Chapter 107.1 : Welcome Back, Everit!!

"Where does this power come from?" Zero felt surprised and reached out to resist.


Suddenly, a man appeared from the side and punched him in the face.

It was Gray.

The punch didn't carry much force, but it was incredibly insulting. Gray looked at Zero, weary but resolute, and said, "Because we are Fairy Tail!"


Erza also rushed over, grabbing Zero's arm, and declared, "We will never abandon any family member, even if it means sacrificing our lives!"

"This is what home means!" Happy ran up and bit Zero's ear.

"Natsu!!!" Lucy hugged Zero's legs.


Zero tried to break free, but everyone used their last bit of strength to completely restrain his arms—unless Zero could muster the strength to tear through the muscles and bones of several people at once, he couldn't escape!


Natsu's punch landed hard on Zero's face.


Zero was sent flying, and everyone released their grip.

Natsu stepped forward and roared, "If you want to defeat the dragon, a weak human must have a will stronger than the dragon!"

"If you want to defeat a powerful foe, you must have the courage to face death!"

"It is my will to reclaim Everit!"

"The dragon-slaying magic my father Igneel taught me is my courage!"

"The old master said that courage and willpower can create miracles!"

"I already know the truth of everything. This is all a scheme by that guy!"


"I understand, this is the miracle that guy is hoping for!"

"In that case—"

"Watch closely, Everit. I will always stand in front of you and shatter all your worries!"


A mixture of purple and orange flames ignited in Natsu's hand!

Erza and the others stared in awe. Is that magic power... Everit?!!

"Dragon Slayer Secret Technique——"

"Miracle Fire-type——"

"Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!"


Natsu's magic power surged, forming a long sword, and he charged toward Zero.

No, no, no, no!

Zero didn't raise his hand to cast a spell, but as soon as his magic collided with Natsu's, he was overwhelmed by a flood of emotions—timidity, fear, panic, and despair.

This is the effect of Everit's magic!

Zero's incomplete spell was instantly shattered by Natsu's wild magic.

So that's how it is. Zero finally came to his senses.


Natsu delivered a powerful punch to Zero's chest, causing Zero's figure to dissolve into Natsu's magic.

A long sword drove forcefully into the massive magic crystal, shattering it instantly.


Zero was hurled against the ceiling by Natsu.

The flames then dissipated, and Natsu fell back down.

"Natsu!" Happy flew over, attempting to catch him, but ended up being dragged down instead.


Erza and Gray rushed over, followed closely by Lucy, who leapt into the fray.


Natsu first knocked Lucy down, then pinned Gray, and finally, Erza was the last one to be tackled.


Natsu suddenly burst into laughter.

Everyone joined in, laughing heartily.

This is Fairy Tail.

Carla, standing beside them, widened her eyes in amazement. Such a guild is truly... enviable and desirable.

Natsu rolled to the side, followed by Lucy, and then Gray.

Everyone lay down in a row, rested for a while, and regained some strength.

"Hurry up! I don't know how much time has passed. Get up quickly and destroy the magic crystal to stop Nirvana!" Carla suddenly remembered that the situation was not yet resolved.

"No, it's too late, Carla," Gray said.

"What are you talking about?" Carla was confused. "We need to destroy the magic crystal and stop Nirvana before it's too late."

"It's not necessary anymore. Or rather, it shouldn't have been necessary from the start," Natsu explained.

"Huh?" Carla was puzzled.

"Everit deceived everyone," Erza said with a strange expression.

"Yeah, that guy has the same old issues," Gray agreed.

"Everit, you jerk! If you don't show yourself, I won't go fishing with you," Happy said.



At the entrance of the passage, Everit appeared, holding Wendy's hand.

Everit's face was calm, but Wendy looked at him with a strange expression.

Just moments ago, Everit, who had been claiming he was waiting for his companions to rescue him, had finished eating hot pot, wiped his mouth, packed up everything, cut through the prison door and barrier with a sword, and walked out with Wendy in tow.

She had been worried about a fierce battle and had prepared for it, knowing that Mr. Everit was a wise strategist and assistant. He had once broken into the lair of the Oración Seis to rescue her and must have exerted himself to get captured. She assumed he would be low on magic power now.

However, all the guards along the way had mysteriously disappeared.

Was everything a lie?

Wendy suddenly felt a chill—was this an illusion?

"Wendy? Everit?" Carla was shocked. She rushed over, grabbed Wendy's hand, and pulled her aside, making Wendy let go of Everit's hand. She scolded, "Don't hold a boy's hand so casually!"

"Ah," Wendy blushed slightly and said, "But Mr. Everit isn't a bad person."

"Even if he's not a bad person, you're still not allowed to do that!" Carla's tone was very strict.

"Got it." Wendy nodded indifferently.

"But," Carla asked with curiosity, "why did you come out? Isn't there a barrier?"

"It was cut through by Mr. Everit with a single sword," Wendy said, her expression complex.

Everit approached everyone.

"Everit, you bastard," Natsu started to speak but was at a loss for words.

In reality, everyone had just realized that Everit was never truly trapped.

The reason was simple.

When Natsu finally defeated Zero, the magic power he unleashed contained fluctuations from Everit's magic.

Although Everit's magic is imperceptible when using deception magic, other aspects, such as when using Tier and Haven, show fluctuations in magic power.

Of course, everyone would notice.

Especially the punch Natsu landed on Zero. After Zero came into contact with Natsu's magic, all sorts of negative emotions instantly surfaced. This was certainly not an effect produced by Natsu's magic alone; only Everit could achieve such a result.

So, if Everit's magic power can influence the external world, who could possibly trap him?

This brings to mind that Everit has a skill capable of making people fall to their knees in an instant—even Laxus can't withstand it. Therefore, if he really wanted to figure things out after such a long time, he must have been prepared to take down the Oración Seis in an instant.

So, considering this result and Everit's usual character, even Natsu was eager to learn the truth.

"You're such a jerk..." Gray stood up, raised his fist, and finally tapped Everit's chest lightly.

Natsu also stood up and grinned at Everit, showing his big teeth: "But welcome back, Everit."

"Yeah," Everit smiled faintly.