ, he's inherently good-natured. He's kind to ordinary folk, adept at caring for children, and exceedingly nurturing." 

"He is very caring but he enjoys mischief," Cana remarked, "This makes me want to kick him."

"Yes, in summary -" Mirajane chimed in, "Everit isn't lacking in admirers."

Mirajane gazed into the distance, her tone calm: "Ikaruga isn't anything special."

"But he's still just a boy. If they're together day and night..."

"Ah, the price of fruit has dropped today."

Cana intended to say more, but Mirajane dashed towards a fruit stand. After joyfully inquiring about prices, she began selecting fruits.

"Never mind," Cana sighed, "As long as you're certain."

Shaking her head, she departed.

Mirajane then rose, stealing a glance at Cana's retreating figure before resuming her fruit selection.

[Cana. Even if it were you, I wouldn't disclose it.]

[A grand magician stands upon the stage, confronting myriad gazes: curiosity, astonishment, longing, inquiry, shock, reverence, adulation, enchantment. Immature individuals may falter, but Everit does not succumb.

Yet he's not fully mature either. A time will come when he truly matures. Then, amidst countless stares, he'll discern a unique, special gaze - one filled with concern.

That gaze will ultimately touch the magician's heart, drawing him away from the stage.]

Mirajane chose her fruits, paid, hoisted the bag, and briskly made her way home, wearing a relaxed, gentle smile.

"Yes, three kilograms!" Everit's voice echoed ahead, quite audible.

Mirajane maintained her pace, not hastening her steps.

"Miss Mirajane!" Drawing nearer, Everit spotted Mirajane approaching. Hastening over, she inquired casually, "Miss Mirajane, did you purchase some fruits?"

"Yes..." Mirajane smiled and nodded.

She glanced at the man before her - clutching a three-pound fish, his demeanor feigned composure yet tinged with pride and eagerness he couldn't quite conceal.

She glanced at Everit's expression. Mirajane smiled even wider, yet she refrained from initiating conversation.

"Master, wait for us." Emily and Ikaruga caught up from behind, the latter unable to suppress his grin.

Natsu, Gray, and the others were nowhere to be seen.

Mirajane pondered for a moment and pieced it together -

Everit must've concocted some excuse to slip away as soon as he snagged a fish.

And the rationale behind it?

Natsu and Gray, particularly Happy, were bound to reel in quite the catch.

Thus, Everit wouldn't be returning to town with them. He'd undoubtedly make his exit as soon as he catch something.

Natsu and Gray weren't the types to flaunt their fishing haul.

Only Everit would meander into town lugging a fish. After all, snaring one wasn't a walk in the park, especially one as sizable as this - a hefty three-pounder.

"Miss Mirajane." Ikaruga and Emily greeted Mirajane.

"Hello," Mirajane returned the greeting.

"Hmm -" Everit emitted a faint sound. He fixed his gaze on Mirajane and raised the hand cradling the fish ever so slightly.

Mirajane offered a smile in response.

"Well, Miss Mirajane." Everit began, "The fruit you're carrying seems quite heavy. It visually tips the scales at three kilograms."

"No," Mirajane replied with a smile, cutting him off before he could proceed. 

Everit was about to speak, but he refrained from speaking, intending to await her approval before continuing, "Three kilograms, equivalent to the weight of my fish. You see, this is the fruit of my labor (Several paragraphs of thrilling description are omitted here)."

"Well," Everit paused momentarily, then remarked, "The fruit is rather delectable, isn't it?"

"It's scrumptious!" came the response.

This way, I can assert that my fish is exceptionally fresh, and the river's bounty is equally delightful!

"I wouldn't know," Mirajane shook her head, smiling. "I just bought it because it was on sale."

"..." Everit fell silent for a few beats.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be heading back first, Mr. Everit," Mirajane said.

"Wait!" Everit promptly seized Mirajane's wrist.

"What is it?" Mirajane regarded him quizzically.

"Um, by the way, have you seen my cane in my right hand?" Everit lifted the fish in his hand - the hand that usually gripped his cane was now empty.

"It would be a shame if you lost your cane, but don't fret too much; you can always buy another one," Mirajane quipped with a smile.

"Mira." Everit's voice grew noticeably deeper as he voiced his dissatisfaction, "You're being wicked."

Mirajane's smile widened even further, and finally, she uttered what Everit longed to hear, in an exaggerated tone, "Wow, this fish is massive! It must've been quite the feat to catch, Mr. Everit."

"Yes, three kilograms!" Everit exclaimed with sudden excitement, pulling Mirajane into a lengthy conversation." 

Emily listened for a moment before remarking, "Is it truly that exhilarating? It seems the Master mentioned it was even more thrilling than his past battles."

"Yes," Ikaruga agreed, puzzled by Everit's typically composed demeanor during previous encounters. "Why such excitement over fishing for a mere fish? It's as if you've become a different person."

Ikaruga glanced at Mirajane, who responded with feigned astonishment, "Truly? How remarkable!" she exclaimed, her hand covering her mouth.

"Absolutely. Let me tell you about it," Everit continued with his lengthy discourse.


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